New England and US History

Antiquarian: Pre-1940

Many of these are principal information sources for contemporary histories.  The following citations range from observations of early New England visitors and explorers to later commentaries on the original sources.

Abbott, John S.C. (1864). The History of the Civil War in America. Henry Bill, New York, NY. IS(2).

Adams, Charles Francis. (1892). Three episodes of Massachusetts History: The settlement of Boston Bay, the Antinomian controversy, a study of church and town government. Vol. I. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston, MA. X.

Adams, James Truslow. (1926). New England in the Republic, 1776-1850. Little, Brown and Co., Boston, MA.

Andrews, Charles M. (1934). The colonial period in American History. 4 vols. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.

Arber, Edward and Bradley, A.G., Eds. (1910). Travels and works of Captain John Smith: President of Virginia and Admiral of New England 1580-1631. 2 vols. J. Grant, Edinburgh.

Archer, Gabriel [1625] (1983). The realtion of Captaine Gosnols voyage to the north part of Virginia, begunne the sixe and twentieth of March, Anno 42. Elizabethe Reginae 1602. And deliured by Gabriel Archer, a gentleman of the siad voyage. The English New England Voyages, Ed. by David B. and Ammilson M. Quinn, Hakluyt Society, London, England, pg. 112-38.

Bailey, L.H., Ed. (1907-1909). Cyclopedia of American agriculture: A popular survey of agricultural conditions, practices, and ideals in the United States and Canada. NY, NY.

Barry, John Stetson. (1855). The history of Massachusetts: The colonial period. Phillips, Sampson and Company, Boston, MA. IS.

Barry, John Stetson. (1856). The history of Massachusetts: The provincial period. Phillips, Sampson and Company, Boston, MA. IS.

Barry, John Stetson. (1857). The history of Massachusetts: The commonwealth period. Self-published, for sale by his general agent, Henry Barry, Boston, MA. IS.

Baylies, Francis. (1866). An historical memoir of the colony of New Plymouth: From the flight of the Pilgrims into Holland in the year 1608, to the union of that colony with Massachusetts in 1692. Wiggin & Lunt, Boston, MA.

Biggar, H.P., Ed. (1922-1936). The works of Samuel de Champlain.  6 vols. Reprinted in 1971 by Toronto University Press, Toronto, Canada. X (partial xeroxed copy only).

Blunt, Edmund M. (1854). The American coast pilot; containing directions for the principal harbors, capes and headlands on the coasts of North and South America. Describing the soundings, bearings of the lighthouses and beacons from the rocks, shoals, ledges, &c. with the prevailing winds, setting of the currents, &c. and the latitudes and longitudes of the principal harbors and capes; together with a tide table. Seventeenth edition. Edmund and George W. Blunt, NY, NY. IS.

Bolton, Charles K. (1929). The real founders of New England: Stories of their life along the coast, 1602-1628. F.W. Faxon Co., Boston, MA.

Bourne, Edward G., Ed. (1922). The voyages and explorations of Samuel de Champlain, 1604-1616, narrated by himself, together with the voyage of 1603. Trans. Bourne, Annie, N., 2 vols. Allerton Book Co., NY, NY.

Bradford, William. (1898). Bradford's history "Of Plimoth Plantation": From the original manuscript: With a report of the proceedings incident to the return of the manuscript to Massachusetts. Wright & Potter Printing Co., Boston, MA. IS.

