Books and Tools Wanted
The Davistown Museum is a 501 (c) (3) organization and welcomes donations of all kinds to help support our Tools Teach program as well as ongoing Museum projects and obligations. All donors will receive a 501 (c) (3) tax letter for the full retail value of the donation. Donations are divided into the following categories:
The Davistown Museum is seeking donations of the following types of tools and hardware
The Davistown Museum is seeking the following books and publications
The books and catalogs we are seeking fall into two categories, books and publications not yet in the Elliot Sayward Memorial Library and duplicates of those already in our library. We always welcome donations of catalogs not listed in our extensive tool catalog collection as well as other interesting books on maritime and industrial history.
New books and publications
Published by ASM (American Society for Standards & Testing:
Feeding everyone no matter what by Denkenberger and Pearce. 2014.
Steel: Microstructure and Properties, 3rd Edition by Harry Bhadeshia & Robert Honeycombe. 2006. Butterworth-Heinemann
Functions of the alloying elements in steel. Edgar C. Bain. 1939.
Furnaces and Smelting Technology edited by P. T. Craddock and M. J. Hughes, British Museum Department of Scientific Research
A source book for rule collectors by Philip E. Stanley
American marking gages, patented and manufactured by Milton H. Bacheller, Jr.
Tools and their uses by The Bureau of Naval Personnel
Restoring antique tools by Herbert P. Kean
Woodworker's guide to handplanes by Scott Wynn
Henry Disston & Sons handbook for lumbermen
American milling machine builders 1820-1920 by Kenneth L. Cope
American lathe builders: 1810-1910 by Kenneth L. Cope
American planer, shaper and slotter builders by Kenneth L. Cope
Norris metal planes catalog reprint
A Brown & Sharpe catalogue collection
Buck Bros. 1890 catalog
The Preston 1909 catalog
Millers Falls Co. 1887 catalog
The Russell Jennings MFG. Co. 1899 catalog
Metallurgy in archaeology; a prehistory of metallurgy in the British Isles by Ronald F. Tylecote
A history of metallurgy by Ronald F. Tylecote
The early history of metallurgy in Europe by Ronald F. Tylecote
Any antiquarian or older publication either not listed in our bibliographies or not marked IS ("in stock" meaning already in our library).
Duplicates needed for our Tools Teach program
American Beginnings: Exploration, Culture, and Cartography in the Land of Norumbega by Emerson W. Baker et al.
American Iron by Robert Gordon
Twelve Thousand Years: American Indians in Maine by Bruce Bourque
A History of Metals in Colonial America by James A. Mulholland, The University of Alabama Press
Blacksmiths’ and Farriers’ Tools at Shelburne Museum
The Epic of Steel by Douglas Alan Fisher
Steelmaking Before Bessemer by K. C. Barraclough, The Metals Society, 2 Volumes:Vol. 1, Blister Steel: the Birth of an Industry; Vol. 2: Crucible Steel: the Growth of Technology
Collecting antique tools by Herbert P. Kean and Emil S. Pollak
Tools: A guide for collectors. 2nd Edition by Jane and Mark Rees
The axe and man: The history of man's early technology as exemplified by his axe by Charles A. Heavrin
Dictionary of American hand tools: A pictorial synopsis by Alvin Sellens
The Stanley combination plane by Stanley Tool & Level Co.
Keen Kutter planes by Alvin Sellens
American wrench makers 1830 - 1930 by Kenneth L. Cope
The pattern maker's assistant by Joshua Rose
A guide to the makers of American wooden planes by Emil and Martyl Pollak
A field guide to the makers of American wooden planes by Thomas L. Elliott
Christopher Gabriel and the tool trade in 18th century London by Jane and Mark Rees
American levels and their makers by Don Rosebrook
British planemakers from 1700 by W. L. Goodman
American machinist's tools by Kenneth L. Cope
More makers of American machinist's tools by Kenneth L. Cope
American cooperage machiniery and tools by Kenneth L. Cope