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Astragal Press. (n.d.). Books on early tools, trades and technology. PO Box 239, Mendham, NJ 07945-0239. www.astragalpress.com. astragalpress@attglobal.net. IS.
Babcock & Wilcox Company. (1923). Steam; its generation and use. Bartlett Orr Press, New York, NY.
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Barlow, Ronald S. (1991). The antique tool collector's guide to value. Third edition. Windmill Publishing Company, El Cajon, CA 92020. IS.
Batory, Dana M. (1997). Vintage woodworking machinery: An illustrated guide to four manufacturers. Vol 1. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Batory, Dana M. (2004). Vintage woodworking machinery. Vol. 2. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Bettesworth, A. and Hitch, C. (1981). The builder's dictionary; or, gentleman and architect's companion, Vol. I. The Association for Preservation Technology, Ottawa, Canada.
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Blackburn, Graham. (1974). The illustrated encyclopedia of woodworking handtools, instruments & devices. Simon and Schuster, NY, NY. IS.
Blanchard, Clarence. (2006). A trip to the D’Elia. Fine Tool Journal. 56(1). pg. 10. IS.
Blanchard, Clarence. (2006). The Stanley little big book: A comprehensive pocket price guide for planes: 2006. Antique & Collectible Tools Inc., 27 Fickett Rd, Pownal, ME 04069. IS.
Blanchard, Clarence. (2008). The Stanley little big book: A comprehensive pocket price guide for rules, levels, & other Stanley tools: 2007-2008. Antique & Collectible Tools Inc., 27 Fickett Rd, Pownal, ME 04069. IS.
Blase, Francis Jr. (1984). Heebner & Sons, pioneers of farm machinery in America. Hatfield Publishing Company, Hatfield, PA. IS.
Bureau of Naval Personnel. (1963). Basic hand tools. Navy Training Course NAVPERS 10085-A. United States Navy. IS.
Burke, James. (1978). Connections. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA.
Carbon and Alloy Steels Committee. (2005). New steel designation system for wrought or rolled steel. J402_200507. SAE International Standards, Warrendale, PA.
Carr, Ronald, Smith, Charles and Stubbs, Graham. (2007). Vintage blowtorches: An identification and rarity guide. The Blow Torch Collectors Association, Las Vegas, NV. IS.
Colvin, Fred H. and Stanley, Frank A. (1926). American machinists' handbook and dictionary of shop terms: A reference book of machine shop and drawing room data, methods and definitions. Fourth Edition.McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, NY. IS.
Commissioner of Patents. (1859). Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1859: Arts and manufactures. George W. Bowman, Washington D.C. IS.
Cope, Kenneth L. (1993). American machinist's tools: An illustrated directory of patents. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Cope, Kenneth L. (2001). American foot power & hand power machinery. M.J. Donnelly Antique Tools, Avoca, NY. IS.
Cope, Kenneth L. (2001). American lathe builders: 1810 - 1910. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Cope, Kenneth L. (2002). American wrench makers 1830-1930. 2nd edition. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Cope, Kenneth L. (2002). American planer, shaper and slotter builders. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ.
Cope, Kenneth L. (2003). American cooperage machinery and tools. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ.
D'Allemagne, Henry Rene. (1968). Decorative antique ironwork - a pictoral treasury. Dover Publications, NY, NY.
Davidson, Marshall B. (1975). Early American tools. Olivetti, Verona, Italy. IS.
D'Elia, Andrew. (2010). American wood & metal planes from the collection of the D'Elia Antique Tool Museum. D'Elia Antique Tool Museum, Scotland, CT. IS(2).
Diagram Group, The. (1981). Handtools of arts and crafts: The encyclopedia of the fine, decorative and applied arts. St. Martin's Press, NY, NY. IS.
Donnelly, Martin J., Antique Tools. The catalogue of antique tools: The world's premier antique hand tool value guide. Martin J. Donnelly Antique Tools, PO Box 281, Bath, New York. (800) 869-0695. IS. www.mjdtools.com.
Early Trades and Crafts Society. (1972). A tool collector’s picture book. Unpublished, prepared for the Sept. 26, 1972 meeting of the Early Trades and Crafts Society. IS.
Early Trades and Crafts Society. (1989). A tool collector’s picture book. Unpublished, prepared for the Feb. 1989 meeting of the Early Trades & Crafts Society. IS.
Evans, Oliver. (1850). The young mill-wright and miller's guide. 13th Ed. Lea & Blanchard, Philadelphia, PA. Reprinted by Arno Press, New York, NY.
Feintuch, Burt and Watters, David H., Eds. (2005). The Encyclopedia of New England. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT and London. IS.
Ferguson, Eugene S. (1968). Bibliography of the history of technology. Society for the History of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Feyerabend, Sigmund. (1568). Eygentliche beschreibung aller stande auff erden. Frankfurt am Main. Reprinted in 1973 as The book of trades. Amman, Jost and Sachs, Hans, trans. Dover Publications, Inc., NY. IS.
