Maine Town Histories
General Bibliographies of Maine Town Histories
Except Liberty and Montville: see entries for Davistown Plantation
There are a number of sources listing town histories which will be cited below. The most important of these is Maine a bibliography of its history, 1977. Most of the important histories are included in this reference, but its contents are not available electronically. The primary focus of The Davistown Museum is on the histories of towns adjacent to Liberty and Montville or within the capital region east of Cape Elizabeth. Due to limited resources we are not attempting to collate an updated comprehensive listing of all Maine town histories. However, since Haskell's bibliography was published n 1977, all citations not in Haskell or in our more selective bibliography are solicited.
Haskell, John D., Ed. (1977). Maine a bibliography of its history: Volume two of bibliographies of New England history. G.K. Hall & Co., Boston, MA.
Williamson, Joseph. (1896). A
bibliography of the state of Maine from the earliest period to 1891, Volume
1 and II. Maine State Library, Augusta, ME and the New England
History Press, Somersworth, NH. Reprinted in 1985. IS.
Fullonton, Joseph. (1847). The history of Acton, Me. W. Burr, printer, Dover, NH.
Addison Bicentennial Committee. (1997). Addison, Maine: A Bicentennial History, 1997. Self-published.
Wiggin, Ruby C. (date unknown). Albion on the narrow -gauge. Published by the author, Benton, ME.
Alna, Town of. (June 1983). Town of Alna: Annual report 1982-83: June meeting supplement. Self-published. IS.
Alna High School. (February 20, 1856). The student's memento. Vol. 1. Handwritten and bound. IS.
Palmer, Rundlette Kensell. (1979). A history of Alna Maine. Self-published? IS.
Sewall, Rufus King. (1896). Centennial: Memorial services of old Alna meeting-house: Alna, Maine, September 11, 1889. Emerson, Steam Printer, Wiscasset, ME. IS.
Hatch (see listing under Industry)
Pitman, J.A. (1929). The story of Appleton, Maine. Appleton Historical Society, Appleton, ME.
White, B.W. (undated). History of the West Appleton Road. Appleton Historical Society, Appleton, ME.
Nash, Charles Elventon. (1904). The history of Augusta: First settlements and early days as a town. Charles E. Nash & Son, Augusta, ME.
North, James W. (1810). The history of Augusta, Maine. Clapp and North, Augusta, ME. Reprinted in 1981 by New England History Press, Sommersworth, NH.
Bailey Island
Video: Our fishing heritage. Harpswell Community TV, Minotaur Productions, RR5, Box 2352, Cundy's Harbor Rd., Brunswick, ME 04011.
Baker (see the primary Maine history bibliography)
Crowe, Mike. (February 2003). All shook up. Fishermen's Voice. pg. 1, 6-7. IS.
Shaw, Richard R. (1994). Bangor. Distributed by Berwick Pub., Dover, NH.
Bar Harbor
Brechlin, Earl. (2002). Bygone Bar Harbor: A postcard tour of Mount Desert Island and Acadia National Park. Down East Books, Camden, ME.
Hadlock (see the Native Americans secondary texts bibliography)
Prins (see the Native Americans secondary texts bibliography)
Woodward, Maxwell G. (1983). Bar Harbor in its heydays: Recollections from memory. Published by the author, printed at Downeast Graphics, Ellsworth, ME. IS.
The American History Department of Jonesport-Beals High School. (undated). A pictorial history of the town of Beals, Maine. Publisher unknown. IS.
Fitzgerald, Elizabeth, Ed. (1985). The Belfast fire department: A history. J. A. Black Co., Belfast, ME. IS.
Mosher, Elizabeth M. (1989). Early Histories of Belfast. Picton Press, Rockport, ME. IS.
White, William. (1827). History of Belfast with Introductory Remarks on Acadia. E. Fellows, Belfast, ME. http://books.google.com/books?id=xxshAQAAMAAJ&dq=history+of+belfast&pg=PA44#v=onepage&q&f=false
Williamson, Joseph. (1877). History of the city of Belfast, in the state of Maine, from its first settlement in 1770 to 1875. Loring Short and Harmon, Portland, ME. Reprinted in 1982 by the New England History Press. IS.
