Manufacturer's Tool Catalogs
Abercrombie & Fitch. (1965). Antique guns 1965. Abercrombie & Fitch, NY, NY. IS.
Allen & Co., A. B. (1849). Catalogue of agricultural and horticultural implements, and or field and garden seeds, fruit and ornamental trees, domestic animals &c. Eighth edition. A. B. Allen & Co., NY. Reprinted in 1989 by Early Trades & Crafts Society, Long Island, NY. IS(2).
American Steel & Wire Company. (undated). Catalogue of American nails, wire, barbed wire, staples tacks, poultry netting, etc. Form 5860. United States Steel Corporation Subsidiary. IS.
Arthur, Henry. (Sept. 1874). Price list for September 1st, 1874, of leather and findings and boot & shoe uppers. Henry Arthur, 84 & 86 Gold Street, Corner Ferry, NY. Reprinted by Alexander Farnham, RD 2, Stockton, NJ 08559. IS.
Arnold, Roy. (late 1860's). The mid Victorian Elwell catalog of forged tools. A facsimile with an introduction by Richard Filmer. Reprinted in 2000 by Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Arnold & Walker. (1975 - 1977). The traditional tools of the carpenter and other craftsmen. Catalogue 2, 3, 4, 5. 77 High St., Needham Market, Suffolk, UK. IS.
Astragal Press. (1989). The Stanley catalog collection: 1855 - 1898: Four decades of rules, levels, try-squares, planes, and other Stanley tools and hardware. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Astragal Press. (1994). The handsaw catalog collection: A select compilation of the four leading manufacturers (1910-1919) : E.C. Atkins & Co., Henry Disston & Sons, Simonds Manufacturing Co., and Spear & Jackson. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ.
Auburn Tool Company. (1869). Price list of planes, plane irons, rules, gauges, hand screws, &c., manufactured and sold by Auburn Tool Company, (successors to Casey, Clark & Co.). Wm. J. Moses' Printing and Publishing House. Reprinted by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Bailey, Leonard & Co. (1876). Illustrated catalogue and price list of patent adjustable iron bench planes, try squares, bevels, rules, levels, hammers, &c., &c.Leonard Bailey & Co., Hartford, CT. Reprinted by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Bailey, Leonard & Co. (January 1883). Catalog: Leonard Bailey & Co.'s patent adjustable iron bench planes, try squares, bevels, spoke shaves, box scrapers, &c. Leonard Bailey & Co., Hartford, CT. Reprinted in May 1975 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Bailey Wringing Machine Company. (February 15, 1876). Price list: Defiance metallic bench planes. Bailey Wringing Machine Company, 99 Chambers St., NY, NY. Reprinted by Kendall Bassett. IS(2).
Barbour, J. & E. R. (no date). Catalog: J. & E. R. Barbour, dealers in mechanical rubber goods, engineers specialties, steamboat, railroad, and mill supplies, contractors for steam machinery & appliances. Nos. 8 and 10 Exchange Street, Portland, Maine. Poole Bros. Printers and Electrotypers, Mechanic Falls, ME. IS.
Bartholomew, H. S. (ca. 1889). Price-list of breast drills, braces, ferrules, etc., etc. 190. H. S. Bartholomew, Bristol, CT. Reprinted in September 1991 by ATTIC.
Barton, D. R. & Co. (1873). Catalogue and revised standard list of mechanics' tools and machine knives, manufactured by D. R. Barton & Co., 136 Mill Street, Rochester, N.Y. Evening Express Printing House, Rochester, NY. Reprinted in April 1983 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Barnes, W. F. & John Co. (1903). Catalogue No. 59. Foot power lathes manufactured by W. F. & John Barnes Co. Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. Reprinted in 1982 by The Mid-West Tool Collectors Association, Columbia, MO. IS.
Barnes, W. F. & John Co. (1907). Catalogue No. 67. Patent foot and hand power wood working machinery manufactured by W. F. & John Barnes Co. Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. The "Original Barnes". Reprinted in 1978 by The Mid-West Tool Collectors Association, Columbia, MO. IS.
Belcher Brothers & Co. (1860). Price list of boxwood & ivory rules, for sale only by WM. Belcher, 233 Pearl St., New York. Measuring tapes, thermometers, sandpaper, steel squares, braces and bits, gauges, spokeshaves, try-squares, Bemis' cast steel goods, &c. Reprinted in 1982 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Bloomingdale Brothers. (1988). Bloomingdale's illustrated 1886 catalog. Dover Publications, Inc., New York, NY. IS.
Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. (1902). 1902: Catalogue: Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co.: Machinery and tools. Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Providence, RI. IS(2).
Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. (1941). Brown & Sharpe small tools: Catalog no. 34. Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Providence, RI. IS.
Brown Manufacturing Co. (1869). “Brown” military gun, Ballard sporting rifles, Southerner pistols, &c. C.G. Crawford & Co., New York, NY. IS.
Buck & Hickman, Limited. (August 1902). Illustrated and priced catalogue: American tools: Twist drills, chucks, vices, &c., &c. Reprinted in November 1989, by Mid-West Tool Collectors Association, Manchester, TN. IS.
Buck Brothers. (1890). Price list of chisels, plane irons, gouges, carving tools, nail sets, screw drivers, handles, &c. manufactured by Buck Brothers. Riverlin Works, Millbury, MA. Reprinted in 1976 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Buff & Berger. (1897). Hand-book and illustrated catalogue of the engineers' and surveyors' instruments made by Buff & Berger. Boston, Mass. IS.