Gandenberger, Gil and Gandenberger, Mary. (1983). Cincinnati plane, edgetool makers and dealers 1819 - 1851. Ohio Tool Collectors Association, Cincinnati, OH. IS.
Garrett Wade Company. (2001). Tools, a complete illustrated encyclopedia. The Garrett Wade Co., Inc., NY, NY. IS.
Goodman, W.L. (1968). British planemakers from 1700. Third Edition enlarged and revised by Jane & Mark Rees, published by Roy Arnold in 1993, Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Guthrie, H., Ed. (1970). Yesterday's encyclopedia of E.A. trades: The panorama or professions and trades; or every man's book. Century House, Watkins Glen, NY. Original by Edward Hazen. 1837. Uriah Hunt, Philadelphia, PA. IS.
Hack, Garrett. (1999). Classic hand tools. Taunton Press, Newtown, CT.
Hall, Elton W. (2006). The D’Elia antique tool museum in Scotland, Connecticut. The Chronicle. 59(1). pg. 7. IS.
Hay, Richard E. (1981). Directory of Baltimore plane and edge tool makers - 1796 to 1900 with information of other Maryland, D.C., and Virginia plane marks of the era. Self-published. IS.
Henderson, John Goulding and Bates, Jack M. (1953). Metallurgical dictionary. Reinhold, New York, NY.
Heuring, Jerry and Heuring, Elaine. (1990). E.C. Simmons Keen Kutter collectibles: An illustrated price guide. Second edition. Collector Books, P. O. Box 3009, Paducah, KY 42001. IS.
Houghton, William M. (1971). Selected topics of rural historical interest and explanatory drawings. Madison County Historical Society, Morrisville, NY. IS.
Hume, Ivor Noel. (1969). A guide to artifacts of colonial America. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., NY, NY. IS.
Hume, Ivor Noel. (2001). If these pots could talk: Collecting 2,000 years of British household pottery. Chipstone Foundation, Milwaukee, WI.
Husfloen, Kyle, Ed. Blanchard, Clarence, contributing Ed. (2003). Antique Trader: Tools price guide: Tools from the 1700s through the 20th century. Krause Publications, Iola, WI. IS.
Johnson, Jacob. (1800-1807). The book of trades, or library of the useful arts. Parts I, II, and III. Whitehall, Philadelphia, PA.
Kean, Herbert P. (2002). Tool tales. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ.
Kean, Herbert P. and Pollak, Emil S. (1990). Collecting antique tools. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Kemp, Peter. (1976). The Oxford companion to ships and the sea. Oxford University Press, London.
Kijowski, Gene W. (1990). Directory of American tool makers: Colonial times to 1899: Working draft edition. The Early American Industries Association. IS.
Klenman, Allen. (1990). Axe makers of North America. Whistle Punk Books, Currie's Forestgraphics Ltd., Victoria, B.C. IS.
Kling, Peter M. (1906). Why a boy should learn a trade. Press of Percy F. Smith, Pittsburgh, PA. IS.
Knight, Charles. (1845). The pictorial gallery of arts: Useful arts. C. Knight and Co., London, UK.
Knight, Edward H. (undated c. 1875). The practical dictionary of mechanics: being a description of tools, instruments, machines, processes, and engineering; history of inventions; general technological vocabulary; and digest of mechanical appliances in science and the arts. 4 vols. Cassell Petter & Galpin, London. IS.
Larson, Lars and Blanchard, Clarence. (2001). Patented American planes for wood, leather, and the allied trades, 1795-1934. Vol 1 - 3. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. Vol 1 IS.
Levine, Bernard. (1985). Levine's guide to knives and their values. DBI Books, Northbrook, IL. W.
Lloyd, Supplee & Walton. (1869). Illustrated catalogue and price list of English, German and American hardware. Lloyd, Supplee & Walton, Philadelphia, PA. IS.
Martin, Richard A. (1977). The wooden plane. Early American Industries Association, South Burlington, VT. IS.
McCreight, Tim. (1997). Jewelry: Fundamentals of metalsmithing. Hand Books Press, Rockport, MA. IS.
McCreight, Tim. (2004). Complete metalsmith. Brynmorgen Press, Inc., Portland, ME. IS.
Monhagen Saw Works. (1860). Wheeller, Madden & Bakewell’s illustrated price list of patent ground circular, mill, cross-cut, hand, and rip saws. Reprinted by Early American Industries Association, South Burlington, VT, 1976. IS.
Moore, R. (1888). The universal assistant, and complete mechanic, containing over one million industrial facts, calculations, receipts, processes, trade secrets, rules, business forms, legal items, etc., in every occupation, from the household to the manufactory. J. S. Ogilvie, NY, NY. IS.
Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early American Industries Association.
Neumann, George C. and Kravic, Frank J. (1997). Collector's illustrated encyclopedia of the American Revolution. Scurlock Publishing Co., Texarkana, Texas. IS.
Noel-Hume, Ivor. (1972). A guide to artifacts of colonial America. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY.
Overstreet, Robert M. (2003). Official Overstreet identification and price guide to Indian arrowheads: The ultimate reference to United States point types. Eighth edition. House of Collectibles, NY, NY. IS.
