None currently scheduled.
Board Meeting
The 2019 Davistown Museum board meeting is Saturday, August 10.
The meeting will begin at 12 in the museum third floor hall.
Past Events
The Davistown Museum will be part of the Cultivate: Belfast Area Farm and Arts Studio Tour the weekend of October 12th and 13th, 2013.
Art of the Edge Tool
Exhibition for the Summer of 2007
Davistown Museum
Gallery Shows 2008
Celebrate the NEW
at the Davistown Museum
July 22, 2006
New Show: MDI Womens Eye
work by the Mt. Desert Island Womens
Art Collaborative and other MDI women through September
New Gallery: Maine Artists Guild
featuring work by 30+ Maine artists
for sale to benefit the museum
New Cafe and Bookshop:
offering coffee, tea, cold drinks,
light snacks, used and new books for sale, & a lovely porch
New Book: Norumbega Reconsidered:
Mawooshen and the Wawenoc Diaspora by H. G. Skip Brack, museum curator,
who will read from and discuss
his book
New Poetry/Essays: Annaliese Jakimides,
who will read from her poetry and
essays featured in the new anthology The Other Side of Sorrow ,
current issues of Utne & Bangor
Metro magazines, and forthcoming anthology Leaving Home. Her visual art
will also be
on display.
New Musical Venture: John Whalley
and Ellen Erickson
who will play and sing folk music
Reception: 3-5 p.m.
Potluck Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.
Reading: 7 p.m.
Maine Historical Society Exhibit
Davistown Museum Curator H. G. Skip Brack was asked
to participate in the new Maine Historical Society exhibit honoring collectors
of historically significant artifacts:
"Passionate Pursuits - History in the Collector's
He selected tools from the Davistown Museum collection
and will write about them and their significance to Maine history for the
exhibit at the Maine Historical Society
Monday - Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sundays through October 31, 2007: Noon -
5:00 pm
Maine Historical Society
489 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
For more information see our page on the Davistown
Museum Maine Made Traveling Exhibition.
The first special show that we
What Needs to Be Retrieved:
The Marriage of Tools, Art and History
Summer 2005 - many pieces are
still on exhibit
It will celebrate the interrelationships
of tools, art and history in the Davistown Museum and kick off an endowment
Artists include: Alan Magee,
Roger Majorowicz, John Whalley, Margo Klass, Eric Ziner, David McLaughlin,
Tillman Crane, Donna Just and Peter Ross.
The opening is scheduled for Saturday,
June 25, 2005.
Previous Open House
Curator's tour, discussion and question/answer session:
Noon and 3 PM
Blind Albert: 11 - 5
Art activity for children: Make a Simple Machines Sculpture
Blacksmiths - Ancient Ones -- contact: John Sundberg
George O'Connor: "19th Century Precision Toolmakers of
Central Maine." 2 PM
Books:" Hand-made Books incorporating printmaking techniques: 10 - 1
Atlantic Art Glass presentation of their GLASSBLOWING
ART ACTIVITY for children and adults: Make a Tibetan
prayer flag (free) and/or design your own Davistown Museum tee shirt ($5/10)
of Registry of Maine Toolmakers and just published Tools Teach:
A Guide for Teachers and Students - available for the first time; authors
Skip Brack and Judith Bradshaw Brown available for questions/discussion
HOME-BAKED TREATS offered by the Liberty Volunteer Fire
Department Women's Auxiliary 10 - 5
GRILLED TREATS prepared on site by Chef Brian Roberts,
of Souse', Inc. Caterers, on natural hardwood Canadian charcoal: 11 - 3
For information and schedules: call 589-4900 or 288-5126, or e-mail judith@davistownmuseum.org.
Previous Lectures by H. G. (Skip) Brack, curator
Northeastern Primitive Rendezvous, Orrrington
Curator H. G. Skip Brack spoke on Thursday, July 20, 2016 at 10 am
Title: Shipbuilding and Edge Tools of the 17th Century a show and tell presented the Northeastern Primitive Rendezvous at the Wiswell Farm in Orrington, Maine.
Thomaston Historical Society
Curator H. G. Skip Brack spoke on September 8, 2015
Title: Norumbega Reconsidered: Mawooshen and the Wawenoc Diaspora
Brief description:
A commentary on the kidnapping of 5 Native Americans by George Waymouth at Pemaquid in 1605, their transport to England, and their recounting the story of the Confederacy of Mawooshen. This confederacy was led by the Wawenoc Indians who lived between the Kennebec and Penobscot Rivers. The last surviving Wawenoc was interviewed by Frank Speck in the early 20th century.
Pembroke Historical Society
Curator H. G. Skip Brack spoke on Monday, August 31, 2015
Description: History of iron-making and toolmaking in Down East Maine.
Washburn-Norlands Living History Center
Curator H. G. Skip Brack gave a lecture on Saturday, October 11, 2014, 1:00 pm as part of their Fall Festival
Location: the meeting house at the Norlands Living History Center
Topic: a discussion and display of the hand tools characterizing the early occupation of the former Cyrus Hamlin homestead by Israel Washburn in 1809 and their evolution into the tool forms characterizing the 1867 construction of the mansion still extant at the Norlands Museum.
The tools were on display at the meeting house starting at 11:00 am.
Lincolnville Historical Society Summer Speakers Series
Curator H. G. Skip Brack gave a lecture on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Lecture/Exhibit at Plymouth, MA Public Library
Toolmaking and Toolmakers in Plymouth County and Vicinity: 1630 through 1827
Monday, May 13, 2013 at 7:00 pm
The exhibit will be in the library for the month of May. It features early edge tools made in New England and representative tools from early American industries, such as those used by coopers and shipwrights.
Lecture at the Belfast Historical Society & Museum
Belfast Edge Toolmakers
10 Market Street
Belfast, ME 04915
Friday, April 24, 2009 at 7:00 pm
Lecture at Colonial Pemaquid
Guns, Iron, and Pathogens: European-Indigenous Communities’ First Contact
at Colonial Pemaquid, Bristol, ME
July 28, 2008 at 7:30 PM
Lecture for the Georges River Land Trust
“The Mills Along the St. George River & Their Relationship to the Shipbuilders of the Waldoboro Customs District”
Rockland Public Library Community Room
Sponsor: Georges River Land Trust
August 22, 2008 7 p.m. Rockland Public Library Community Room
Thomaston Public Library Lecture
Norumbega Reconsidered: Mawooshen
and the Wawenoc Diaspora
The search for the edge tools of
early New England shipwrights, what that search accidentally located, and
the resulting encounter with the Native American communities that lived
along the Maine coast in prehistory.
A small selection of edge tools will be brought as an example of shipsmith's tools dating from the 18th and 19th century.
Hand Tools of New England
H. G. (Skip) Brack
Yarmouth Historical Society 2006 Program Series
American Legion Log Cabin, 7:30 PM
Fascinated with hand tools?
Would you like to know more about those old tools sitting around your
As the owner of Liberty Tool in Liberty and Hulls Cove and curator
of the Davistown Museum,
Skip Brack is renowned as a hand tools expert.
This is a great chance to bring in your tools for identification.
Skip will also discuss selections from Yarmouth Historical Society
and his own collection.
Montpelier, the General Henry Knox Museum in Thomaston
will host a historic hand tool demonstration by Davistown Museum curator
Skip Brack
on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 2:00 pm.
Atlantic Challenge Foundation
Winter/Spring Lecture Series
643 Main St. Rockland, ME
(207) 594-1800
Topic: Edge Tool Production: 19th Century and Early
20th Century Sources vs. Contemporary Sources
Treasure and History in the Tool Shed
A Maine Antique Tool Roadshow
Come hear SKIP BRACK, founder of Liberty Tool and curator
of The Davistown Museum, discuss the history and value of hand tools in
Maine with a focus on edge tools common to woodworking trades. The public
is encouraged to bring any favorite antique or contemporary tools for identification
and evaluation-our very own
"Antique Tool Roadshow"! Brack will also pass around
tools from his Museum collection for discussion and comparison, and will
outline what makes certain tools important and desirable, how and where
they were made, and ways to collect and identify them.
Free and open to the community
Maine Historical Society
Portland, ME
Topic: The Florescence of Maine Shipbuilders
Skip Brack, a prominent Maine tool historian, will trace
the "florescence" of shipbuilding in Maine in the 19th century. The
Maine shipbuilding industry reached a pre-industrial peak in the 1840s,
a time when shipyards and waterfront communities up and down the coast
thrived and bustled with activity. Brack will trace the rise of that
boom, the central role that craftsmen and handmade, steel-edged tools played
in it, and examine how industrialization first drew on and then replaced
the skills of those craftsmen leading to a long decline in Maine's shipbuilding
Maine Maritime Museum
Bath, ME
Topic: The Florescence of Maine Shipbuilders
The presentations will begin Saturday morning, in Long
Reach Hall. Presentations by our speakers will continue, at a leisurely
pace, until noon on Sunday. Be sure to register in advance in order
to receive a complete schedule of events and other details.
Skip Brack, curator/founder of the Davistown Museum and
proprietor of the Liberty Tool Company will speak about the peak of the
Maine shipbuilding industry in the mid-19th century, focussing on the tradesmen
and tools that made it possible.
To ensure reservations, please send payment to:
Maine Maritime Museum
243 Washington Street, Bath, ME 04530
For more information, call 207-443-1316, ext. 322
Confirmation will be sent upon receipt of payment.
Other Events That were Held at the Museum
Intermediate Archival Workshop
Cost $10
Presenter: Ellen Dyer
A hands-on workshop designed to
enhance the archival skills of those who already know the basics.
The focus is on processing, describing, and arranging collections, appraisal,
non-paper formats, and disaster planning.
Co-sponsored by Maine Archives
& Museums and the Cultural Resource Information Center.
By phone: 207 287-7591
By email: maine.cric@maine.gov
By mail: Intermediate Archival
84 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0084