Carr, WM. H. & Co. (1838). American manufactured hardware, &c, for sale by WM. H. Carr & Co. William Brown, Philadelphia, PA. IS
Chandler & Farquhar Co. (1924). Chandler & Farquhar Company machinists' tools and supplies, mill supplies, general hardware. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Chicago, IL.
Chapin, Hermon. (1853). Cataloque and invoice prices of rules, planes, gauges, &c. manufactured by Hermon Chapin. Union Factory, Pine Meadow, Conn. Reprinted in 1976 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS(4).
Chapin, Philip E. (1878). The Foss patent adjustable iron planes. Manufactured by Philip E. Chapin, Pine Meadow, Conn. Reprinted in Sept. 1981 by Ken Roberts Publishing Comapny. IS(2).
The Chapin-Stephens Co. (no date). Catalog: A plane statement. Read it. 86 years experience. Pine Meadow, CT. IS.
The Chapin-Stephens Co. (ca. 1914). Catalog No. 114: The Chapin-Stephens Co. Union Factory: Rules planes gauges plumbs and levels hand screws handles spoke shaves box scrapers, etc. Pine Meadow, CT. Reprinted in March 1975 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.(4)
Chapple, William. (1876) Revised list, William Chapple (late Peter Wilcock), plane manufacturer. Reprinted in Jan. 1890 by Ken Roberts Publishing Company. IS.
Cheney, Henry Hammer Co. (1904). Illustrated catalogue of the Henry Cheney Hammer Co. Reprinted September 23, 2003 by The Special Publications Committee M-WTCA. IS.
Collins &
Co. (1921). Illustrated catalogue of axes, hatchets, adzes, picks, sledges,
hoes, wrenches, bush hooks, etc., etc. manufactured by Collins & Co.
established in 1826. The Collins Company, Collinsville, CT. Reprinted
in 1974 by the Early Trades & Crafts Society, Long Island, NY. IS(2).
Collins Company, The. (1935). A brief account of the development of The Collins Company in the manufacture of axes, machetes and edge tools. The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. Reprinted in 1985 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Colwell Cooperage Company. (no date). This trade mark Colco N.Y. stands for efficient tools, stock and supplies for shipping containers: Barrels, boxes, pails, tubs, crates, baskets. General catalogue no. 26. Colwell Cooperage Company, Foot Jersey Avenue, Jersey City, NJ. X.
Colwell, E. D. (no date). Everything the cooper needs: Catalogue of bungs. E. D. Colwell, 412-418 Greewich St., NY, NY. X.
Connecticut Valley Manufacturing Co., Inc. (1939). Connecticut Valley Manufacturing Co. Inc. wood boring tools. Walker-Rackliff Co., New Haven, CT. IS.
Cope, Kenneth L. (no date available). A Brown & Sharpe catalogue collection, 1868, 1887, 1899. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ.
Crucible Steel Company of America. (1919). Catalog of products of the Black Diamond (Park) steel works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Crucible Steel Company of America, Pittsburgh, PA.
Davis Level & Tool Co. (ca. 1880). Price list of the Davis Level & Tool Co. Springfield, Mass. manufacturers of hardware tools, adjustable spirit plumbs, levels, and inclinometers, iron pocket levels, builders' levels and level glasses, saw clamps, improved iron bench planes, calipers and dividers, surface gauges, machinists' screw drivers, etc. hack saws and breast drills, thread gauges, &c., &c. Reprinted in May 1975, by Roger K. Smith, Lancaster, MA. IS.
Delta Manufacturing Division. (Jan. 1932 - March 1941). The Deltagram books I, II, III. Milwaukee, WI. IS.
Disston & Sons, Henry. (June 1912). Disston handbook on saws: Containing a treatise on the construction of saws and how to keep them in order. Together with other information of kindred character. Henry Disston & Sons, Philadelphia, PA. IS.
Drew & Company, C. Catalog No. 34: C. Drew & Co. established 1837: Factory at Kingston, Mass. Plymouth county. Topping Bros., New York Agents office and warehouse, 122 Chambers Street. Re-issued by the Marine Historical Association, Inc. and Antique Trades and Tools of Connecticut in October 1972. IS.
Earle M. Jorgensen Co. (1984). Steel and aluminum stock list and reference book. Earle M. Jorgensen Co., Los Angeles, CA. IS.
Farm Tools, Inc. (no date). Special Fordson implement catalog no. 20. Farm Tools, Inc., Mansfield, OH. IS.
Farrington, I.B. (1879). Price list of I.B. Farrington's ornamental designs for scroll sawing and all kinds of scroll saw machines. Henry H. Price, Book and Job Printer. Reprinted 1976 by Early Trades & Crafts Society.
Folding Sawing Machine Co. (1897). Folding sawing machine. Reprinted in February 1981 by The Mid-West Tool Collectors Association. IS.
Ford Motor Company. (1939). Johansson gage blocks and accessories, catalog no. 14. Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI. IS.
Forman, Benno M. (1988). American seating furniture 1630-1730: An interpretive catalogue. W. W. Norton & Co., NY, NY. IS.
Garrett Wade Company. (1984). Catalog: Woodworking tools. With September 1983 Price list. Garrett Wade, 161 Ave. of the Americas, NY, NY. IS.
General Electric Co. (May 1910). Bulletin No. 4737: Electric hardening furnace. Power and Mining Department, Schenectady, NY. IS.
