Volume 4: Norumbega Reconsidered
Controversy surrounds the question of the ethnic identity and historical significance of the indigenous Native American communities occupying the coastal region of Maine between the Penobscot and Kennebec rivers at the time of European contact and settlement (1600 - 1620). Were these Native Americans "Etchemins" of Passamaquoddy - Maliseet descent as shown on French maps of the time, or an Abenaki community known as Wawenocs as recounted by English observers and writers? What links, if any, exist between these communities and the narration of the Land of Mawooshen (Purchas, 1625) and the meaning and significance of Norumbega (Baker, 1994)? Commentary on the context and substance of this ethnohistoric conundrum is followed by a guest essay by avocational historian Kerry Hardy and annotated bibliographic citations giving voice to the wide range of opinion and viewpoints about Maine's ethnohistoric past.
Native American Artifact Exhibits at the Davistown Museum
The Coffin Stream
The Wapanucket Hoard
Other Native
American Artifacts
Artifact List
Historical Chronologies
Chronology I: Prehistoric Periods
Chronology II: Late Archaic and Ceramic Period Chronology for Coastal Maine
A Native American Oral History
Rosier's Relation of George Weymouth's 1605 Voyage
Rufus King Sewall's 1896 Article on Mavooshen
Pathways and Canoe Routes of Native Americans
Prehistoric Native American Trails in Davistown and the Norumbega Bioregion
Native Trail's Maps
Principal References
Other Contemporary Publications and Journal Articles
Pre-Columbian Visitors to North America
History: Journals & Newsletters
Abbe Museum: Bar Harbor, 04609, (207) 288- 3519, fax (207) 288-8979. http://www.abbemuseum.org
Friends of the Abenaki (NE-DO-BA) http://www.avcnet.org/ne-do-ba/menu_his.shtml
Penobscot Nation Museum: 5 Downstreet St., Indian Island, Maine 04468, (207) 827-4153. http://www.penobscotnation.org/museum/indox.htm
SEBAGO—PRESUMPSCOT ANTHROPOLOGY PROJECT: Lakes Region of Maine: Mawooshen Research. http://www.lakesregionofmaine.gen.me.us/sebago_anthro/index.html
Waponahki Museum and Resource Center: Pleasant Point, PO Box 295, Perry, ME 04667, (207) 853-4001.
Abenaki History: Lee Sultzman. http://tolatsga.org/aben.html
The Abenaki Languagehttp://www.hmt.com/abenaki/language.htm
American Language Reprint Series: Evolution Publishing, c/o Arx Publishing, LLC, 10 Canal Street, Suite, 231, Bristol PA 19007-3900, (215) 781-8600. http://www.evolpub.com/ALR/ALRhome.html
Interactive ALR (American Language Reprints) http://www.evolpub.com/interactiveALR/home.html
Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center: 110 Pequot Trail, PO Box 3180, Mashantucket, CT 06339-3180, (800) 411-9671. http://www.mashantucket.com
Native American Genealogy: http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/
The Northern Plains Archive Project: 519 Otis Ave. N., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104. http://www.hiddenhistory.com/home1.htm
Mikmaq.com http://www.mikmaq.com/
Native American Navigator: Columbia University. http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/k12/naha/nanav.html
Northeast Wigwam: A Short History of the Waponahkiyik Nations. http://www.newigwam.com/wwwboard/history/messages/24.html
Oyate: "A Native organization working to see that our lives and histories are portrayed honestly, and so that all people will know our stories belong to us." http://www.oyate.org