Hermon Chapin
New Hartford and Pine Meadow, Connecticut
Tool Types
Wood Planes
Directory of American Toolmakers Information
Hermon Chapin was associated with a number of other Chapins in the toolmaking industry of his time. He began as a part of Copeland-Chapin from 1826-1828, was the brother of Nathaniel Chapin and father to Edward M., George W., and Philip E. Chapman who succeeded him as H Chapin & Sons in 1860. Out of this line sprung H. Chapin's Sons, H. Chapin's Son, and H. Chapin's Son & Co. Planes marked "Baltimore" were sold to his brother Philip (in Baltimore) but were probably not manufactured there. Pine Meadow is an historic district within New Haven.
Identifying Marks
General Information
See Chapin-Stevens Co.
Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early American Industries Association.
Roberts, Kenneth D. (1978). Wooden planes in 19th
century America, volume II: Planemaking by the Chapins at Union Factory,
1826 - 1929. Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH.
Chapin, Hermon. (1853). Cataloque and invoice prices of rules, planes, gauges, &c. manufactured by Hermon Chapin. Union Factory, Pine Meadow, Conn. Reprinted in 1976 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS(2).