Goodell-Pratt Company. (1905). Catalogue no. 7: Tools manufactured by Goodell-Pratt Company, Greenfield, Mass., U.S.A. Reprinted in June 1977 by Roger K Smith, Lancaster, MA. IS.
Goodnow & Wightman. (1882). Price
list of Goodnow & Wightman, importers, manufacturers and dealers in
tools of all kinds for machinists, pattern-makers, carvers, model makers,
amateurs, cabninet makers, jewelers, etc. Boston, Mass. Reprinted as
a joint project by the Early Trades & Crafts Society and the Mid-West
Tool Collector’s Association.
Gransfors Bruks AB. (2002) The Axe Book. Gransford Bruks AB, Bergsjo, Sweden. IS.
Greenfield Tool Co. (1854). Price list of joiners' bench planes and moulding tools manufactured by the Greenfield Tool Company. Reprinted in 1981 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS(2)
Greenfield Tool Co. (1872). Illustrated catalogue and invoice price list of joiners' bench planes, moulding tools, handles, plane irons, &c., manufactured by the Greenfield Tool Company. Reprinted in January 1978 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co. Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Greenlee Bros. & Co. (1940). Greenlee mortising and boring tools. Greenlee Bros. & Co., Rockford, IL. IS.
Hall, Elton W. (March 2008). The development of the illustrated tool catalog. The Chronicle. 61(1). pg. 1-16. IS.
Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. (no date). Piano, organ and violin tools, catalog no. 142. Reprinted by Martin J. Donnelly Antique Tools, Bath, NY. IS.
Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. (1937). Williams superior carbon steel wrenches. Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co, New York, NY. IS.
Harbor Tool Supply Co., Inc. Starrett saw data, second edition. Harbor Tool Supply Co., Inc, Needham Heights, MA. IS.
Harvey, H.H. (1896). H. H. Harvey’s special illustrated catalogue and price list for 1896 – 7. Granite, marble, and soft stone workers’, blacksmiths’ and contractors’, hammers and tools, manufactured by him at Augusta, Maine. Publisher unknown. IS(2).
Haynes & Chalmers Co. (1926). The Haynes & Chalmers Co. Bangor, Maine. IS.
Henry Disston & Sons. (1876). Price list. Reprinted in 1994 by Astragal Press.
Higganum Mfg. Co. (1873). Brochure: The
superior hay spreader. The Higganum Mfg. Co., Higganum, CT. IS(2).
Higganum Mfg. Co. Illustrated catalogue of Higganum specialties, cider mills, wine presses, hay cutters, Clark’s harrow and seeder, corn shellers, &c. The Higganum Mfg. Co., Higganum, CT. IS.
Hill & Co., James R. Harness makers’ and dealers’ supply catalogue. Page Belting Co., Concord, NH. IS.
Hirth & Krause. (1890). Hirth & Krause, dealers in all kinds of leather & findings. Shoe store supplies, etc. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Reprinted by The Midwest Tool Collectors Association and The Early American Industries Association in 1980. IS(2).
Hoe, R., & Co. (1855). R. Hoe & Co., manufacturers of patent ground warranted cast-steel saws. Reprinted in November 1976 by Early Trades & Crafts Society, Long Island, NY. IS.
Holtzapffell & Co. (1851). Holtzapffell
& Co., No. 64, Charing Cross, London, engine, lathe, & tool manufacturers,
and general machinists. X.
Holyoke Supply Co. (1918). Condensed Catalogue of Steam and Plumbing Supplies, First Edition pocket Size. The Howland Publishing Co., New York City, NY. IS.
Hoole Machine and Engraving Works. (1911). Hoole Machine and Engraving Works. Reprinted in May 1985 by The Special Publications Committee, Midwest Tool Collectors Association. IS.
Huther Bros. (1941). Huther saws: Catalogue 60. Huther Bros. Saw Mfg. Co., Rochester, NY. IS.
Hynson Tool & Supply Company. (1903). 52 annual catalogue: Hynson Tool & Supply Company. St. Louis, MO. Reprinted in April 1980 by the Mid-West Tool Collectors Association and the Early American Industries Association. IS (2).
The Irwin Auger Bit Company. How to select, use, and care for wood bits. O.T. Printing, Cols., OH. IS.
Jackson, S. Robert . (no date). The level you need. Hungerford-Holerook Co. Watertown, NY. Reprinted by Martin J. Donnelly Antique Tools. IS.
Jackson & Tyler. (no date). Price list, Jackson & Tyler tools and supplies of all kinds. Reprinted in September 1993 by The Special Publications Committee, Mid-West Tool Collectors Assocation. IS(3).
Jennings, C. E., & Co., Jennings, Charles E. and Griffin, Francis B. (1985). Price list. no. 13: C. E. Jennings & Co., manufacturers of C. E. Jennings' Arrowhead high grade tools. The Stanley Publishing Co., P. O. Box 689, Westborough, Mass. 01581. IS.Jennings, Russell Mfg. Co. (1981). Reprint of price list of Russell Jennings Mfg. Co., c. 1899 with supplementary data. Ken Roberts Publishing Co., P. O. Box 151, Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Johnson, Helen Louise.(1898) The enterprising housekeeper. The Enterprise Manufacturing Company of PA, Philadelphia, PA. IS.
Knutsson, Johan and Kylsberg, Bengt. (1985). Verktyg och verkstader pa Skoklosters slott. Skoklosters slott. IS.
