Maine History

Antiquarian: Pre-1940 References

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Baxter, James Phinney, Ed. (1884). Trelawny papers: Edited and illustrated with historical notes and an appendix. Hoyt, Fogg, and Dunham, Portland, ME.

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Elkins, L. Whitney. (1924). The story of Maine: Coastal Maine. The Hillsborough Company, Bangor, ME.

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Hatch, Louis C., Ed. (1919). Maine: A history. 5 vols. American Historical Society, NY, NY.

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Rowe, William H. (1929). Shipbuilding days in Casco Bay, 1727-1890: Being footnotes to the maritime history of Maine. Yarmouth, ME.  Reprinted in 1966 by Bond Wheelwright Co., Freeport, ME.

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Spencer, Wilber D. (1930). Pioneers on Maine rivers: With lists to 1651. Lakeside Printing Co., Portland, ME. Reprinted in 1973 by Genealogical Publishing, Baltimore.

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Warren, Fred M. translator. (n.d.). Extracts from the letters of the Jesuit missionary in Maine, Father P. Biard: From Carayon's lettres ined. 1612-1626. Read before the Maine Historical Society, February 26, 1891. pg. 411. X.

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