Peck Stow & Wilcox Co.
Southington, Connecticut
Tool Types
Bits, Braces, Chisels, Dividers, Draw Knives, Hammers, Household Tools, Machinist Tools, Screwdrivers, Tinsmith Tools and Wrenches, Other
Directory of American Toolmakers Information
This company was formed from a merger of Peck, Smith & Co; the S Stwo Mfg. Co.; and the Roys & Wilcx Co. Other minor incorporated companies included AW. Whitney & Sons; J.E. Hull & Co; Woodruff & Wilcox; Hart, Vliven & Mead Mfg. Co.; Cheshire Edge Tool Co.; and Johns & Co. Finally, they were bought out by Billings & Spencer in 1950, though the name persisted. Household tools included a variety of meat cutters, choppers and grinders, sausage stuffers and coffee mills, some of which were branded "LITTLE GIANT." Patent dates include 15 March 1859, 10 January 1860, 9 March 1869, 19 April 1892, and 3 September 1895. Also under the company, Amos Shepard had a 30 December 1884 patent on a brace, James H. Culver had an 11 October 1887 patent on calipers, Henry Smith had a 1 July 1873 wire gauge patent. A set of Ellrich saws was also patented. Other reported patent dates include 20 March 1888, 20 November 1888, 15 July 1890, and 26 August 1890.
Identifying Marks
Various combinations of the name, "P.S.&W. CO.," "PEXTO," City/state, patent dates, often Plantsville, CT or Cleveland, OH
General Information
Among the most prolific (top 10) producers of hand tools in the early 20th century.
Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers
of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early
American Industries Association.
Page, Herb. (Fall 2008). Reach for the wrench: The wrenches of Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co. Fine Tool Journal. 58(2). pg. 20-3. IS.
Maps of the Peck, Stow & Wilcox factories