Tool Types: Axes, Clamps, Hammers, Hoes, Metal Planes, Picks, Plane Irons, Screwdrivers, Shaves, Wood Planes, and Others
Identifying Marks: SARGENT and variations
Remarks: Sargent & Company was formed in 1858 when three companies, located in different states and involving three different Sargent brothers (Joseph B., George & Edward) were combined. The companies were J. B. Sargent & Co., Sargent & Brother, and Peck & Walter. In 1863 a new, larger location was purchased in New Haven, Connecticut. Prior to that the company had been located in Hartford with sales offices in New York City. Sargent & Co. was incorporated in October of 1864 and in 1866 a fourth brother, Harry, joined the company. His involvement was short-lived though. By the end of the 1960s Sargent hand tools had been completely eclipsed by their production of locks and builders hardware. In 1967 Sargent & Co. became a division of Walter Kidde & Co., Inc. and the name was changed to Sargent Manufacturing Company (Lamond 1997, 10). The Sargent & Co. copied many of the Stanley tool designs and, after the Stanley Company, was the second most prolific manufacturer of malleable iron hand planes and other tools.
Some examples of planes from the Sargent catalogs follow:
Sargent & Co. Wood bottom
and iron planes.
Sargent &
Co. The Sargent tool catalog collection: A reprint of the Sargent
tools illustrated in the Company's 1894, 1910, and 1922 catalogs.