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The Riso National Laboratory in Roskilde Denmark has compiled a comprehensive data base of unclassified information about the dietary intake of radionuclides. In providing the following summary of Riso reports, RADNET would like to acknowledge and thank Asker Aarkrog and fellow researchers at the Riso Laboratory who collected this data. The following summary of Riso tabulations selects sea vegetables, milk, fish, tea and meat/eggs as well as total annual dietary intake for the radionuclide cesium 137 as an indicator of radioactive contamination from man-made sources. The Chernobyl accident and the high levels of contamination that resulted in locations outside Denmark illustrate the importance of the Riso database. In reviewing the following summary, the reader is urged to remember that Denmark escaped most of the impact of the Chernobyl accident, having received 1,210 Bq137Cs m2. In comparison, Chernobyl fallout in England and Wales reached levels exceeding 60,000 Bq 137Cs m2, in Sweden 100,000 Bq 137Cs m2 in scattered locations, and, in some areas downwind from Chernobyl in Byelorussia, contamination levels were measured in the hundreds of millions of Bq 137Cs m2. In the following summary, all data are averages unless followed by pv, meaning the peak value (peak concentrations) among a number of samples.
All data in Bq/yr. or Bq/kg and are mean values unless noted as peak values (pv). 
Location/yr. Dietary Intake/yr. Sea* Vegetables Milk and Cream Fish Coffee/Tea Meat
Greenland/1981 531.75 0.61 0.134 0.46 2.21 9.13
Faroes Is./1981 2,520.7 1.29 3.86 0.34 2.21 48.6
Denmark/1981 160.06 1.79 pv 0.134 5.70 2.21 0.36
Denmark/1982 153.55 15.6 pv 0.105 4.2 6.50 pv 0.38
Greenland/1982 651.66 3.1 1.05 0.28 2.53 11.16
Faroes Is./1982 1,887.8 3.33 0.26 2.53 24.6
Denmark/1983 103.24 11.6 pv 0.076 4.0 2.53 0.28
Greenland/1983 593.88 0.076 0.28 2.53 11.4
Faroes Is./1983 1,749.7 3.24 0.25 2.53 3.33
Denmark/1984 84.90 12.9 pv 0.085 14.5 pv 1.53 0.18
Greenland/1984 625.32 1.16 0.085 0.28 1.53 12.3
Faroes Is./1984 1,560.7 1.16 3.10 0.29 1.53 19.57
Denmark/1985 83.58 22 pv 0.076 3.15 1.53 0.25
Greenland/1985 856.06 1.56 pv 0.076 0.39 1.53 17.00
Faroes Is./1985 985.9 0.78 pv 1.82 0.29 1.53 11.34
Denmark/1986 483.57 33 pv 1.062 8.1 pv 1.29 1.16
Denmark/1987 571.54 18.1 pv 0.60 4.7 1.29 2.53
Greenland/1987 826.89 0.60 0.55 1.23 5.6
Faroes Is./1987 3,508.01 2.16 pv 5.85 0.63 1.29 53.8
Denmark/1988 153.44 60 pv 0.28 3.6 0.82 0.72
Faroes Is./1988 2,120.5 0.78 pv 2.77 0.44 7.3 24.1
Denmark/1989 171.14 21.4 pv 1.78 6.6 0.819 0.728
Faroes Is./1989 1,792.8 0.84 pv 1.89 0.36 7.3 22.6
Denmark/1990 177.62 25.0 pv 1.25 5.8 0.44 1.28
Greenland/1990 329.02 0.125 0.22 0.44 3.9
Faroes Is./1990 817.6 0.56 pv 1.61 0.23 0.44 6.64
Denmark/1991 146.73 26.0 pv 0.092 7.7 0.44 0.47
Greenland/1991 479.10 0.092 0.27 0.44 5.9
Faroes Is./1991 1196.9 1.36 pv 1.28 0.18 0.44 16.6

*dry weight

Several observations can be made about the data collected by the Riso National Laboratory. The yearly dietary intake of 137Cs and its presence in the sea vegetables and market basket items cited in this chart vary widely, both before and after the Chernobyl accident. The Riso data document a modest increase in the dietary intake of cesium-137 in and after 1986. The question arises as to whether an expanded survey including imported and processed foods in Denmark after 1986 would document an even larger increase of Chernobyl-derived radiocesium similar to that documented by the FDA in the U.S.A. (See FDA peak pulse analysis at the end of this section). A yearly intake of 571.54 Bq of cesium-137 in Denmark in 1987 supports the argument that Denmark escaped the impact of the Chernobyl accident. The consistently low contamination levels in Danish tea and coffee help illustrate the significance of reports in RAD 10: Chernobyl Annotated Bibliography of Chernobyl-derived radiocesium in Turkish tea in the tens of thousands of becquerels per kilogram of brewed tea, to mention one example of the many citations of high levels of contamination in pathways to human consumption which resulted from the Chernobyl accident.