Lang & Jacobs. (1884). Catalogue
and price list of Lang & Jacobs’ head quarters for coopers’ supplies
& cooperage stock, Boston, Mass. Coopers’ tools & truss hoops a
specialty. Reprinted by the Early Trades and Crafts Society, Long Island,
Lee Valley Tools, Ltd. (1984-85). Lee Valley fine woodworking tools catalogue. IS.
The Lufkin Rule Co. (1888). Lufkin measuring instruments, exerpts from trade catalogues, 1888 to 1940, documentary and arrangement by Kenneth D. Roberts. Reprinted in April 1983 by Clark-Briton Printing Co., Cleveland, OH.
Marble Arms & Mfg. Company. (1932-33). Marble's outing equipment. Catalog No. 21. Marble Arms & Mfg. Company, Gladstone, MI. Reprinted in 1992 by Philip J. Whitby. IS.
Marble Safety Axe Company. (1905). Marble's specialties for sportsmen. Marble Safety Axe Company, Gladstone, MI. Reprinted in 1992 by Centennial Press, Littleton, CO. IS.
Marples, William & Sons. (February 1979). 1909 edition price list: William Marples & Sons, Limited, Sheffield. Reprinted by The Mid-West Tool Collectors Association, The Early American Industries Association and Arnold and Walker. IS.
Marshall-Wells Hdwe. Co. (circa 1910). Zenith tools and cutlery. Reprinted in April 1987 by The special Publications Committee, Mid-West Tool Collectors Association. IS.
Martin, Glenn L. (1953). Catalog of exhibit of antique tools at the University of Maryland, from the collection of Herbert T. Shannon. University of Maryland, MD. IS.
Mathieson, Alex & Sons, Ltd. (1899). Saracen Tool Works, East Campbell Street, Glasgow. Established, 1792. Warehouses, Edinburgh, 23 Cockburn Street. Liverpool, 41 Byrom Street. Selections from the illustrated price list of wood working tools manufactured by Alex. Mathieson & Sons, Ltd. Glasgow. Eighth Edition. Reprinted in March 1975 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Millers Falls Co. (April 15, 1878). Catalog: Millers Falls Co., Millers Falls, Mass., No. 74 Chambers Street, NY. Reprinted in 1992 by Philip J. Whitby. IS.
Millers Falls Co. (1887). Catalog. Reprinted in 1981 by Astragal Press.
Morse Twist Drill & Machine Co. (1935). Machinist's practical guide: The Morse Twist Drill and Machine Co.: Incorporated 1864: Makers of twist drills, reamers, milling cutters, taps, dies, sockets, gauges, chucks, machinery and machinists' tools. Morse Twist Drill & Machine Co., New Bedford, MA. IS.
Moseley & Stoddard Manufacturing Co. (1896). (cover) For sale by H. P. Lucas, Pittsfield, Mass. (inside) Special fair catalogue, number 60, of improved machinery for the farm, dairy and creamery. Moseley & Stoddard Manufacturing Co., Rutland, Vermont. Reproduced by the Early Trades & Crafts Society in 1975. IS.
Niagara Machine & Tool Works. (no date available). Catalog no. 50: Tools and machines for tinsmiths and sheet metal workers, presses, shearing machines, punches, forming rolls, tinsmiths' tool, etc. Reprinted by Lindsay Publications, Bradley, IL.
North Bros. Manufacturing Co. (1908). "Yankee" Tool book describing, with illustrations, some up-to-date labor saving tools. More especially: ratchet screw drivers, spiral screw drivers, automatic or push drills, breast and hand drills etc., etc. Philadelphia, PA. reprinted in 1985 by O.M. Ramsey and Philip Whitby of the Midwest Tool Collectors Association. IS.
Norton Abrasives. (1935). How to sharpen. Behr-Manning, Troy, NY. IS.
Ohio Tool Company. (1900). Ohio adjustable planes. Ohio Tool Company, Charleston, VA. IS.
Ohio Tool Company. (c. 1900). Catalog: High-grade mechanics' tools. Ohio Tool Co., Columbus, Ohio, Auburn, NY. Reprinted in 1981 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS(2).
Ohio Tool Company. (1910). Ohio Tool Company established
1823: Catalogue no 23. Ohio Tool Co., Columbus, Ohio, Auburn, NY. Reprinted
in May 1976 by Roger K. Smith, Lancaster, MA. IS.
Oldham, Joshua. (1887). Catalogue and price list: Joshua
Oldham, manufacturer of saws, machine knives, &c. of every description. Joshua
Oldham, NY, NY. Reprinted in 1976 by the Early American Industries Association, So. Burlington,
VT. IS(2).
Osborne, C. S. & Co. (1911). Catalog: Established 1826: C. S. Osborne & Co., Inc.: Standard tools. C. S. Osborne & Co., Inc., Newark, NJ. Reprinted in 1976 as a joint project by the Early American Industries Association, the Early Trades and Crafts Society and the Mid West Tool Collectors. IS(3).
Parton, James. (1917). A captain of industry: The story of David Maydole: Inventor of the adz-eye hammer: To which is added a catalog of the principal varieties of hammers made by The David Maydole Hammer Company. The David Maydole Hammer Co., Norwich, NY.X.
The Peavey Manufacturing Co. (1978). Celebrated logging tools since 1857. Box 371, Brewer, ME. (207) 843-7861. IS.
Pomeroy, A.H. (1886). Illustrated catalogue of scroll saws, lathes, fancy woods, clock movements, pocket cutlery, mechanics' tools, &c. &c. Pilgrim Publishers, MA. IS.
Pratt & Whitney Co. (1950). Pratt & Whitney Co. small tools. Niles-Bement-Pond Co., West Hartford, CT. IS.
Preston, Edward & Sons, Ltd. (1991). The "PRESTON" catalogue: rules, levels, planes, braces and hammers, thermometers, saws, mechanic's tools, &c., Edward Preston & Sons, Ltd., Birmingham, England, Catalogue No. 18, May 1909. Reprinted by Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Rabone, John & Sons. (1982). John Rabone & Sons 1892 catalogue of rules, tapes, spirit levels, etc. Reprinted by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., P. O. Box 151, Fitzwilliam, NH 03447. IS.(2)
Rayl's. (1905). Rayl's. The T.B. Rayl Co., Detroit, MI. IS.
Rees, Mark. (1991). Edward Preston & Sons of Birmingham, an outline history. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. Reprint of the Preston 1909 catalogue.
Reo Motor Car Company. (1923). Standard bodies on the Speed Wagon chassis. Reo Motor Car Company, Lansing, MI. IS.
Richmond Cedar Works. (Feb. 1, 1926). Richmond Cedar Works: Richmond, VA.U.S.A. Manufacturers of Virginia white cedar wooden ware, ice cream freezers, washing machines etc. Price list. Richmond Cedar Works, Richmond, VA. X.
Rixford, O. S. (ca. 1887). O. S. Rixford's scythes and axes East Highgate, Vermont. T. O. Metcalf & Co., Printers, 48 Oliver St., Boston, MA. IS(3).
Roberts, Ken. (1979). Scotch and English metal planes manufactured by Stewart Spiers and manufactured by T. Norris & Son. Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Roberts, Ken. (1989). The Stanley Rule & Level Company's combination planes featuring the development and use of the Miller, Traut, and Stanley 45 and 55 planes. Miller's patent combined plow, filletster and matching plane. Astragal Press, Mendham, NJ. IS.
Rogers. (no date). Roger's tool & book catalogue. Hitchin. IS.
Romaine, Lawrence B. (1960). A guide to American trade catalogs, 1744-1900. Bowker, NY, NY.
Rugg Mfg. Co. 1884-5 Price list of hand and drag rakes, snow shovels and handles. Rugg Mfg. Co., Montague, MA. IS.
Russell and Erwin. (1865). Illustrated catalogue of American hardware of the Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Company. Reprinted in 1980 by the Association for Preservation Technology. IS.
Russell & Tremain. (1862). Advertising
circular. Russell’s screw power mower and reaper, combined. Without
cog gearing. Manufactured by Russell & Tremain, Manlius, Onondaga Co.,
N.Y. Reprinted by the Early Trades & Crafts Society, Levittown,
Sandusky Tool Co. (1877). Illustrated list of planes, plane irons, etc. The Sandusky Tool Co. Register Team Printing Establishment. Reprinted in January 1978 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH.
Sandusky Tool Co. (September 1st, 1925). The Sandusky Tool Company, established 1868, catalog no. 25. Sentinel Printing Co., Keene, NH. Reprinted in January 1978 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH.
Sargent & Co. Wood bottom and iron planes. Reprinted in May 1975 by Roger K. Smith, Lancaster, MA. IS (2).
& Co. (1993). The Sargent tool catalog collection: A reprint of
the Sargent tools illustrated in the Company's 1894, 1910, and 1922 catalogs. Forward
by Paul Weidenschilling,The Astragal Press, Mendham, New Jersey. IS.
Sargent & Co. Duralumin and steel carpenter squares. New Haven, CT. IS.
Sawyer Tool Mfg. Co. (1904). Catalog "G": Illustrated
price list of fine tools and hardware specialties manufactured by the Sawyer
Tool Mfg. Co. (incorporated). Fitchburg, MA. Reprinted by Martin J.
Donnelly Antique Tools, Bath, NY. IS.
Sawyer Tool Mfg. Co. Fine tools, a good place to buy good tools. Babcock, Hinds & Underwood, Binghampton, N.Y. Reprinted by Martin J. Donnelly Antique Tools, Bath, NY. IS.
Sawyer Tool Mfg. Co. Fine tools, a good place to buy good tools. Pritzlaff Bros., Milwaukee, WI. IS.
Scribner, J.M. (1880). Scribner’slumber & log book for ship builders, boat builders, lumber merchants, farmers, and mechanics. Geo. W. Fisher, Rochester, NY. IS.
Sears, Roebuck and Co. How to select and maintain Craftsman circular saw blades, s pecial purpose blades, dado sets, and saw blade stabilizers. IS.
Shannon, J.B. (1873). Illustrated catalogue and price list of carpenters’ tools. McCalla & Stavely, Printers, Philadelphia, PA. IS.
Shapleigh Hardware Co. (1927). Diamond Edge planes. Shapleigh National Series No. 1354, Shapleigh Hardware Co., St. Louis, MO. Reprinted in 1992 by Philip J. Whitby. IS(2).
Shelburne Museum. (1957). The blacksmith's and farriers'
tools at Shelburne Museum. Museum Pamplet Series, No. 7. The Shelburne
Museum, Shelburne, VT.
Simmons Hardware Company. (1930). E.C. Simmons Keen Kutter cutlery and tools. Simonds Steel and Saw Co., Fitchburg, MA. IS.
Simmons Hardware Company. (no date). E. C. Simmons Keen Kutter cutlery and tools. 21st catalog. Reprinted in 1971 by American Reprints, St. Louis, MO. IS.
Simonds Saw and Steel Company. (1937). Woodworking saws and planer knives: Their care and use. Simonds Steel and Saw Co., Fitchburg, MA. IS.
Simonds Saw and Steel Company. (1937). The circular saw: A guide book for filers, sawyers and woodworkers. Simonds Steel and Saw Co., Fitchburg, MA. IS.
Simonds Saw and Steel Company. (1937). How to file a cross-cut saw. Simonds Steel and Saw Co., Fitchburg, MA. IS.
Simonds Saw and Steel Company. (1937). The cross-cut saw. Simonds Steel and Saw Co., Fitchburg, MA. IS.
The H.D. Smith & Co. (1920). Catalog: Makers of drop forged fine tools: Originators - not imitators. The H. D. Smith & Co. Plantsville, CT. IS.
Snow & Neely Co. “Our Best” lumbering tools. Snow & Neely Co., Bangor, ME.
South Bend Lathe Works. (1944). How to run a lathe. South Bend Lathe Works, South Bend, IN. IS.
The Standard Rule Co. (ca. 1883). Catalog: The Standard
iron and wood planes. Standard Rule Co., Unionville, CT. Reprinted
by Ken Roberts Publishing Company. IS(4).
The Standard-Simmons Hardware Co. Simmons mail order want book: E. C. Simmons Keen Kutter cutlery and tools. The Standard-Simmons Hardware Co., Toledo, OH. Reprinted in 1989 by R. L. Deckeback, Royal Oak, MI. IS.
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (no date). Catalog: Stanley improved labor saving carpenters' tools including "Bailey" adjustable plane. Stanley Rule & Level Co., New Britain, CT. IS.
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (1859). 1859 Price list of boxwood and ivory rules, levels, try squares, sliding T bevels, gauges, &c., manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Company, also including the price list of boxwood and ivory rules manufactured by A. Stanley & Co., New Britain, Conn. Jan. 1855. Press of Case, Lockwood & Company, Hartford, CT. Reprinted in May 1975 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (January 1, 1867). Price list of U. S. standard boxwood and ivory rules, levels, try squares, gauges, handles, mallets, hand screws, &c. manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Company, New Britain, Conn., and Brattleboro', VT. Press of Case, Lockwood & Company, Hartford, CT. Reprinted by Ken Roberts Publishing Co, Bristol, CT. IS.
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (January 1872). Price list of U. S. standard boxwood and ivory rules: Levels, try squares, gauges, iron and wood bench planes, mallets, hand screws, spoke shaves, srew drivers, etc. manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Co., New Britain, Conn. Reprinted in February 1981 by Ken Roberts Publishing Company, Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (January 1879). Price list of U. S. standard boxwood and ivory rules, plumbs and levels, try squares, bevels, gauges, mallets, iron and wood adjustable planes, spoke shaves, screw drivers, awl hafts, handles, etc. manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Company, New Britain, Conn., U.S.A. Reprinted in 1973 by Ken Roberts Publishing Co., Bristol, CT. IS.
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (Jan. 1, 188?). Bailey's patent adjustable bench planes and other improved carpenters' tools manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Company, New Britain, CT. Reprinted in April 1975 by Ken Roberts Publishing Company, Fitzwilliam, NH. IS(3).
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (January 1888). Price list: Improved labor-saving carpenters' tools manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Co. Reprinted in April 1975 by Ken Roberts Publishing Company, Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (January 1892). Price list: Improved labor-saving carpenter's tools manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Co. Reprinted in July 1972 by H. C. Maddocks, Jr., West Boylston, MA. IS(3, 1 original).
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (January 1898). Price list of U. S. standard boxwood and ivory rules, plumbs and levels, try squares, bevels, gauges, mallets, iron and wood adjustable planes, spoke shaves, screw drivers, awl hafts, handles, etc. manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Co. New Britain, Conn., U.S.A. Reprinted in May 1975 by Ken Roberts Publishing Company, Fitzwilliam, NH. IS(2).
Stanley Rule & Level Co. (1900). The Stanley bed rock: A new plane. Stanley R. & L. Co., New Britain, CT. Reprinted in January 1983 by Bob Kaune, Port Angeles, WA. IS.
The Stanley Rule & Level Co. (1909). Catalog: Carpenters & mechanics tools: No. 102. Reprinted in May 1975 by Roger K. Smith, Lancaster, MA. IS.
The Stanley Rule and Level Plant. (1921). “55” plane and how to use it. The Stanley Rule and Level Plant, New Britain, CT. IS (2).
Stanley Tools. (no date). Read this before you use Stanley planes: A plane is no better than its cutter. Stanley Tools, New Britain, CT. IS.
Stanley Tools. (no date). The Stanley catalog collection, 1855 to 1898: Four decades of rules, levels, try-squares, planes, and other Stanley tools and hardware. The Astragal Press, Morristown, NJ. IS(2).
The Stanley Works. Catalog: Stanley
tools ~ in sets. The Stanley Rule & Level Plant, New Britain, CT.
Reprinted in September 2002 by the Midwest Tool Collector's Association. IS.
The Stanley Works. (1927). Stanley tools. The Stanley Works, New Britain, CT. IS.
The Stanley Works. (1929). Stanley
tools for carpenters and mechanics: Catalog no. 129. The Stanley Rule
& Level Plant, New Britain, CT. Reprinted in June 1977 by Roger K.
Smith, Lancaster, MA. IS.
Stanley. (1953). Do it better with Stanley tools. Hanus Sicher, New York City, NY. IS.
Stanley. Stanley rafter and framing squares. Stanley, New Britain, CT. IS.
The Stanley Works. (1955). Catalog: 45 plane: Seven planes in one. Reprint from Manual. Stanley Tools, New Britain, CT. IS.
Stanley. Catalog: Stanley tools. The Stanley Rule & Level Plant, New Britain, CT. Reprinted in September 2002 by the Midwest Tool Collector's Association. IS.
Stanley. (1994). Tool traditions catalog. Stanley Mail Media, Inc., Phoenix, AZ. IS.
Stanley. (1995). Tool traditions catalog. Two different editions. Stanley Mail Media, Inc., Phoenix, AZ. IS.
Stanley. Insert: Read this before you use: Combination plane no. 46. The Stanley Rule & Level Plant, New Britain, CT. Reprinted in September 2002 by the Midwest Tool Collector's Association. IS.
Starrett, L. S. (July 1895). No.
13 catalogue and price list of fine mechanical tools, manufactured by L.
S. Starrett Athol, Mass. U.S.A. Boston Eng. & McIndoe Printing
Co., Boston, MA. Reprinted in October 1989 by Bud Brown Publishing Co.,
Reading, PA. IS.(2)
The L.S. Starrett Co. (1924). Catalog No. 23: Fine mechanical tools. The L.S. Starrett Co., Athol, MA. IS.
The L.S. Starrett Co. (1924). Catalog No. 26: Fine mechanical tools. The L.S. Starrett Co., Athol, MA.
Starrett, L.S. (1965). Starrett: Catalog no. 27. Starrett, Athol, MA. IS.
Stearns, E. C. & Co. (1924). Catalogue of hardware manufactured by E. C. Stearns & Co. Syracuse, NY. Reprinted in June 1977 by Roger K. Smith, College Press, S. Lancaster, MA. IS (2).
Steel Shot & Grit Co. (no date). Catalog: Certified
steel abrasives . . . Samson steel shot . . . for sawing and polishing.
Steel Shot & Grit Co., Pittsburgh, PA. IS.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co. (1898). Shop-pointers & all steel tools. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., Chicopee Falls, MA. IS.
John Stortz & Son, Inc. (1970). Price list for catalog no. C-69. John Stortz & Son, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. IS.
Swan, James Company. (1911). Illustrated catalog and price list of premium mechanics' tools manufactured by The James Swan Co. Seymour, CT. Reprinted in November 1981 by Ken Roberts Publishing Company, Fitzwilliam, NH. IS.
Tone, Frank J. (?). Abrasives in the service of industry. The Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, NY. IS.
Tools for
Working Wood. (Summer 2003). Catalogue: Tools for working wood: Hand tools,
books, videos and accessories for the serious woodworker. Tools for
Working Wood. 3(1). IS.
Underhill Edge Tool Co. (1859). Wholesale Prices of Chopping Axes, Carpenter’s, Cooper’s, Butcher’s, and Many Other Kinds of Mechanics’ Tools, Manufactured by the Underhill Edge Tool Company. Underhill Edge Tool Co., Nashua, NH. IS(2).
Union Mfg. Co. (no date). Union iron and wood planes. Reprinted in June 1981 by Ohio Tool Collectors Association.
Union Tool Company. (1969). Union Tool Company: Machinist and carpenter's tools: Combined 1969 catalog. Orange, MA. IS.
Union Twist Drill Co. (1912). Catalog No. 100. milling and high power cutters: High speed steel. IS.
Union Twist Drill Co. (1939). Catalog N: Union Twist Drill Company, Athol, Massachusetts, U.S.A. manufacturers of milling cutters, gear cutters, twist drills, hobs, reamers, machine tools. Union Twist Drill Co., Athol, MA. IS.
United Hardware & Tool Corporation. (1925). United Hardware & Tool Corporation manufacturers' distributors and importers guaranteed hardware and tools of quality: Fulton catalog no. 40. 74 Reade Street, NY. Reprinted in November 1983 by the Mid-West Tool Collectors Association. IS.
Universal-Cyclops Steel Corporation. Tool steel catalog. IS.
Vose & Co. (April 1853). Illustrated book of stoves manufactured by Vose & Co., Albany, N.Y. Vose & Co., Albany, NY. Reprinted in 1983 by the Early American Industries Association. IS.
Vulcan Crucible Steel Company. (1929). Catalogue No. 7: Vulcan tool steels: High grade tool steels and special steels. Vulcan Crucible Steel Company, Aliquippa, PA. IS.
Walter’s, Wm. P. Sons. (no date). Tool chest, scroll saws, model engines, carving tools, etc. Reprinted in 1983 by Mid-West Tool Collectors Association. IS.
Walter's, Wm. P. Sons. (1888). Illustrated catalogue of wood workers' tools and foot power machinery. Market Street, Philadelphia. Reprinted October 1981, by The North Village Publishing Co., Lancaster, MA. Available from Roger K. Smith, 1444 N. Main Street, Lancaster, MA 01523. IS(2).
Walker, Philip. (1994). The Victorian catalogue of tools for trades and crafts. Studio Editions Ltd., London. Reprint of an 1845 catalogue. IS.
