A primary source of financial support for the Davistown Museum is the sale of tools and other artifacts at both the Liberty Tool Co. and our Museum e-stores. Twenty percent or more of the proceeds of consignments to our e-stores is donated to the Davistown Museum. Many of these consignments are courtesy of the Liberty Tool Co. and its affiliated stores, the Hulls Cove Tool Barn and Capt. Tinkham’s Emporium in Searsport. One hundred percent of the proceeds of tools donated to the Davistown Museum and sold at either Liberty Tool or our e-stores is retained by the Museum. Consignments for sale on our e-store e-bay auctions are also welcomed; our minimum fee is 30%, which covers all costs. Consignments that split the commission 50/50 are even more welcome. Please inquire if your consignments are suitable for e-bay auctions or our e-stores. Donations of common hand tools, books, records, post cards, and other lower value artifacts are always welcomed for sale at the Liberty Tool Co. Please email curator@davistownmuseum.org if you would like to make a donation of books, tools, or other items to the Museum. You also may call 888-405-2007, our answering service, and leave a message, or visit the Liberty Tool Co. in person.
Your patronage of our e-stores and e-bay auctions is also greatly appreciated and will obviously benefit the Davistown Museum. Please remember that the proceeds from all paper items (books, magazines, post cards) sold at the Liberty Tool Co. with a price of less than $10 are donated to the Davistown Museum. It is the funding from these sources that supports our web site, our numerous publications, our lecture series, and our Tools Teach School Loan Program.
The Davistown Museum announces the formation of a new e-store, Grandma’s Attic, which will sell usable tools and tool kits to complement the tools of historical and collectible interest sold on our main e-store.