Website Contents Synopsis
Volume 1 - Museum Directory
Missions Statement, contact information, website navigation suggestions, Museum background information, Photo Tour, Highlights, and all the Indexes and Publication Lists – in short, all about us.
Section 1 – History
Volume 3 – Ancient Pemaquid
An exploration of Maine history other than that of the Davistown Plantation, beginning with the pre- and proto-history of visitors to the Maine coast – in short, the ancient dominions of Maine.
Volume 4 – Norumbega Reconsidered
A discussion of Mawooshen, the Wawenoc diaspora – in short, our dissenting viewpoint about the contemporary revisionist interpretation of First Nation communities living on the Maine coast at the time of contact with the first European explorers and settlers.
Volume 5 – Maine and US History Bibliographies
A compilation of local and regional history texts and references we often refer to in our essays on Maine and New England history; these bibliographies will eventually be included in Museum Special Publication 48, The Complete Bibliographies. In short, this is a listing of the many volumes on Maine and New England history that the Museum Curator enjoyed reading while visiting the stacks of the Maine Historical Society in his younger days – the best benefit of lifetime membership in MHS.
Volume 6 – Steel- and Toolmaking Strategies and Techniques Before 1870
The first volume in our six part Hand Tools in History publication series, the focus of this volume is on the metallurgy of the early Iron Age through the Renaissance – in short, essential background information pertinent to the next five volumes of the series.
Volume 7 – Art of the Edge Tool: The Ferrous Metallurgy of New England Shipsmiths and Edge Toolmakers
The second volume in the six part Hand Tools in History publication series; an exploration of the specific topic of the history of iron working and edge toolmaking in colonial New England and the early Republic, up to the Civil War, with emphasis on the role of shipsmiths as toolmakers and the link between early steelmaking strategies and the evolution of the classic period in American hand tool production – in short, an overview of shipsmithing and edge toolmaking essential to the success of New England’s maritime economy.
Volume 8 – The Classic Period of American Toolmaking 1713 - 1930
The third volume in the Hand Tools in History series, an examination of the roots of American toolmaking in the English and European toolmaking traditions and the great florescence of the American factory system of toolmaking in the second half of the 19th century. Contains extensive files on important American toolmakers; a comprehensive bibliography on the Industrial Revolution in America; and special topic bibliographies and tool information files. In short, an overview of the booming years of the classic period of American hand tool production (1850 - 1930).
Volume 9 – An Archaeology of Tools
The fourth volume in the Hand Tools in History series, a catalog of tools in the Museum collection divided into eras specifically related to Maine’s unique history, with brief introductory essays. No bibliography is included in this volume. In short, our over 40 year collection of the most interesting and significant tools found by the buyer for the Liberty Tool Co. in all those New England boat shops, tool chests, and cobweb filled cellars.
Volume 10 – Registry of Maine Toolmakers
The fifth volume in the Hand Tools in History series, a compilation of all known toolmakers and shipsmiths working in Maine before 1900, with introductory essays and appendices. In short, an ongoing attempt to document the many toolmakers working in Maine who made the tools that shipwrights used in the boomtown years of Maine’s wooden shipbuilding era.
Volume 11 – Handbook for Ironmongers: A Glossary of Ferrous Metallurgy Terms
The sixth volume in the Hand Tools in History series, now out in a second edition, provides a voyage through the labyrinth of steel- and toolmaking strategies and techniques from 2000 BC to 1950, and includes an extensive bibliography on ferrous metallurgy. In short, an epigrammatical exploration of the mysteries and history of ferrous metallurgy.
Volume 12 – Art & Artists in the Museum Collection and Annual Art Exhibition
A catalog of our annual art exhibition, which includes antiquarian and contemporary art in the permanent collection, contemporary art on loan to the annual art exhibition, and works on consignment to the Maine Artists Guild by artists in the annual art exhibition. This catalog also includes fine art, the sale of which will benefit the Davistown Museum fundraising campaign, as do part of the proceeds from Maine Artists Guild sales. All art for sale is listed on the Museum’s e-Store site – your patronage will help support the Davistown Museum and its educational programs.
Volume 13 - Tools Teach: An Iconography of American Hand Tools
The seventh volume in the Hand Tools in History series explores the iconography (imagery) of early American hand tools as they evolve into the Industrial Revolution’s increased diversity of tool forms. In short, a guide to the hand tools and trades that played key roles in American history
Volume 14 - Tools Teach: A Guide for Teachers and Students: Pre-school - Secondary
Specific definitions, guidelines, and projects for exploring the world of simple machines and the experience of working with hand tools in the Wooden Age of the Colonial period and the early Republic.
Section 2 – Environment
Volumes 16 – 17 – RADNET Nuclear Information on the Internet
These seven volumes constitute the now ancient archives of the Center for Biological Monitoring, the immediate predecessor of the Davistown Museum. To explore this labyrinth, see the Complete Site Index, the Topical Button Index for this component of the website, or the volume by volume listing in the Bibliography Index. See in particular the classic Chernobyl Fallout Data. In short, what were they really thinking of when they decided to create huge quantities of long-lived radioactive waste for the purpose of boiling water?
Volume 23 - Patterns of Noncompliance: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company: Generic and Site-specific Deficiencies in Radiological Surveillance Programs
A exposition on “Nuclear Dada and the Traffic in Nuclear Waste.” The Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co. had two fuel cladding failure accidents, one at the beginning of operations and one that resulted in its closing. In short, where did the fuel pellets released in these accidents go and why can’t they find them now?