Williamson, Joseph and Johnson, Alfred. (1913). History of the city of Belfast, in the state of Maine, volume II, 1875-1900. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, NY. http://books.google.com/books?id=0RMwcEcYnlsC&printsec=frontcover&dq=williamson+history+of+the+city+of+belfast
Lapham, William Berry. (1891). History of Bethel, formerly Sudbury, Canada, Oxford County, Maine, 1768-1890. Press of the Maine farmer, Augusta, ME.
Folsom (see listing under Saco)
Brown, Charlotte Beath. (1936). The old brick house and other stories. Boothbay Register Press, Boothbay Harbor, ME. IS.
Greene, Francis B. (1906). History of Boothbay, Southport and Boothbay Harbor, Maine 1623 - 1905 with family genealogies. Loring, Short and Harmon, Portland, ME. IS.
Rumsey, Barbara. (1995). Hodgdon shipbuilding and mills: A documentary history of the first hundred years: 1816-1916. The East Boothbay Series, #1, Winnegance House and Boothbay Region Historical Society, Boothbay, ME. IS.
Rumsey, Barbara. (2000). Colonial Boothbay: Mid-1600s to 1775. The East Boothbay Series, #2, Winnegance House and Boothbay Region Historical Society, Boothbay, ME. IS.
Adams, S. (1912). The history of Bowdoinham, Maine. Fairfield, ME. Reprinted in 1985.
Bremen (see Bristol)
Johnston, John. (1873). A history of Bristol and Bremen. Joel Munsell, Albany, NY.
Norwood, Seth Wademere. (1935). Sketches of Brooks history. J. B. Page printing company, Dover, NH.
Wheeler (see listing under Castine)
Wheeler, George Augustus. (1878). History of Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell, Maine, including the ancient territory known as Pejepscot. A. Mudge & sons, printers, Boston, MA.
Cole, Alfred. (1915). A History of Buckfield, Oxford County, Maine, from the earliest explorations to the close of the year 1900. Coburn Press, Bridgton, ME.
Babcock, Blakely B. (1975). Jonathan Buck of Bucksport: The man and the myth. An historical inquiry into the life of a Maine patriot during the years of the American Revolution. The Ellsworth American, Ellsworth, ME.
Dietz, Lew. (1947). Camden Hills; an informal history of the Camden-Rockport region. Printed for The Smiling Cow by The Camden Herald Press, Camden, ME.
Locke, John L. (1859). Sketches of the history of the town of Camden, Maine; including incidental references to the neighboring places and adjacent waters. Masters, Smith and Co., Hallowell, ME. IS.
Parker, E. C. (1984). A Natural history of Camden and Rockport. Camden-Rockport Historical Society, Camden, ME. IS.
Robinson, Reuel. (1907). History of Camden and Rockport, Maine. Camden Publishing Co., Camden, ME. IS.
Parker (see listing under Pemaquid)
Taylor, Aline S. (1998). The french Baron of Pentagouet. Picton Press, Rockport, ME.
Wheeler, George Augustus. (1875). History of Castine, Penobscot, and Brooksville, Maine including the ancient settlement of Pentagoet. Burr and Robinson, Bangor, ME.
Wheeler, George Augustus. (1896). Castine past and present. Rockwell and Churchill Press, Boston, MA.
Wheeler, G.A. and Bartlett, L.W. (1923). History of Castine, Penobscot, and Brooksville, Maine. Cornwall Press, Cornwall, NY.
Williamson, Joseph. (1859). Castine and the old coins found there. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Volume VI. pg. 105-126.
Hammond (see listing in the trades bibliography)
Harriman, Phil. (April 1977). Mills of the Narraguagus. Self-published. IS.
Chaney, Josiah B. (1893). History of Chesterville, Maine: Being in a series of letters or chapters written to his friend, Thomas Merryman of Moline, Illinois: Second series with appendix. Handwritten.
Sewall, Oliver. (1875). History of Chesterville, Maine. J.S. Swift, Farmington, ME.
Fisher, Carleton Edward. (1970). History of Clinton, Maine. K.J. Printing, Augusta, ME. IS.