The following data has also been extrapolated from the Riso Reports and complements the dietary intake data cited above.

*The following data express peak values unless otherwise noted.
1969-70 Greenland Fucus vesiculosis 137Cs 35.6 Bq/kg
1969-70 Greenland Fucus vesiculosis 239Pu 8.40 Bq/kg

1981 Greenland Reindeer meat 137Cs 102 Bq/kg
1981 Greenland Lamb 137Cs 118 Bq/kg
1981 Greenland Moss 137Cs 242 Bq/kg
1982  Denmark Brown algae 239Pu 0.176 Bq/kg
1982 Sellafield facility vicinity Fucus vesiculosis 137Cs 3 km: 2,600 Bq/kg
1982 Sellafield facility vicinity Fucus vesiculosis 137Cs 23 km: 1,410 Bq/kg
1982 Sellafield facility vicinity Fucus vesiculosis 137Cs 1050 km: 20.5 Bq/kg
1982 Greenland Moss 239Pu 60 Bq/kg
1982 Greenland Mytilus edulus 239Pu 0.64 Bq/kg
1983 Denmark Mytilus edulus 137Cs 5.1 Bq/kg
1984 Thule, Greenland Sediment 239Pu 43.5 Bq/kg
1984 Greenland Seals 137Cs 300 Bq/kg
1984 Greenland Reindeer 137Cs 229 Bq/kg
1987 Greenland Lichens 137Cs 5,800 Bq/kg
1989 Denmark Mushrooms 137Cs 950 Bq/kg
1989 Denmark Mushrooms 134Cs 76 Bq/kg

The Riso reports cited in this section are: Riso R--470, 471, 487, 488, 489, 509, 510, 527, 528, 540, 549, 563, 564, 570, 571(EN), R-621(EN).

These summaries of data represent a pre-Chernobyl baseline for the dietary intake of radiocesium and provide a reference for the evaluation of the Chernobyl accident and its impact outside of Denmark.

Following is a sampling of the many thousands of articles on body burdens of weapons tests fallout nuclides. For more citations on the impact of the Chernobyl accident, see RAD 10. This particular section of RADNET is cited in the order of the date of publication.

Liden, K. (1961). Cesium-137 burdens in Swedish Laplanders and reindeer. Acta Radiol., 56, 365-390.

Cohn, S.H., Spencer, H., Samachson, J., Fedlstein, A., Gusmano, E. (1962). Influence of dietary stable strontium and calcium on the turnover of bone-fixed 85Sr in man. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 110, 526-528.

Hanson, W.C., Palmer, H.E., Griffin, B.I. (1964). Radioactivity in northern Alaskan Eskimos and their foods, summer 1962. Health Phys., 10, 421-429.

Naversten, J. and Liden, K. (1964). Half-life studies of radiocesium in humans. Assessment of Radioactivity in Man. (Report No. STI/PUB/84). Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Melandri, C. and Rimondi, O. (1964). In vivo measurement of 137Cs with a human body counter. Assessment of Radioactivity in Man. (Report NO. STI/PUB/84). Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Rundo, J. (1964). A survey of the metabolism of cesium in man. Br. J. Radiol., 37, 108-14.

Ramsaev, P.V., Shamov, V.P., Troizkaj, M.N., Lebedev, O.V., Ibatulin, M.S. (1965). Indirect assessment of total body burden of 137Cs in people. Medizinskaj Radiol, 6, 22-28.

Magno, P.J., Kauffman, P.E. and Shleien, B. (1967). Plutonium in environmental and biological media. Health Physics, 13, 1325-1330.
1965 Winchester, MA human liver 239Pu 2.52 pCi/kg
1965 Winchester, MA human lung 239Pu 1.13 pCi/kg

Boni, A.L. (1969). Variations in the retention and excretion of 137Cs with age and sex. Nature, 222, 1188-9.

Karches, G.J., Wheeler, J.K., Helgeson, G.L. and Kahn, B. (1969). Cesium-137 body burdens and biological half-life in children at Tampa, Florida and Lake Bluff, Illinois. Health Physics, 16, 301-313.
October 1966 Tampa, Fl Total Body Burdens - children 137Cs 7.7 nCi TBB (240 Bq)
October 1966 Lake Bluff, Ill TBB- children 137Cs 3.4 nCi TBB (126 Bq)

Lloyd, D.R. Pendleton, R.C., Clark, D.O., Mays, C.W. and Goates, G.B. (1973). Cesium-137 in humans: A relationship to milk 137Cs content. Health Phys., 24, 23-36.

