Auburn Tool Co.
Auburn, NY
Tool Types
Clamps, Handles, Plane Irons, Rules, Wood Planes
DATM Information
This company succeeded Casey, Clark & Co. with Casey as its president, then became the Ohio Tool Co. in 1893. Other names under which they produced included New York Tool Co., Owasco Tool Co., Genesee Tool Co., Ensenore and Star. Some of their products were produced using Auburn state prison labor. Of particular interest is a 'Phelps Combination Plane," a plane with a level vial and rule built in, possibly patented to a Frank Phelps of Auburn on 9 February 1892.
Identifying Marks
Variations of AUBURN TOOL CO./AUBURN N.Y., including one with two straight lines or the top line curved with a thistle or star under it, THISTLE
General Information
Auburn Tool Co. was part of a collective effort between H. Chapin's Son, Greenfield Tool Co. and Sandusky Tool Co. called the Plane Maker's Association, organized circa 1858 to fix prices. Thus, the prices in the pictured catalog pages (from 1869) were agreed upon between the leading plane manufacturers at the time. In 1866, Auburn Tool Co. lost their prison labor contract, outbid by J.M. Easterly & Co. which later became A. Howland & Co. Upon the dissolution of A. Howland Co. in 1874, Auburn Tool Co. resumed the use of prison labor. On November 14th, 1893, they merged with Ohio Tool Company of Columbus, OH. While plane production continued in Auburn, it was under the Ohio Tool Company's name.
Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early American Industries Association.
Wooden Clamp Journal. "History of Auburn Tool Company in NY." Wooden Clamp Journal. 26 May 2006. The Clamp Guy. 19 August 2007. <http://www.theclampguy.info/hist_au.htm>
Auburn Tool Company. (1869). Price List of Planes, Plane Irons, Rules, Gauges, Hand Screws, &C., Manufactured and sold by Auburn Tool Company, (Successors to Casey, Clark & Co.). A facsimile of the original. Reprinted by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH.