Heller & Bros.
Newark, New Jersey
Tool Types
Blacksmith Tools, Files, Hammers, Wrenches, Other
Directory of American Toolmakers Information
This company used “Heller & Bros.” and “Heller Bros.” interchangeably from 1866 to 1899, Heller Brothers Company from 1899 to 1955, and Heller Tool Company from 1955 on. It was originally founded by three Heller brothers, Peter J., Lewis B., and Elias G. Jr. as a successor to their father, Elias Heller Sr. This company specialized in farriers’ tools
Identifying Marks
A standing horse, sometimes shown by a farrier with a rasp; MASTERENCH; MASTERWRENCH; H & B; variations of the horse and farrier mark with the Heller name (sometimes Heller Wagon Co.)
General Information
America’s most prolific manufacturers of farriers’ rasps and blacksmiths’ hammers.
Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers
of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early
American Industries Association.