Lloyd, D.R. (1973). Cesium half-times in humans. Health Phys., 25, 605-10.

Moghissi, A.A. and Mayes, M.G. (1973). Radiobioassay program of the institutional total diet sampling network III. Cesium -137 dose estimates and body burdens of children. Radiation Data and Reports, 14, 4, 233-236.

Shukla, K.K., Dombrowski, C.S. and Cohn, S.H. (1973). Fallout 137Cs levels in man over a 12 year period. Health Phys., 24,5, 555-7.

Lewis, J.T., Gossman, L.W., Kereiakes, J.G. and Saenger, E.L. (1976). Cesium-137 body burdens and half-life in a group of adult males in Cincinnati, Ohio. Health Phys., 30, 315-8.

Newton, D., Eagle, M.C. and Venn, J.B. (1977). The Cesium-137 content of man related to fallout in rain, 1957-76. Int. J. Environ. Stud., 11, 2, 83-90.

Glowiak, B.J., Pacyna, J. and Palczynski, R.J. (1977). Strontium-90 and caesium-137 contents in human teeth. Environ. Pollut., 14, 101-111.

Thomas, R.G., Anderson, E.C. and Richmond, C.R. (1979). 137Cs Whole-body content in a normal New Mexico population: 1956-1977. Health Phys., 37, 588-91.

Fisenne, I., Cohen, N., Neton, J., Perry, J. (1980). Fallout plutonium in human tissues from New York City. Radiation Research, 83, 162-168.

Szabo, A.S. (1980). Method for the theoretical determination of the biological half-lives of 137Cs and 90Sr in man, on the basis of K and Ca metabolism. Radiochem. Radioanal. Letters, 43, 4, 193-202.

Klusek, C.S. (1984). Environmental Measurements Laboratory: Strontium-90 in human bone in the U.S., 1982. EML-435. Department of Energy, New York, NY.

Gjertsen, L., Lind, B. and Westerlund, E.A. (1984). 137Cs in Norwegian Lapps. (Report No. SIS-1984:6). Oslo, Norway: Statens Inst. for Straalehygiene. Schwarz, G. and Dunning, D.E., Jr. (1986). Indecision in estimates of dose from ingested 137Cs due to variability in human biological characteristics. Health Phys., 43, 631-45.

Westerlund, E.A., Berthelsen, T. and Berteig, L. (1987). Cesium-137 body burdens in Norwegian Lapps, 1965-1983. Health Phys., 52, 171-7.

Gallelli, G., Orlando, P., Perdelli, F., De Flora, S., Malcontenti, R. and Bianchini, L. (1989). Assessment from autopsy sources of the internal dose due to 137Cs and 134Cs from the Chernobyl accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 9, 131-143.

Clemente. G.F., Mariani, A.& Santaroni, G.P. (1990). Sex differences in Cs-metabolism in man. Health Phys,. 23, 394-5.
June 1986 -June 1987 Genoa, Italy Total Body Burden: Males 137Cs 1245 Bq TBB
June 1986-June 1987 Genoa, Italy Total Body Burden: Females 137Cs 1017 Bq TBB

Gregory, J., Foster, K., Tyler, H. and Wiseman, M. (1990). Dietary and nutritional survey of British adults in 1986-87. HMSO, London.

Hoshi, M. et. al. (1994). 137Cs concentration among children in areas contaminated with radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident: Mogilev and Gomel Oblasts, Belarus. Health Physics. 67(3). pp. 272-275.


Between May 5, 1986 and December 22, 1988, the FDA tested 1,749 samples of imported foods for levels of Chernobyl-derived radioactive contamination. From analysis of the results, it appears that the peak levels of Chernobyl-derived radiocesium in imported foods occurred approximately one year after the Chernobyl accident. Peak values are summarized below for the eight month period between February 1 and October 4, 1987 and for the five month period between February 5 and June 25, 1987, when contamination levels were highest.

Feb. 1 - Oct. 4, 1987
Total number of FDA samples of imported foods: 411
Number of samples with elevated levels of Cs-137:
183 samples with levels over 100 pCi/kg (44% of samples)
85 samples with levels over 1000 pCi/kg (20%)
19 samples with levels over 5000 pCi/kg (approx. 5%)
Feb. 5 - Jun. 25, 1987
Total number of FDA samples of imported foods: 161
Number of samples with elevated levels of Cs-137:
83 samples with levels over 100 pCi/kg (more than 50% of samples)
48 samples with levels over 1000 pCi/kg (almost 30% of samples)
11 samples with levels over 5000 pCi/kg (approx. 7%)

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