Goodnow & Wightman
Centerbrook, CT

Tool Types


Directory of American Toolmakers Information

While they advertise as 'manufacturers,' they may have, in fact, only been dealers. The only known patent to Goodnow is a washer cutter. By 1898, the Goodnow patent washer cutter was being sold by Luther H. Wightman & Co., their successor. One source cites them as selling planes but there's no reason to believe they ever did (see below).

Identifying Marks


General Information
The 1882 catalog lists them as "importers, manufacturers and dealers in tools of all kinds for machinists, pattern-makers, carvers, model makers, amateurs, cabinet-makers, jewelers, etc. and materials of all kinds. The catalog does, in fact, contain planes for sale, including Bailey's patent planes. A note in the beginning notes that they make "models and small experimental Machines of all kinds, to order."



Nelson, Robert E., Ed. (1999). Directory of American Toolmakers: A listing of identified makers of tools who worked in Canada and the United States before 1900. Early American Industries Association.

Goodnow & Wightman. (1882). Price list of Goodnow & Wightman, importers, manufacturers and dealers in tools of all kinds for machinists, pattern-makers, carvers, model makers, amateurs, cabninet makers, jewelers, etc. Boston, Mass. A facsimile of the original. The Early Trades & Crafts Society and the Mid-West Tool Collector’s Association.
