Walworth Mfg. Co.
Boston, Massachusetts
Tool Types
Dies, misc. Tools, Wrenches
Directory of American Toolmakers Information
The original makers of the Stillson patent wrench, Walworth made a range of plumbing tools. While Stillson apparently patented this particular type of pipe wrench, it appears that the name was used generically by Bonney Vise & Tool Works, the Erie Tool Works, the Moore Drop Forging Co., the J.P. Danielson Co., and probably others. On dies, they used the brand name RUFF & TUFF and alo MILLER'S PATENT, though the latter was possibly not until after 1900. It appears they made a 1907 Parmelee patent wrench and may have been succeeded by Parmelee Co.
Identifying Marks
WALFWORTH MFG. CO./BOSTON, USA (plus patent holder names/dates, brand names, etc.); WALCO
General Information
America’s most prolific turn of the century (1900) adjustable non-monkey wrench manufacturer. A Walworth wrench is one component of a woven triptych by Alan Magee on display at the Davistown Museum (http://www.davistownmuseum.org/MAG%20Photos/Magee%20Photos/tih.jpg).
Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers
of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early
American Industries Association.
Gaier, Dan. (Winter 2007). Reach for the wrench: Daniel Chapman Stillson: Inventor of the pipe wrench. The Fine Tool Journal. 56(3). pg. 18-21. IS.
/PDFsforInventory/WebVcIRother_PDF.pdf -- entry for Walworth piping wrenches in the collection
"The Forgotten Story behind America's Most Famous Tool" by Michael Fitzgerald. Paywalled.