Pratt & Whitney Co.
West Hartford, CT
Tool Types
Bevels, Dies, Drill Chucks, Drills, Lathes, Machinist Tools, Taps, Other
DATM Information
Francis A. Pratt (1827 -1902) and Amos Whitney (1832-1920) made gunmaker's tools, drop hammers, screw machines, bolt cutters, gang drills, gear cutters, knurling tools and so on, including a protractor patented to Ambrose Swazey on 13 July 1875, possibly a wrench patented by John J. Grant on 1 February 1876, a compass patented by Frederick Gardner on 28 September 1886, and a caliper attachment patented by Bengt M. Hanson on 19 December, 1899. Other patent dates include 31 August 1875 and 10 August 1897--another patent-holder's name was apparently Woodbridge.
Identifying Marks
P.&.W. Co.
General Information
One of America’s most important and prolific 19th century machine tool manufacturers.
Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early American Industries Association.
Pratt & Whitney Co. (1950). Pratt & Whitney Co. Small Tools. Niles-Bement-Pond Co., West Hartford, CT.
http://www.practicalmachinist.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=print_topic;f=11;t=000334 -- Discussion of Pratt & Whitney tools at Practical Machinist