Bradford, William. (1908). History of Plymouth Plantation, 1606-1646. Davis, W.T. Ed., Charles Scribner's and Sons, NY, NY.  Republished in 1952 as Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647, Samuel Eliot Morison, Ed., Knopf, NY, NY. IS(2). Brereton, John. (1602). A briefe and true relation of the difcouerie of the north part of Virginia; being a moft pleafant, fruitfull and commodious foile: Made this prefent yeere 1602, by Captaine Bartholomew Gofnold, Captaine Bartholowmew Gilbert, and diuers other gentlemen their affociats, by the permiffion of the honourable knight, Sir Walter Ralegh, &c. Impensis Geor. Bishop, Londini, UK. Reprinted as a facsimile as Discoverie of the north part of Virginia in 2000 by Ye Galleon Press, Fairfield, WA. IS. Brown, Alexander. (1891). The genesis of the United States: A narrative of the movement in England, 1605-1616, which resulted in the plantation of North America by Englishmen, disclosing the contest between England and Spain for the possession of the soil now occupied by the United States of America, set forth through a series of historical manuscripts now first printed together with a reissue of rare contemporaneous tracts, accompanied by bibliographical memoranda, notes, and brief biographies. Houghton, Mifflin, Boston, MA.  Reprinted in 1964 by Russell & Russell, NY, NY.

Buck, Solon J. and Elizabeth H. (1939). The Planting of civilization in Western Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, PA. IS.

Burrage, Henry S., Ed. (1906). Original narratives of early English and French voyages 1534-1608. Charles Scribner's Sons, NY, NY.  Also reprinted in 1930 as Early English and French voyages, chiefly from Hakluyt, 1534-1608. Reprinted in 1969.

Byington, Ezra Hoyt. (1897). The Puritan in England and New England. Roberts Brothers, Boston, MA. IS.

Carver, Jonathan. (1778). Travels through the interior parts of North America ... 1766-1768. London.

Carter, Isabel Hopestill. (1934). Shipmates: a tale of the seafaring women of New England. William R. Scott, New York, NY. IS.

Chapelle, Howard I. (1935). The history of American sailing ships. Bonanza Books, NY, NY. IS.

Charlevoix, P.F.X. de. (1744). History and general description of New France. 6 vols. Rollin Fils, Paris.  Reprinted in 1900 by F. P. Harper, NY, NY.

Chase, George Wingate. (1861). The history of Haverhill, Massachusetts, from its first settlement, in 1640, to the year 1860. Self published, Haverhill, MA. IS.

Coffin, Robert P. Tristam. (1939). Captain Abby & Captain John. Macmillan Co. Reprinted in 2002 by Blackberry Books, Nobleboro, ME.

Crawford, Mary Caroline. (1910). Romantic days in old Boston. Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, MA. IS.

Crockett, Walter Hill. (1938). Vermont: The green mountain state. Volumes 1 - 4. Vermont Farm Bureau, Burlington, VT. IS.

Denys, Nicholas. (1671-1672). The description and natural history of the coasts of North America (Acadia).  Reprinted, edited and translated in 1908 by Ganong, William F., The Champlain Society, Toronto, Canada.

DeVoto, Bernard. (1943). The Year of Decision: 1846. Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, MA. IS.

Dexter, Henry Martyn, Ed. (1865). Mourt's relation, or journal of the Plantation at Plymouth. (probably written by William Bradford and Edward Winslow), Boston, MA.

Drake, Samuel Adams. (1875). Nooks and corners of the New England coast. Reprinted in 1969 by Singing Tree Press, Detroit, MI.

Dulles, Foster Rhea. (1930). The old China trade. Riverside Press, Cambridge, MA.

Dwight, Timothy. (1821-22). Travels in New-England and New-York. 4 vols. Publisher unknown, New Haven, CT.

Earle, Alice Morse. (1893). Customs and fashions in old New England. Charles Scribner and Sons, NY, NY.

Elton, Arthur. (1947). British Railways. Collins, London. IS.

Educational Publishing Co. (1891). Stories of Industry: Volume I and II . Educational Publishing Co. New York, NY. IS.

Fiske, John. (1892). The discovery of America. 2 vols. Houghton Mifflin and Co., Boston, MA.

Fiske, John. (1902). New France and New England. Houghton, Mifflin and Company, Boston, MA. IS.

Folsom, George and Somerby, H. G. (1858). A Catalogue of original documents in the English archives, relating to the early history of the state of Maine. G.B. Teubner, NY, NY.