Walker-Turner Co. (1938). Walker Turner power tools. Walker-Turner Co., Plainfield, NJ.
The Western Tool and Manufacturing Co. Fourteenth edition catalog and price list. Winters Company, Springfield, OH. IS.
Westervelt, A. B. & W. T. (1883). No. 6. Illustrated catalogue and price list of copper weather vanes, bannerets and finials, manufactured by A. B. & W. T. Westervelt, office and warerooms: 102 Chambers Street, Corner Church Street, New York. Reprinted in 1982 as American antique weather vanes by Dover Publications, Inc. IS.
Weston Electrical Instrument Co. (1911). Construction: Weston switchboard wattmeters synchroscopes and power-factor meters: manufacture, construction and design of Weston A. C. switchboard indicating instruments: Sections 1 and 2 of Catalog 16. Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark, NJ. IS.
Weston Electrical Instrument Co. (1911). Weston switchboard indicating wattmeters: Direct-current, single-phase and polyphase wattmeters. Section 3 of Catalog 16. Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark, NJ. IS.
Weston Electrical Instrument Co. (1911). Weston switchboard synchroscopes: Section 4 of Catalog 16. Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark, NJ. IS.
Weston Electrical Instrument Co. (1911). Weston switchboard power-factor and frequency meters: Sections 5 and 6 of Catalog 16. Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark, NJ. IS.
Weston Electrical Instrument Co. (1911). Weston switchboard alternating-current ammeters and voltmeters: Section 7 of Catalog 16. Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark, NJ. IS.
Wheeler, Madden & Bakewell. (1860). Monhagen Saw Works, Middletown, Orange County, N.Y. illustrated price list. The "Press" Printing Establishment, Exchange Building. Reprinted in 1976 by Early American Industries Association, South Burlington, VT. IS.
The L. & I.J. White Company. Catalogue of coopers’ tools including turpentine tools, edge tools and machine knives. L. & I.J. White Co., Buffalo, NY.
Whitton, Blair, Ed. (1979). Bliss toys and dollhouses:
89 illustrations, including the complete 1911 catalogue. Dover Publications
Inc., NY, NY. IS.
Wiley & Russell Mfg. Co. (1888). Patent screw-cutting machinery and tools, etc. Printed by McIndoe Bros., Boston, MA, under C.H. Tiebout & Sons, Agents, Brooklyn, NY.
Wilkinson, A. J. & Co. (1867). Wilkinson, A. J. & Co.'s illustrated catalogue of hardware and tools. No. 2 Washington Street, Boston, MA. Reprinted in September, 2001, by the Mid-West Tool Collectors Association. IS.
Wilkinson, John Co. (no date). Catalogue No. 88: Price
list of tools and machines for metal and wood workers. The John Wilkinson
Co., 77 State St., Chicago, IL. IS (2).
Williams, J.H. & Co. (1937). Superior Drop-Forgings and Drop-Forged Tools. J.H. Williams & Co., Buffalo, NY. IS.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co. (1923). Winchester: Trade mark: Pocket catalog of tools: 1923: For sale at the Winchester Store. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, CT. IS (2).
Winchester Repeating Arms Co. (1926). Winchester: 1926 - 27 product catalog: The Winchester store. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, CT. Reprinted in 1985 by R. L. Deckebach, 413 Walnut St., Royal Oak, MI. IS.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co. (1931). Winchester, world
standard guns and ammunition, Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven,
Conn., U.S.A. Reprinted by R. L. Deckebach, Royal Oak, Michigan in
1989. IS(2).
Winnie Machine Works. 18th annual catalogue. Winnie Machine Works, Chicago, IL. IS.
Winsted Edge Tool Works. (ca. 1900). Catalog of the
Winsted Edge Tool Works, West Winsted, Conn. chisels, drawing knives, gouges,
etc. Reprinted in 1989 by the Early Trades & Crafts Society, Long
Island, NY. IS.
Witherby, T.H. Price list of Winsted Edge Tool Works, chisels, drawing-knives, gouges, etc. The Case, Lockwood, & Brainard Co. Print, Hartford, CT. IS.
Wood, Wm. T. & Co. (ca. 1894). Price list, Wm.
T. Wood & Co. manufacturers of finest quality ice tools, Arlington,
Mass. Reprinted in 1974 by the Early Trades & Crafts Society, Long
Island, NY. IS.
Young, Otto & Co. (1892). Watchmakers, jewelers and engravers tool and material catalogue. Reprinted by The Special Publications Committee, Mid-West Tool Collectors Association, July, 1998. Otto Young & Co., Chicago, IL.
Young, Otto &Co. (1893). Otto Young & Co. Chicago, ills. tool and material catalogue. W.S. Conkey Co., Printers and Ginders, Chicago, IL. Reprinted in July 1998 by The Special Publications Committee, Mid-West Tool Collectors Assocation.
Walter, John. (1988). Antique & collectable Stanley planes 1988 price guide. The Tool Merchant, Akron, OH. IS.
Walter, John. (1988). Antique & collectable Keen Kutter hand tools 1989 price guide. The Tool Merchant, Akron, OH. IS.
Woodcraft Supply Corp., 313 Montvale Ave., Woburn, MA.
Zutphen, D. Stolp. (1919). D. Stolp, Zutphen. Gereedschappen. Catalog January 1, 1919. Reprinted and translated from Dutch in 1982 by The Mid-West Tool Collectors Association and The Early American Industries Association. IS.