A long term objective of The Davistown Museum is to catalog important tools, which for one reason or another cannot be in the Museum collection, and list their locations. This catalog is especially directed at locating and documenting tools in the collections of Maine families and institutions that were used by the early settlers and tradesmen of Maine. In most cases, many owners of these tools would be rightfully unlikely to give up possession of family treasures, which then might end up in the dusty corners of a museum. The Davistown Museum would like to locate and catalog these tools with a description of their provenance and history of use. We would also like to photograph these tools. While we would love to have donations of early tools, the main objective of this catalog is to document the existence and historical significance of tools that played an important role in the settlement of Maine. If you think you have important Maine related tools in your tool collection and would be willing to have them documented as a component of the Davistown Museum Catalog of Maine Tools, please contact us.
The catalog has two sections, tools made in Maine and tools made outside of Maine.