Henry Cheney Hammer Co.
Little Falls, NY
1856-1878 (possibly until 1949)
Tool Types
Hammers, Axes
Directory of American Toolmakers Information
Henry Cheney was born in Ostego, NY on January 12th, 1821, where he possibly made hammers before moving to Litle Falls in 1856. He holds a 4 July 1871 patent on a hammerw ith a nail holding and starting feature. In 1874, he bought the S.H. Farnam factory and solely made axes (though a 1904 catalog in our collection shows hammers for sale). A Cheney Hammer Co. or Henry Cheney Hammer Corp. was in business in 1949 with a founded date of 1836 (which would've made Henry Cheney 15 years old at its foundation which is highly unlikely).
Identifying Marks
General Information
This company dealt mostly overseas and lists an award from an Australian tool expo in its catalogs.
Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early American Industries Association.
Cheney, Henry Hammer Co. (1904). Illustrated Catalogue of the Henry Cheney Hammer Co. A facsimile of the original. The Special Publications Committee M-WTCA.
http://jtc.net/hchc -- A very thorough timeline of the history of the Henry Cheney Hammer Company
http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyherkim/littlefalls/waterpower2.html -- A website concerning a dispute over use of the river in Little Falls involving Henry Cheney Hammer Co.
http://www.threerivershms.com/lf2.htm -- History of Little Falls