Parker, John Henry. (1896). A concise glossary of architectural terms. James Parker & Co., Oxford. Reprinted in 1992 by Studio Editions, London. IS.
Pearson, Ronald W. (1994). The American patented brace 1829-1924: An illustrated directory of patents. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Peterson, Harold. (1956). Arms & armor in colonial America 1526 - 1763. Bramhall House, NY. W.
Peterson, Harold L. (1958). American knives: The first history and collectors' guide. C. Scribner's Sons, New York, NY. W.
Pollak, Emil and Pollak, Martyl. (1994). A guide to the makers of American wooden planes, third edition. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Proudfoot, Christopher and Walker, Philip. (1984). Christie's collectors guides; woodworking tools. Phaidon, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Price, James E. (1992). A sourcebook of United States patents for bitstock tools and the machines that made them. Published by the author, Naylor, MO. IS.
Rees, J. and Hall, Elton. ([1810] 2006). A pattern book of tools and household goods. Early American Industries Association in cooperation with the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA. Reprint of Pattern book of articles manufactured by W. & C. Wynn, Birmingham. Printed by J. Belcher and Son, Birmingham, UK. Includes the separate pamphlet List of prices.
Rees, Jane and Rees, Mark. (1999). Tools: A guide for collectors. 2nd Edition. Sean Arnold.
Reichman, Charles. (March 1980). Tool museum at Troyes. The Chronicle. 33(1). pg. 1-3. IS.
Roberts, Kenneth D. (1979). Scottish & English metal planes by Spiers & Norris. Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH.
Roberts, Kenneth D. (1980). Some 19th century English woodworking tools: edge and joiner tools and bit braces. Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Rogers, William. (1913). Rogers machinists guide: A practical illustrated treatise on modern machine shop practice. Theo. Audel & Company, NY, NY. IS.
Rose, Joshua. (1995). The Pattern maker's assistant:1889 edition with 250 illustrations.Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Rosebrook, Donald. (1999). American level patents: Illustrated and explained. Volume I. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ.
Salaman, R.A. (1975). Dictionary of tools used in the woodworking and allied trades, C. 1700-1975. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, NY. IS.
Salaman, R.A. (1986). Dictionary of leather-working tools, c. 1700-1950 and the tools of allied trades. Macmillan Publishing Company, NY, NY. IS.
Sloane, Eric. (1964). A museum of early American tools. Funk & Wagnalls, Inc. Reprinted in 1973 by Ballantine Books, NY, NY. IS.
Stanley, Philip E. (1984). Boxwood & ivory: Stanley traditional rules, 1855 - 1975. The Stanley Publishing Co., Westborough, MA. IS.
Taylor, Lyman, Ed. (1961). Metals handbook. 8th Edition. 3 Volumes. American Society for Metals. IS.
Tiemann, H.P. (1933). Iron and steel: A pocket encyclopaedia. New York, NY.
Timmins, R. & Sons. (no date). Tools for the trades and crafts: An eighteenth century pattern book. R. Timmins & Sons, Birmingham. Reprinted in 1976 by K. Roberts Pub. Co., Fitzwilliam, NH.
Tomlinson, Charles. (1854). Cyclopedia of useful arts, mechanical and chemical, manufactures, mining, and engineering. George Virture, London, UK.
Tomlinson, Charles. (1860). Illustrations of the trades. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London. Reprinted in 1972 by the Early American Industries Association, Ambridge, PA. IS(2).
U. S. Navy. (1971). Tools and their uses. Dover Publications, Inc., NY. IS.
Ure, Andrew. (1845). A dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines: Containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice. D. Appleton & Co., NY, NY.
Walter, John. (1988). Antique and collectable Stanley planes: 1988 price guide. The Tool Merchant, Akron, Ohio. IS.
Walter, John. (1989). Antique and collectable Keen Kutter hand tools: 1989 price guide. The Tool Merchant, Akron, Ohio. IS.
Walter, John. (1989). Antique and collectable Winchester hand tools: 1989 price guide. The Tool Merchant, Akron, Ohio. IS.
Walter, John. (1990). Antique & collectible Stanley tools: A guide to identity & value. The Tool Merchant, Marietta, OH. IS. A 1996 reprint also IS.
Westley, Robert. (1993). Guide to imprints of Canadian plane makers and hardware dealers. MacLachlan Woodworking Museum, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
A second edition was published in 1997 without the wedge profiles but with more biographical information on 95 makers/dealers and notes on how to determine which stamps on a plane are for makers and dealers.
Wendel, Charles H. (1997). Encyclopedia of American farm implements & antiques. Krause Publications, Iola, Wisc.
Wendel, Charles H. (2001). The encyclopedia of tools & machinery. Krause Publications, Iola, WI. IS.
Whelan, John M. (1993). The wooden plane: Its history, form & function. The Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS(2).
Wilbur, C. Keith. (1987). Antique medical instruments: Price guide included. Schiffer Publishing Ltd., West Chester, PA. IS.