Maine Native American Links
Abbe Museum: Bar Harbor, 04609, (207) 288- 3519, fax (207) 288-8979. http://www.abbemuseum.org
Friends of the Abenaki (NE-DO-BA) http://www.avcnet.org/ne-do-ba/menu_his.shtml
Penobscot Nation Museum: 5 Downstreet St., Indian Island, Maine 04468, (207) 827-4153. http://www.penobscotnation.org/museum/indox.htm
SEBAGO-PRESUMPSCOT ANTHROPOLOGY PROJECT: Lakes Region of Maine: Mawooshen Research. http://www.lakesregionofmaine.gen.me.us/sebago_anthro/index.html
Waponahki Museum and Resource Center: Pleasant Point, PO Box
295, Perry, ME 04667, (207) 853-4001.
Abenaki History: Lee Sultzman. http://tolatsga.org/aben.html
The Abenaki Languagehttp://www.hmt.com/abenaki/language.htm
American Language Reprint Series: Evolution Publishing, c/o Arx Publishing, LLC, 10 Canal Street, Suite, 231, Bristol PA 19007-3900, (215) 781-8600. http://www.evolpub.com/ALR/ALRhome.html
Interactive ALR (American Language Reprints) http://www.evolpub.com/interactiveALR/home.html
Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center: 110 Pequot Trail, PO Box 3180, Mashantucket, CT 06339-3180, (800) 411-9671. http://www.mashantucket.com
Native American Genealogy: http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/
The Northern Plains Archive Project: 519 Otis Ave. N., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104. http://www.hiddenhistory.com/home1.htm
Mikmaq.com http://www.mikmaq.com/
Native American Navigator: Columbia University. http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/k12/naha/nanav.html
Northeast Wigwam: A Short History of the Waponahkiyik Nations. http://www.newigwam.com/wwwboard/history/messages/24.html
Oyate: "A Native organization working to see that our lives and histories are portrayed honestly, and so that all people will know our stories belong to us." http://www.oyate.org
Wabanaki Days: The pemaquid/damariscotta celebration
WWW Virtual Library - American Indians: Index of Native American Resources on the Internet. http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/