Forbes, Allan and Cadman, Paul F. (1925). France and New England. Vol. I. State Street Trust Company, Boston, MA. IS.

Forbes, Allan and Cadman, Paul F. (1927). France and New England: Being a further account of the connecting links between that country and New England. Vol. II. State Street Trust Company, Boston, MA. IS.

Forbes, Allan and Cadman, Paul F. (1929). France and New England: Being a further account of the connecting links between that country and New England. Vol. III. State Street Trust Company, Boston, MA. IS.

Garrett, Edmund H. (1900). The Pilgrim shore. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, MA. IS.

Gorges, Ferdinando. (1659). America painted to the life. Nath. Brook., London, England.

Grant, W.L., Ed. (1907). Voyages of Samuel de Champlain: 1604 - 1616. Charles Scribner's Sons, NY, NY.

Hakluyt, Richard. (1582). Divers voyages touching the discoverie of America. London. Facsimile reprint in 1967 by Theatrum Orbis Terraram, Amsterdam.

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Hamilton, Milton W. (1964). Henry Hudson and the Dutch in New York. The Unviersity of the State of New York, New York, NY. IS.

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Harrisse, Henry. (1892). Discovery of North America.

Hosmer, James K., Ed. (1908). Winthrop's journal: "History of New England", 1630-1649. Charles Scribner's Sons. Reprinted in 1959 by Barnes & Noble, NY, NY.

Hubbard, W. (1815). A general history of New England from the discovery until 1680. Massachusetts Historical Society, Cambridge, MA.

Hubbard, William. (1848). A general history of New England. Collections. Massachusetts Historical Society, Second Series. 5.

Hutchinson, Thomas. (1936). The history of the colony and province of Massachusetts-Bay. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Innis, H.A. (1931). Rise and fall of the Spanish fishery in Newfoundland. In: Transactions. Royal Society of Canada, third series, XXV. pg. 50 - 70.

Jewett, Amos Everett. (1933). Early settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts. Reprinted in 1981 by New England History Press, Somersworth, N.H. IS.

Josselyn, John. (1672). New-England's rarities discovered. London. Reprinted in 1860 in American Antiquarian Society Transactions. 4. Reprinted in 1865 by Tuckerman, Edward, Ed., Veazie, Boston, MA.

Josselyn, John. (1675). An account of two voyages to New-England made during the years 1638, 1663. London. Reprinted in 1865 by W. Veazie, Boston, MA.

Josselyn, John. (1833). An account of two voyages to New England. Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. 3rd series. 3. pg. 211-396.

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Levermore, Charles H., Ed. (1912). Forerunners and competitors of the Pilgrims and Puritans: Or, narratives of voyages made by persons other than the Pilgrims and Puritans of the Bay colony to the shores of New England during the first quarter of the seventeenth century, 1601-1625, with especial reference to the labors of Captain John Smith in behalf of the settlement of New England. Pub. for the New England Society of Brooklyn, NY, NY.

Levett, Christpher. (1628). A voyage into New England. London.

MacMillan, Donald B. (1939). Portland Observatory Rededication Address. City of Portland, ME. IS.

McFarland, Raymond. (1911). History of the New England fisheries. Appleton, New York, NY.

Moloney, Francis X. (1931). The fur trade in New England, 1620-1676. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

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Morison, Samuel Eliot. (1930). Builders of the bay colony. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.

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Neal, Daniel. (1720, 1747). The history of New-England containing an impartial account of the civil and ecclesiastical affairs of the country, to the year of Our Lord 1700. 2 vols. Printed for A. Ward, London.

Newton, Isaac. (1863). Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the year 1863. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. IS.

Paget, Valerian. (1909). Bradford: History of the Plymouth settlement rendered into modern English. John McBrick Co., NY, NY. IS.

Parker, Rev. Edward L. (1851). The history of Londonderry: Comprising the towns of Derry and Londonderry, N.H. Perkins and Whipple, Boston, MA. IS.

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