Welcome to the Davistown Museum Photo Tour. This Photo Tour is the next best alternative to an actual visit to our physical facilities in Liberty, Hulls Cove, and Searsport, Maine. Our Photo Tour begins with our Main Exhibition Hall at our Liberty building. The overview of the Main Exhibition Hall is followed by an exterior view of the Museum and the back porch of the staff and visitors’ kitchen. The Photo Tour includes an extensive series of photographs of our exhibitions, collections, and recent acquisitions. In addition to the Main Exhibition Hall on the 3rd floor, the Photo Tour includes the print department (and children’s room), the adjoining local history room, and a tour of the 2nd floor complex of nine rooms of the Maine Artists Guild Galleries, which also include many items in the permanent collection. Please note our extensive series of libraries on three floors, recently renamed the Eliott Sayward Memorial Library due to the donation of his books to our Center for the Study of Early Tools. Also note the pre-2005 photos, which show the Main Exhibition Hall before Alan McGee’s triptych became part of the permanent collection. Don’t forget to take a photo tour of the Davistown Museum Hulls Cove Sculpture Gardens, the new Visitors Center in Searsport, and the potpourri of other photographs that we have accumulated pertaining to Board meetings, pot lucks, and Open House events. After taking the Museum Photo Tour, you may also wish to take a photo tour of the 3 museum sponsors – Liberty Tool Co., Hulls Cove Tool Farm (Barn), and Captain Tinkham’s Emporium in Searsport.
NEW! Video walkthrough of the Davistown Museum
See live streaming video of the main hall in Liberty
Skip to photos from...
2012 Liberty Days and family potluck
2010 - 2011 -- New Tools Conservation Area in progress
2010 -- Board Meeting and tour of the under construction climate controlled room
2010 -- Visit from Wapanoag Representatives
New Elliot Sayward Library, Prison Tool Collection, Childrens' Room Toys
The Hulls Cove Sculpture Garden
The new Davistown Museum visitor center in Searsport
"Up Close" tour -- Select detailed shots of museum exhibits and artwork
2009 -- Guest room overhaul, new axe arrangement, Adriaan's bearded axe
2009 Board Meeting
April 2009 Big Potluck
Open House 2003
The Back Porch
Outside the Museum
Captain Tew's Chest on Porch
The Front Entrance
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The Stairs Up
Our (slightly inaccurate) sign
The Main Hall from the Front 
The Local History Room

Native American Artifacts
Cased Artifacts
More artifacts

Yet more artifacts
In the local history room
Main Hall display cases

Swan chisels and more
Early tools including wantage rule
Accidental Durable Remnants

More ADRs
More ADRs
More ADRs

More ADRs
ADR display case

2nd Floor Entrance

The tool processing room
The Curator's workspace 
Display in the processing room

New cases in the library
More books in the library
Reading spot in library
The front MAG room
Corner of the front MAG room

Wall of the front MAG room

Other front MAG room wall
Another gallery room
Wall of gallery room

The front MAG room
Corner of the middle room
Wall of the front MAG room

The room with the best couches
Couch room

Some of the Perrins' glasswork

The Cafe room
Cafe room
More art in the cafe

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