Maine History
Popular authors
The Bates Manufacturing Co. (1949). Do you know Maine? The history and legends of our state. Vol. IV. The Bates Manufacturing Co., Lewiston, ME. IS.
Bearse, Ray. (1969). Maine: A guide to the vacation state. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA.
Calvert, Mary R. (1986). Dawn over the Kennebec. The Monmouth Press, Monmouth, ME. IS(2).
Calvert, Mary R. (1991). Black robe on the Kennebec. The Monmouth Press, Monmouth, ME. IS.
Clark, A. Carman. (1985). From the orange mailbox: Notes from a few country acres. The Harpswell Press, Gardiner, ME. IS.
Coffin, Robert P. Tristram. (1934). Lost paradise: A boyhood on a Maine coast farm. The MacMillian Company, NY, NY. IS.
Coffin, Robert P. Tristram. (1937). Kennebec: Cradle of Americans. In the series: The rivers of America. Skinner, Constance Lindsay, Ed. Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., Rahway, NJ. IS.
Coffin, R. P. T. (1947). Do you know Maine? Maine holidays: by R. P. T. Coffin. Vol. II. The Bates Manufacturing Co., Lewiston, ME. IS.
Cole, Allie. (1980). Allie Cole: A maine pioneer. Casco Printing Company, Portland, ME. IS.
DeVoto, Bernard. (1943). The year of decision: 1846. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. IS.
Dietz, Lew. (1969). Touch of wildness - a Maine woods journal. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY, NY. IS.
Emerson, Walter. (1922). When north winds blow. Lewiston Journal Company, Lewiston, ME. IS.
Etnier, Elizabeth. (1937). On Gilbert head; Maine days. Little, Brown, Boston, MA. IS.
Fisher, R. Barry. (2001). A doryman's day. Tilbury House, Gardiner, ME.
Lee, W. Storrs. (1968). Maine: A literary chronicle. Funk & Wagnalls, NY, NY.
Maine Automobile Association. (1913). Maine automobile road book and pine tree tour. Touring Information Bureau, Maine Automobile Association, Portland, ME. IS.
Morgan, Edmund S. (1958). The Puritan dilemma: The story of John Winthrop. In: The Library of American Biography, edited by Oscar Handlin. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. IS.
Munson, Gorham Bert. (1959). Penobscot: Down East paradise. Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA.
Philbrick, Nathaniel. (2000). In the heart of the sea: The tragedy of the whaleship Essex. Penguin Books, NY, NY. IS.
Rich, Louise Dickinson. (1964). State O' Maine. Harper & Row, New York, NY.
Rich, Louise Dickinson. (1975). The coast of Maine: An informal history and guide. Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York, NY.
Roberts, Kenneth. (1938). March to Quebec: Journals of the members of Arnold's expedition. Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., NY, NY. IS.
Roberts, Kenneth Lewis. (1938). Trending into Maine. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. IS.
Roberts, Kenneth. (1943). Rabble in arms: A chronicle of Arundel and the Burgoyne invansion. Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., NY, NY. IS.
Sibley, Edwin Day. (1902). Stillman Gott, farmer and fisherman. John S. Brook & Co., Boston, MA. IS.
Simpson, Dorothy. (1960). The Maine islands in story and legend. J. B. Lippincott Co. Reprinted in 1987 by Blackberry Books, Nobleboro, ME. IS.
Smith, Edmund Ware. (1958). A treasury of the Maine woods. Frederick Fell, Inc., NY, NY. IS.
Smith, Edmund Ware. (1959). For Maine only. Frederick Fell, Inc., NY, NY. IS.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. (1862). The pearl of Orr's Island: A story of the coast of Maine. Houghton, Mifflin and Company, NY, NY. IS.
Sylvester, Herbert Milton. (1906). Romance of the Maine coast: Old York. Vol. II. Stanhope Press, Boston, MA. IS.
Sylvester, Herbert Milton. (1907). Romance of the Maine coast: The Sokoki trail. Vol. III. Stanhope Press, Boston, MA. IS.
Wasson, George S. (1932). Sailing days on the Penobscot: The story of the river and the bay in the old days. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., NY, NY. IS.
Wilder, Nat, Jr. (1910). A royal tragedy; when kings and savages ruled. Fireside Publishing Co., NY, NY. IS.