Columbia Falls
Hammond (see listing in the trades bibliography)
Simpson, Dorothy. (2003). The island's true child: A memoir of growing up on Criehaven. Down East Books, Camden, ME.
Biscoe, Mark Wyman. (1994). "No pluckier set of men anywhere": The story of ships and men in Damariscotta and Newcastle, Maine. Lincoln County Publishing Co., Newcastle, ME. IS.
Bicentennial Committee of Deer Isle. (1989). Deer Isle remembered 1789-1989. Penobscot Bay Press, Stonington, ME.
Gross, Clayton H. (1977). Island chronicles: Accounts of days past in Deer Isle and Stonington. Penobscot Bay Press, Stonington, ME.
Hosmer, George Lawrence. (1886). An historical sketch of the town of Deer Isle, Maine, with notices of its settlers and early inhabitants. Stanley and Usher, Boston, MA. Reprinted in 1999 by Heritage Books, Bowie, MD.
Hutchinson, Vernal. (1949). Deer Isle in the revolution. Hancock County Pub. Co., Ellsworth, ME.
Hutchinson, Vernal. (1957). A Yankee town in the Civil War: Being a pioneer chronicle of the vanished town of old Deer Isle, in Maine, during the crucial years, 1861- 1865. Deer Isle, ME.
Hutchinson, Vernal. (1967). A Maine town in the Civil War. Bond Wheelwright Co., Freeport, ME.
Hutchinson, Vernal. (1972). When revolution came; the story of Old Deer Isle in the province of Maine during the war for American independence. Ellsworth American, Ellsworth, ME.
Hutchinson, Vernal. (1976). Deer Isle revolutionary soldiers. V.R. Hutchinson, Deer Isle, ME?
Watts, Edith Spofford. (1997). Deer Isle, Maine: From pre-history to the present. Penobscot Press, Camden, ME.
Keene, Hiram A. (1902). History of the M. E. Church, Dexter, ME, 1812-1900. The Eastern Gazette, Dexter, ME. IS.
Allen, Charles Edwin. (1931). History of Dresden, Maine. n.p. Reprinted in 1977 by Everson, Jennie G. and Eversom, Eleanor L., Dresden, ME. IS.
Groves, Marlene Alma Hinkley. (1997). Index to Charles Edwin Allen's history of Dresden, Maine. Picton Press, Rockport, ME.
Churchill, Edwin A. (1970). Merchants and commerce in Falmouth (1740 - 1775). Maine Historical Society Newsletter. 9. pg. 93-104.
Otis, J. (1901). The story of old Falmouth. New York, NY.
Butler, Francis Gould. (1885). A history of Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, from the earliest explorations to the present time, 1776-1885. Press of Knowlton, McLeary, and Co., Farmington, ME. Reprinted in 1983 by Picton Press.
Underwood, Joseph H. (1956). History of Fayette. Charles E. Nash & Sons, Augusta, ME.
(1976). Historical scrapbook: Freedom, Maine, 1794-1976. Hutchins Brothers, Thorndike, ME.
Thurston, F.G. (1940). Three centuries of Freeport, Maine. Freeport, ME.
Vogel, C. William. (n.d.). History of Friendship, Maine as presented at the sesquicentennial celebration. W.A.F.D., Friendship, ME. IS.
Barrows, John Stuart. (1938). Fryeburg, Maine: An historical sketch. Fryeburg, ME.
Coolidge, Olivia. (date unknown). Colonial entrepreneur: Silvester Gardiner and the settlement of the Kennebec River Valley. Gardiner Library Association and Tilbury House, Gardiner, ME.
Oak, Lyndon. (1912). History of Garland, Maine. The Observer Publishing Co., Dover, ME. IS.
McLellan, H.D. (1903). The history of Gorham, Maine. Smith & Sale, printers, Portland, ME.
Pierce, Josiah. (1862). A history of the town of Gorham, Maine. Foster & Cushing, Portland, ME.
Whitten (see listing in the Maine History: Contemporary Sources bibliography)
Hadlock (see the Native Americans secondary texts bibliography)
McCausland (see listing in the Women in Maine bibliography)
Nason, Emma H. (1909). Old Hallowell on the Kennebec. Burleigh & Flynt Press, Augusta, ME.
Ulrich (see listing in the Women in Maine bibliography)
Phippen, Sanford, Ed. (2001). The sun never sets on Hancock Point. 2 vols. Historical Society of the Town of Hancock, Hancock, ME.
Wheeler (see listing under Brunswick)
Hammond (see listing in the trades bibliography)
Moulton, Alphonso. (1909). Centennial history of Harrison, Maine. Southworth Publishing Co., Portland, ME. Reprinted in 1995 by Higginson Book Co., Salem, MA.
Hardy, Anna Simpson. (1990). History of Hope, Maine. Penobscot Press, Camden, ME.
Allen, William. (1856). A history of the town of Industry, Maine. M. Littlefield, printer, Skowhegan, ME.
Hatch, William Collins. (1893). A history of the town of Industry, Franklin County, Maine, from the earliest settlement in 1787 down to the present time, embracing the cessions of New Sharon, New Vineyard, Anson, and Stark. In two parts, including the history and genealogy of many of the leading families of the town. Press of Knowlton, McLeary & Co., Farmington, ME.
Farrow, John Pendleton. (1893). History of Islesborough, Maine. T.W. Burr, printer, Bangor, ME. Reprinted by the Islesboro Historical Society in 1965 as John Pendleton Farrow's history of Islesborough, 1764-1893. Reprinted again by Picton Press in 1991 as History of Islesborough, Maine. Additions and corrections, every name index.
Dwelley, Hugh L. (date unknown). A history of Little Cranberry Island, Maine. Islesford Historical Society, Islesford, ME.
The American History Department of Jonesport - Beals High School. (1970). A pictorial history of the town of Jonesport, Maine. Advertiser Publishing Company, Calais, ME. IS.
Bourne, Edward Emerson. (1970). Ancient history of Kennebunk written in 1831. Star Press, Kennebunk, ME.
Bourne (see listing under Wells)
Magnuson, Rosalind. (date unknown). An architectural walking tour of Kennebunk's National Historic District. Publisher unknown.
Bradbury, C. (1837). The history of Kennebunkport, Maine. Kennebunk, ME.
Charles, Rebecca and DiClementi, Deborah. (2003). Lobster rolls & blueberry pie: Three generations of recipes and stories from summers on the coast of Maine. Harper Collins, NY, NY.
Stackpole, Everett Schermerhorn. (1903). Old Kittery and her families. Press of Lewiston, Lewiston, ME. Reprinted in 1970 by the Old Berwick Historical Society. IS.
Liberty (see Davistown Plantation)
(1897). History of Litchfield and an account of its centennial celebrations, 1895. Kennebec Journal Print, Augusta, ME.
Litchfield Heritage Committee. (1976). Litchfield yesterdays: A short historical tour and glimpse of bygone days. Compiled and edited by the Litchfield Heritage Committee and the Historical Society of Litchfield, Litchfield Bicentennial Committee, Litchfield, ME.
Washburn, Israel. (1874). Notes, historical, descriptive, and personal, of Livermore, in Androscoggin (formerly in Oxford) county, Maine. Bailey & Noyes, Portland, ME.
Beam, Lura. (2001). A Maine hamlet. Maine Humanities Council, Maine Historical Society and Tilbury House, Gardiner, ME.
Manchester Bicentennial Committee. (1975). Manchester Maine -- 1775-1975: Stories about the town of Manchester and its people. Printed by J.S. McCarthy Co., Inc., Augusta, ME. IS.
Hammond (see listing in the trades bibliography)
Curtis, Jane, Curtis, Will, and Lieberman, Frank. (1995). Monhegan the artists' island. Down East Books, Camden, ME. IS.
Parker (see listing under Pemaquid)
Proper, Ida Sedgwick. (1930). Monhegan, the cradle of New England. The Southworth Press, Portland, ME. IS.
Mazlish, Anne, Ed. (1997). The Tracy log book 1855: A month in summer: Charle's Tracy's diary on Mount Desert Island. Acadia Publishing Company, Bar Harbor, ME. IS.
Morison, Samuel Eliot. (1960). The story of Mount Desert Island. Little Brown & Company, Boston, MA. IS(2).
Prins (see the Native Americans secondary texts bibliography)
Savage, Charles. (1973). Mount Desert: The early French visits. Reprinted in 2004 by Port in a Storm Bookstore, Somesville, ME.
Somes-Sanderson, Virginia. (1982). The living past: Being the story of Somesville Mount Desert, Maine and its relationships with other areas of the island. Self-published, Mount Desert, ME. IS.
Thornton (see listing under Southwest Harbor).
Biscoe (see listing under Damariscotta).
Cushman, David Quimby. (1882). The history of ancient Sheepscot and Newcastle, including early Pemaquid, Damariscotta, and other contiguous places, from the earliest discovery to the present time; together with the genealogy of more than four hundred families. E. Upton & Son, Printers, Bath, ME. X.
Hatch (see listing under Industry)
New Vineyard
Hatch (see listing under Industry)
Allen, William. (1849). History of Norridgewock: Comprising memorials of the aboriginal inhabitants and Jesuit missionaries: Hardships of the pioneers: Biographical notices of the early settlers: And ecclesiastical sketches. E. J. Peet, Norridgewock, ME.
Lapham, William B. (1886). Centennial history of Norway, Oxford County, Maine, 1786 - 1886. Publisher unknown, Portland, ME.
Northeast Harbor (see Mount Desert)
North Haven
Beveridge, Norwood P. (1976). The North Island: Early times to yesterday. North Haven Bicentennial Committee, North Haven, ME. IS.
Old Town
Audette, Susan T. (date unknown). The Old Town Canoe Company: Our first hundred years. Tilbury House, Gardiner, ME.
Norton, David. (1881). Sketches of the town of Old Town, Penobscot County, Maine, from its earliest settlement to 1879; with biographical sketches. S. G. Robinson, Bangor, ME.
Lapham, William Berry. (1884). History of Paris, Maine, from its settlement to 1880, with a history of the grants of 1736 & 1771, together with personal sketches, a copious genealogical register and an appendix. Paris, ME.
Dearborn, Jeremiah Wadleigh, Ed. (1888). A history of the first century of the town of Parsonsfield, Maine. B. Thurston & Company, Portland, ME.
Hough, F.B. (1856). Papers relating to Pemaquid and parts adjacent in the present state of Maine known as Cornwell county, when under the colony of New York.
Parker, Arlita Dodge. (1925). A History of Pemaquid with sketches of Monhegan, Popham, Castine. MacDonald & Evans, Boston, MA.
Pembroke Sesquicentennial Committee. (July 1982). Pembroke Sesquicentennial. Pembroke, ME.
Wilder, Gerald G. (1932). 1832 Pembroke 1932: A brief historical account. Centenial Celebration of the Town of Pembroke, Maine.
Wheeler (see listing under Castine)
Willaimson (see listing under Castine)
Sesquicentennial 1818-1968: Historical souvenir book: Perry, Maine. IS.
Parker (see listing under Pemaquid)
Goold, William. (1886). Portland in the past. B. Thurston & Company, Portland, ME.
Willis, William. (1865). The history of Portland from 1632 to 1864. Second Edition. Bailey and Noyes, Portland, ME.
Ellis, Alice V. (1980). The history of Prospect, Maine, 1759-1979. Town of Prospect, ME.
Eaton (see listing under Thomaston)
Merriam, Paul G., Molloy, Thomas J. and Sylvester, Theodore W., Jr. (1991). Home front on Penobscot Bay: Rockland during the war years 1940 - 1945. The Rockland Cooperative History Project, Rockland, ME.
Dietz (see listing under Camden)
Parker (see listing under Camden)
Robinson (see listing under Camden)
Fairfield, Roy P. (1956). Sands, spindles, and steeples. House of Falmouth, Portland, ME.
Fairfield, Roy P. (1988). New compass points: Twentieth century Saco. Bastille Books, Saco, ME.
Folsom, George. (1830). History of Saco and Biddeford, with notices of other early settlements, and of proprietary governments, in Maine, including the provinces of New Somersetshire and Lygonia. A. C. Putnam, Saco, ME. Reprinted in 1984 by Heritage Books, Bowie, MD.
Ridlon, Gideon T. (1895). Saco valley settlements and their families. Publisher unknown, Portland, ME.
Emery, Edwin. (1901). The history of Sanford, Maine, 1661-1900. Compiled, edited and arranged by his son, William Morrell Emery and published by him, Fall River, MA. Reprinted in 1987 by H.H. Eastman, Sanford, ME. IS.
Perkins, Rachel Bean. (1985). Index of names in the history of Sanford, Maine 1661-1900. by Edwin Emery. Sanford-Alfred Historical Society, Sanford, ME.
Albin, Dorothy. (1976). Searsmont: The old township of Quantabacook 1764-1976. Camden Herald Publishing Company, Camden, ME.
Eastman, Joel W. (1976). A history of Sears Island Searsport, Maine. Searsport Historical Society, Searsport, ME. IS.
South Bristol
Vincent, Ellen., ed. (2003). Down on the island, upon the main: A recollected history of South Bristol, Maine. Tilbury House and the South Bristol Historical Society, Bristol, ME.
Somesville (see Mount Desert)
Johnson, Lelia A. Clark. (1953). Sullivan and Sorrento since 1760. Hancock County Publishing Co., Ellsworth, ME.
Southport (see listings under Boothbay)
Southwest Harbor
Prins (see the Native Americans secondary texts bibliography)
Thornton, Mrs. Seth S. (1938). Traditions and records of Southwest Harbor and Somesville. Privately printed.
St. George
Nelson, Margret, G. (1974). On solid granite: The story of St. George’s church. St. George’s Episcopal Chapel, Long Cove, ME. IS.
Hatch (see listing under Industry)
Stonington (see Deer Isle)
Stockton Springs
Ellis, Alice V. (1955). The story of Stockton Springs, Maine. Historical Committee of Stockton Springs, Stockton Springs, ME.
Parsons, Nancy S. (1978). Stockton Springs vital records 1857 - 1891. C & H Publishing Co., Orrington, ME. IS.
Cooper, S. Josephine, Ed. (1989). A bicentennial history of Sullivan, Maine. Penobscot Bay Press, Stonington, ME.
Johnson, Lelia A. Clark. (1953). Sullivan and Sorrento since 1760. Hancock County Publishing Co., Ellsworth, ME.
Swan's Island
Small, H. W. (1898). History of Swan's Island, Maine. Reprinted in 1973 by Picton Press, Rockport, ME.
Beckett (see listing in the Children's bibliography).
Eaton, Cyrus. (1865). History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, Maine, from their first exploration, A.D. 1605; with family genealogies. 2 vols. Masters, Smith & Co., printers, Hallowell, ME. IS.
Morse, F.L.S. (1977). Thomaston scrapbook. 2 vols. Thomaston Historical Society, Thomaston, ME. IS.
Packard, Aubigne Lermond. (1950). A town that went to sea. Falmouth Pub. House, Portland, ME. Reprinted in 1987 by the Thomaston Historical Society. IS.
Wheeler (see listing under Brunswick)
Prins (see listing in the Native Americans secondary texts bibliography)
French, W. R. and Riley, William. (1887). A history of Turner, Maine, from its settlement to 1886. Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, Portland, ME.
Nash, Chester. (1974). 200 years in Union; a pictorial history of Union, Maine. Union Historical Society, Rockland, ME.
Sibley, John Langdon. (1851). A history of the town of Union, Maine, to the middle of the nineteenth century. Benjamin B. Mussey and Co., Boston, MA. Reprinted 1970, 1987 by New England History Press, Somersworth, NH.
Vickery, James B. (1954). History of the town of Unity, Maine. Falmouth Pub. House, Manchester, ME.
Allen, Mildred S. (1900). A brief historical sketch of the town of Vinalhaven from it’s earliest known settlement. Press of the Star Job Print, Rockland, ME.
Armstrong (See listing in Toolmaking trades under quarry workers).
Biscoe, Mark W. (2004). Merchant of the Medomak: Stories from Waldoboro Maine's Golden Years, 1860 - 1910. Lincoln County Publishing Co., Newcastle, ME. IS.
