Other Authors' Bibliographies
Maine history | Native Americans in Maine |
Albion, Robert Greenhalgh. (1951). Maritime and naval history: An annotated bibliography. R.G. Albion, Cambridge? Republished in a 4th edition, revised and expanded in 1972 by Munson Institute of American Maritime History, Mystic, CT.
Baker, Emerson. (1988). A guide to sources. In: Maine in the age of discovery: Christopher Levett's Voyage, 1623-24 and a guide to sources. Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME.
Baker, William A. (1974). Maine shipbuilding: A bibliographic guide. The Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME. IS.
Bangor Public Library. (1962). Bibliography of the State of Maine. G. K. Hall, Boston, MA.
Boardman, Samuel Lane. (1893). Agricultural bibliography of Maine: A list of Maine writers on agriculture with biographical sketches and a catalogue of their works: Also an index to the volumes on the Agriculture of Maine from 1850 to 1892: Contribution to the agricultural literature section of the Columbian world's fair. Burleigh & Flynt, printers to the state, Augusta, ME.
Bowdoin College Library. (1891). One hundred books on Maine. Bowdoin College Library Bulletin, Brunswick, ME.
Churchill, Edwin A. (1976). Maine communities and the War for Independence. Augusta, ME.
Clark, Charles E. (1974). Maine during the colonial period: A bibliographical guide. The Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME.
Folsom, George. (1858). A Catalogue of original documents in the English archives, relating to the early history of the state of Maine. G.B. Teubner, NY, NY.
Green, Eric D. and Nesson, Charles R. (1994). Federal rules of evidence. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. IS.
Hall, Drew Bert. (1901). Reference list on Maine local history. University of the State of New York, Albany, NY.
Haskell, John D., Ed. (1977). Maine a bibliography of its history: Volume two of bibliographies of New England history. G.K. Hall & Co., Boston, MA.
Ring, Elizabeth. (1938-1941). A reference list of manuscripts relating to the history of Maine. 3 vols. Printed at the University Press, Orono, ME.
Ring, Elizabeth. (1973). Maine bibliographies: A bibliographical guide. Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME.
Smith, David Clayton. (1971). Lumbering and the Maine woods: A bibliographical guide. Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME.
Clancy, James Thomas. (1974). Native American references, a cross-indexed bibliography of seventeenth-century American imprints pertaining to American Indians. American Antiquarian Society Proceedings. 83. part 2. pg. 287-341.
Field, Thomas W. (1873). An essay towards an Indian bibliography: Being a catalogue of books relating to the history antiquities, languages, customs, religion, wars, literature and origin of the American Indians. Scribner, Armstrong, NY, NY.
Herrisson, M.R. (1974). An evaluative ethno-historical bibliography of the Malecite Indians. Mercury Series. Papers no. 16, Ethnology Division, National Museum of Man, Ottawa, Canada.
Hirschfelder, Arlene B. (1970). American Indian authors, a representative bibliography. Association on American Indian Affairs, NY, NY.
Nelson, Eunice. (1982). The Wabanaki: An annotated bibliography. American Friends Service Committee, Cambridge, MA.
Pilling, James Constantine. (1891). Bibliography of the Algonquin Languages. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Ray, Roger B. and Faulkner, Gretchen F. Ed. (1994). The Indians of Maine: A bibliographic guide: fourth edition. The Maine Historical Society, Augusta, ME. IS.
Spiess, Arthur E. (1983). A bibliography of Maine prehistory through May, 1983. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin. 23(2). pg. 37-51.
Spiess, Arthur E. (1985) Maine prehistory bibliography addendum. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin. 25(2). pg. 55-56.
Tooker, Elisabeth. (1978). The Indians of the northeast, a critical bibliography. Indiana University Press, Chicago, IL.
University of New Brunswick. (1987). The Micmac-Maliseet resource collection. Education Resource Center, University of New Brunswick: A bibliographical listing. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada.