Environmental History
Norumbega bioregion: Changes
in the land
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Wilson, Harold F. (1935). The rise and decline of the
sheep industry in northern New England. Agricultural History. 9(1). pg.
Rapid changes are now occurring with respect to increasing levels of
chemical fallout contamination in many biotic and terrestrial environments.
Increasing contamination levels are also accompanied by decreasing effectiveness
of environmental organizations dedicated to mitigating the spread and increase
of chemical fallout in the environment. The State of Maine's 1997 Fish
Consumption Advisories remains an important documentation of the impact
of this fallout within the State of Maine almost a decade after it was
issued. The following citations will allow visiting readers to access contemporary
OpEds expressing the current frustration of the environmental movement.
A topic specific bibliography for Paradigm III follows these general citations.
The State of Maine is one of the few states making an attempt to alert
it's citizens to the hazards of chemical fallout; their advisory will remain
at the beginning of this section of our Environmental History Bibliographies
due to its symbolic importance.
Maine Department of Human Services. (1997). Maine 1997 fish consumption advisories. Handout by the Bureau of Health, Maine Department of Human Services, Augusta, ME.
(Augusta) |
The Chops (Bath) |
(freshwater fish only) |
and all tributaries |
Mill Road |
Pit, Greenlaw Brook |
(on former Loring Air Force Base) |
Arctic Monitoring And Assessment Programme (AMAP). (2002). AMAP Assessment 2002: persistant organic pollutants in the Arctic. Oslo. IS
Center for Disease Control. (March 2001). National report on human exposure to environmental chemicals. CDC, National Center for Environmental Health, Atlanta, GA. http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/dls/report/default.htm
Counihan, Martin. (1981). A dictionary of energy. Routledge & Kegan Paul, Boston, MA. IS.
Deffeyes, Kenneth S. (2001). Hubbert's peak: The impending world oil shortage. Princeton University Press, 2001, Princeton, NJ.
Environment Information Center. (1980). Toxic substances sourcebook: Series: 2. EIC Co., NY, NY. IS.
Eriksson, Johan, et. al. (February 2003). Photochemical transformations of Tetrabromobisphenol A and related phenols in water. Chemosphere. 54(1). pg. 117-26.
European Union. (2002). Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. Official Journal of the European Union.
EWG (Environmental Working Group) has all their reports online in an archive on PCB's, mercury, fire retardants, teflon, arsenic, etc.
Fisher, Douglas. (March 10, 2005). The great experiment. Inside Bay Area.
Gibson, Pamela Reed. (2000). Multiple chemical sensitivity: A survival guide. New Harbinger Pub.
Goldberg, Edward D. et. al. (1978). The mussel watch. Environment Conservation. 5(2). pg. 101-125.
Gulf Watch. (2003). Monitoring chemical contaminants in Gulf of Maine coastal waters. www.gulfofmaine.org.
Hearne, Shelley A. (1984). Harvest of unknowns. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. San Francisco, CA. www.nrdc.org IS.
Hites, Ronald, Foran, Jeffery A., Carpenter, David O., Hamilton, M. Coreen, Knuth, Barbara A. and Schwager, Steven J. (January 9, 2004). Global assessment of organic contaminants in farmed salmon. Science. 303(5655). pg. 226.
Kay, Jane. (July 10, 2003). Widely used flame retardant feared to be a health hazard found in women’s breast tissue, fish – bill would ban it. San Francisco Chronicle.
Klare, Michael T. (2001). Resource wars: The new landscape of global conflict. Metropolitan Books, May 2001.
Law, Robin, et. al. (September 2003). Levels and trends of polybrominated diphenylethers and other brominated flame retardants in wildlife. Environmental International. 29(6). pg. 757-70.
Lee, Robert G. M., et. al. (2004). PBDEs in the atmosphere of three locations in Western Europe. Environmental Science and Technology. 38(3).
Long, Michael E. (July 2002). Half life: The lethal legacy of America's nuclear waste. National Geographic. pg. 2-33. IS.
Miller, Morton W. and Berg, George G., Eds. (1969). Chemical fallout: current research on persistent pesticides. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, IL. IS.
Mlot, Christine. (February 1985). Multimedia maneuvers: Shifting tactics for controlling shifting pollutants. Science News. 127. pg. 124-127. X.
Morris, Steven, et. al. (2004). Distribution and fate of HBCD and TBBPA brominated flame retardants in North Sea estuaries and aquatic food webs. Environmental Science and Technology. 38(21).
Mott, Lawrie and Broad, Martha. (March 15, 1984). Pesticides in food: What the public needs to know. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., San Francisco, CA. IS.
Moyers, Bill. (2005). Welcome to Doomsday. New York Review of Books, NY, Vol 52, Number 5, March 24, 2005. IS.
National Institute of Health Sciences. (June 2002). Tetrabromobisphenol A: review of toxicological literature.
Oaks, JL, M. Gilbert, MZ, Virani, RT, et. al. (2004). Doclofenac residues as the cause of vulture population decline in Pakistan. Nature. 427 (6975). pg. 630-3.
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Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development. (2003). Voluntary approaches for environmental policy. Paris. www.oecd.org/document/58/0,2340,fr_2649_34375_238437_1-1-1-1,00.html
Puckett, Jim and Smith, Ted, eds. (2002). Exporting harm: the high-tech trashing of Asia. Seattle: Basel Action Network. Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition. San Jose, CA.
Randolph, Theron G. (1962). Human ecology and susceptibility to the chemical environment. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, IL. IS.
Rivlin, Michael A. (Fall 2001). Northern exposure. Onearth. 23(3). pg. 14-20. IS.
Shellenberger, Michael, and Nordhaus, Ted. (2004). The Death of environmentalism: Global warming politics in a post-environmental world. Proceedings of the Environmental Grantmakers Association, October 2004. IS. {PDF LINK}
Shulman, Seth. (1992). The threat at home: confronting the toxic legacy of the U.S. military. Beacon Press, Boston.
Shulman, Seth. (1991). Biohazard. University Press of America.
Shulman, Seth. (1993) Biohazard: How the Pentagon’s Biological Warfare Research Program Defeats Its Own Goals. A report for the Center for Public Integrity.
Shulman, Seth. (1999). Owning the future. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. (IS)
Shulman, Seth. (May 2002). Trouble on the endless frontier: Science, Invention and the Erosion of the Technological Commons. A report for the New America Foundation.
Shulman, Seth. (January 8, 2007). Undermining science: suppression and distortion in the Bush administration. University of California Press.
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition. (2002). Poison PCs and toxic TVs. San Jose, CA. www.svtc.org.
Stapleton, Heather M., et. al. (2004). Debromination of polybrominated diphenol ether congeners BDE 99 and BDE 183 in the intestinal tract of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Environmental Science and Technology. 38 (4).
Stich, Hans. F., Ed. (1982). Carcinogens and mutagens in the environment: Volume I: Food products. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. IS.
Thomas, V.M., J.A. Bedford, and R. J. Cicerone. (June 1, 1997). Bromine emissions from lead gasoline. Geophysical Research Letters. 24 (11). pg. 1371-74.
Tomy, Gregg T., et. al. (2004). Bioaccumulation, biotransformation, and biochemical effects of brominated diphenyl ethers in juvenile lake trout (Savelinus manaycush). Environmental Science and Technology. 38 (5).
ToxicExposure.Org Coalition. (March 22, 2001). First-Ever Government Report a "Wake-up Call" on Toxic Exposure of Average Americans. http://www.igc.org/igc/gateway/en/archive/arch032601.html
Ueno, Daisuke, et. al. (2004). Global pollution monitoring of polybrominated dipheyl ethers using skipjack tuna as a bioindicator. Environmental Science and Technology. 38 (5).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. (2007). Globally harmonized system of classification and labeling of chemicals (GHS). www.unece.org/traans/danger/publi/ghs_welcome_e.html.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (November 2000). Guidance for assessing chemical contaminant data for use in fish advisories: Volume 2: Risk assessment and fish consumption limits. Third Edition. Office of Science and Technology, Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. http://www.epa.gov/ost/fishadvice/volume2/index.html.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2003). Trichloroethyline health risk assessment: synthesis and characterization: an EPA Science Advisory Board Report. www.epa.gov/sab/pdf/ehc03002.pdf.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2003). Toxics release inventory (TRI) Explorer database. www.epa.gov/triexplorer.
Vives, Ingrid, et. al. (2004). Polybromodiphenyl ether flame retardants in fish from lakes in European high mountains and Greenland. Environmental Science and Technology. 38 (8).
Vos, Joseph G., et. al. (2003). Brominated flame retardants and endocrine disruption. Pure Applied Chemistry. 75 (11-12). pg. 2039-46.
Weiner, Jonathan. (March 1991). The next one hundred years. Bantam trade paperback edition. NY. IS
Weise, Elizabeth. (September 23, 2003). Flame retardant found in breast milk. USA Today. pg. 1.
Werbach, Adam.(2004). Is environmentalism dead? Presented to the Commonwealth Club of California. IS. {PDF LINK}
West, Robert C., Ed. (1973-4). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 54th edition. CRC Press. IS.
West, Robert C. and Astle, Melvin J. (1982). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. 63rd edition. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL. IS.
WHO/Convention Task Force on the Health Aspects of Air Pollution. (2003). Health risks of persistent organic pollutants from long-range transboundary air pollution. World Health Organization. www.euro.who.int/document/e78963.pdf.
Wolkers, Hans, et. al. (2004). Congener-specific accumulation and food chain transfer of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in two Arctic food chains. Environmental science and Technology. 38 (6). pg. 1667-74.
World Wildlife Federation. (2004). Living planet report 2004. WWF, October 9, 2004. IS. {PDF LINK}
World Wildlife Fund. (October 2004). Bad blood? A survey of chemicals in the blood of European ministers. World Wildlife Fund. www.worldwildlife.org/toxics/pubs/badblood.pdf.
Zogorski, John S, et. al. (2006). Volatile organic compounds in the nation’s ground water and drinking-water supply wells. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Circular 1292. IS
Maine State Legislature. (2004 session). LD 1790: An Act To Reduce Contamination of Breast Milk and the Environment from the Release of Brominated Chemicals in Consumer Products. http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/LD.asp?LD=1790.
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Darnerud, Per Ola et. al. (March 2001). Polybrominated diphenyl ethers: Occurrence, dietary exposure, and toxicology. Environmental Health Perspectives. 109. Supplement 1. pg. 49-68.
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Slorach, Stuart A. and Vaz, Reggie. (1983). Assessment of human exposure to selected organochlorine compounds through biological monitoring. Swedish National Food Administration, Upsala, Sweden. IS(2)-EH.
Steingraber, Sandra. (2001). Having faith: An ecologist's journey to motherhood. Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, MA.
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World Health Organization. (1987). Environmental health: PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs: Prevention and control of accidental and environmental exposures. World Health Organization, Copenhagen. IS-EH.
Schecter, Arnold, Cramer, P., Boggess, K., Stanley, J., Papke, O., Olson, J., Silver, A. and Schmitz, M. (2001). Intake of dioxins and related compounds from food in the U.S. population. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A. 63. pg. 101-118. X.
World Health Organization. (March 1986). Environmental health: Dioxins and furans from municipal incinerators. World Health Organization, Naples. IS-EH.
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Toxicity and Autism
(This section is under construction. The Davistown Museum Department
of Environmental History is seeking additional citations and information
as well as volunteer editors and data searchers for this important subject.)
Autism Research Institute. (February 2005). Treatment options for mercury/metal toxicity in autism and related developmental disabilities: Consensus position paper. Autism Research Institute, San Diego, CA. IS.
Symptoms: A landmark literature review paper by
Bernard et al., published in 2001 reported that all of the diagnostic criteria
necessary for a diagnosis of autism were also observed in cases of mercury
toxicity. For example, the major toxicity of mercury compounds is expressed
in the central nervous system, although immune and gastrointestinal systems
are also commonly affected. The same abnormalities in these systems have
been found in children with autism. Mercury causes a pervasive disruption
in the body by binding to sulfur which causes widespread dysfunction of
enzymes, transport mechanisms and structural proteins. Therefore, clinical
manifestations involve multiple organ systems with variable features and
intensities. the same is true for autism. |
American Academy of Pediatrics. (September 1999). Thimerosal in Vaccines - An Interim Report to Clinicians (RE9935). American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement. 104 (3). pg. 570-574.
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Gulf of Maine Times. PO Box 339, Annapolis Royal, NS, CANADA B0S IA0.
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Aarkrog, A., Botter-Jensen, L., Dahlgaard, H., Hansen, H., Lippert, J. and Nielsen, S.P. (June 1983). Environmental radioactivity in Denmark in 1982. Riso-R-487. Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. IS.
Aarkrog, A., Dahlgaard, H., Hallstadius, L., Holm, E., Hansen, H. and Lippert, J. (July 1983). Environmental radioactivity in the Faroes in 1982. Riso-R-488. Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. IS.
Aarkrog, A., Dahlgaard, H., Hallstadius, L., Holm, E., Hansen, and H., Lippert, J. (July 1983). Environmental radioactivity in Greenland in 1982. Riso-R-489. Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. IS.
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Aarkrog, A., Boelskifte, S., Buch, E., Christensen, G.C., Dahlgaard, H., Hallstadius, L., Hansen, H., Holm, E., Mattsson, S. and Meide, A. (December 1984). Environmental radioactivity in the North Atlantic region. The Faroe Islands and Greenland included. 1983. Riso-R-510. Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. IS.
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Aarkrog, A., Boelskifte, S., Buch, E., Christensen, G.C., Dahlgaard, H., Hallstadius, L., Hansen, H. and Holm, E. (December 1985). Environmental radioactivity in the North Atlantic region. The Faroe Islands and Greenland included. 1984. Riso-R-528. Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. IS.
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Aarkrog, A., Botter-Jensen, L., Chen, Q.J., Dahlgaard, H., Hansen, H., Holm, E., Lauridsen, B., Nielsen, S.P. and Sogaard-Hansen, J. (May 1989). Environmental radioactivity in Denmark in 1987. Riso-R-563. Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. IS.
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Aarkrog, A., Buch, E., Chen, Q.J., Christensen, G.C., Dahlgaard, H., Hansen, H., Holm, E. and Nielsen, S.P. (January 1992). Environmental radioactivity in the North Atlantic region including the Faroe Islands and Greenland. 1988 and 1989. Riso-R-571(EN). Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. IS.
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