Stahl, Jasper Jacob. (1956). History of Old Broad Bay and Waldoboro: Volume one: The colonial and federal periods. The Bond Wheelwright Company, Portland, ME. IS.
Eaton, Cyrus. (1851). Annals of the town of Warren in Knox County, Maine with the early history of St. Georges, Broadbay and neighboring settlements on the Waldo Patent. Masters, Smith and Co., Hallowell. Reprinted in 1887 by Masters & Livermore, Hallowell and in 1968.
Overlock, Leland. (1988). Windships of Warren, Maine: Writings and records pertaining to the history of shipbuilding and related matters, 1770 to 1867. L. Overlock, Warren, ME.
Marriner, Ernest. (1954). Kennebec yesterdays. Colby College Press, Waterville, ME. IS.
Whittemore, Edwin Carey et. al. (1902). The centennial history of Waterville, Kennebec County, Maine: Including the oration, the historical address and the poem presented at the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the incorporation of the town June 23d, 1902. Executive Committee of the Centennial Celebration, Waterville, ME. Reprinted in 1988 by Higginson Book Co., Salem, MA. IS.
Ault, Eloise R., Ed. (1998). History of Wayne, Maine. Wayne Historical Society, Wayne, ME.
Perkins, John R. (1968). Illustrated history of Wayne, Maine. Wayne, ME.
Walton, G. W. et. al. (1898). History of the town of Wayne, Maine. Maine Farmer Publishing Company, Augusta, ME.
Bourne, Edward Emerson. (1875). The history of Wells and Kennebunk from the earliest settlement to the year 1820, at which time Kennebunk was set off, and incorporated. B. Thurston & Co., Portland, ME.
Lowden, Linwood. (1984). Ballstown - West - 1768-1809: An Introduction to the History of the Town of Whitefield, Maine. Publisher NA.
Waters, Henry. (1982). Kings' Mills: Whitefield, Maine 1772-1982.
Dole, Samuel Thomas. (1916). Windham in the past. Merrill & Webber Co., Auburn, ME.
Murphy, Harry M. (1997). Index of Windham in the past by Samuel Thomas Dole. H.M. Murphy, Albuquerque, N.M.
Lovejoy, A.A. et. al. (1971). Winthrop. Kennebec Journal. Augusta, ME.
Parlin, W. Harrison. (1891). Reminiscences of East Winthrop. Banner Pub. Co., East Winthrop, ME.
Stackpole, Everett Schermerhorn. (1925). History of Winthrop, Maine, with genealogical notes. Press of Merrill & Webber Company, Auburn, ME. Second edition by David C. Young and Elizabeth Keene Young in 1994, Heritage Books, Bowie, MD.
Thurston, David. (1855). A brief history of Winthrop, from 1764 to October 1855. Brown Thurston, steam printer, Portland, ME. IS.
Chase, Fannie S. (1941). Wiscasset in Pownalborough: A history of the shire town and the salient historical features of the territory between the Sheepscot and Kennebec rivers. Southworth-Anthoensen Press, Portland, ME. IS.
Patterson, William Davis. (1926). An architectural monograph: Wiscasset, Maine. R. F. Whitehead, NY, NY.
Patterson, William Davis. (1929). Wiscasset in early days: Historical notes pertaining to the old town on the Sheepscot River. Printed by the Times Co., Bath, ME.
Patterson, William Davis. (1931). Old Wiscasset historical data. Printed by the Times Co., Bath, ME.
Rowe, William Hutchinson, et. al. (1910?). The Yarmouth poets. Yarmouth? ME.
Rowe, William Hutchinson. (192?). Yarmouth personages, an introduction. An attempt to revive the memory of individuals whose names were once household words in old North Yarmouth and Yarmouth. Yarmouth? ME.
Rowe, William Hutchinson. (1924). Shipbuilding days and tales of the sea, in old North Yarmouth and Yarmouth, Maine. Marks Printing House, Portland, ME.
Rowe, William Hutchinson. (1937). Ancient North Yarmouth and Yarmouth, Maine, 1636-1936; a history. Yarmouth, ME. IS.
Banks, Charles E. (1931-1935). History of York. 2 vols. Murray Printing Co., Boston, MA.