Davistown Museum Inventory of Tools Peter Stubs Tools

Status Location
31012T1 Circular wire gauge bio DTM MH
German or sheaf steel, 3 1/8" diameter, signed "PS Stubbs".
81101T16 Screw plate bio DTM MH
Cast steel, 10 1/8" long, 3 5/8" handle, signed "P. S. Stubs H".
This is an exquisite example of a Stubs tool. This screw plate is used to make clock and gun screws.
Watchmakers, Jewelers, and Silversmiths' Tools
31011T7 Hammer head bio DTM TT
Cast steel, 2" long, 3/8" wide, 1/4" diameter round head, straight closed claw, signed "P S STUBS" "1".
TST3000 Jewelers' wire snips bio DTM MH
Cast steel and iron, 5 3/8" long, signed "P S STUBS".
This is another of Stubs finely made imported tools.
111001T6 Screw plate bio DTM MH
Cast steel, 9" long, signed "P.S. Stubs" and marked "19".
Screw plates are used by jewelers and watchmakers for threading fine brass and steel wire to make screws.
Woodworking: Edge Tools - Imported Cast Steel
TCC1008 Chisel bio DTM MH
Cast or forged steel, 4 1/8" long, 3/4" wide, signed "Stubs".
It is made from one of Stub's recycled files.
TCC1007 Gouge bio DTM MH
Cast steel, 7 1/2" long, 3/16" wide blade, signed "P. STUBBS CAST STEEL".
Historic Maritime IV (1840-1865): The Early Industrial Revolution
Blacksmith, Farrier, and Metalworking Tools
22411T21 Hand vise bio DTM TT
Cast steel or German steel, 6" long and 2" wide head, signed "P S STUBS".
Machinists' Tools
2713LTC1 Fay calipers bio DA TT (Pub)
Hand-finished cast steel, 5 1/4" long, 2 3/8" wide, signed "PS STUBS".
22411T24 Inside/outside calipers bio DTM TT
Cast steel or German steel with brass knob and copper rivet, 5" long and 2" wide closed, signed "P S STUBS".
The Industrial Revolution (1865f.): Other Factory Made Tools
Blacksmith, Farrier, and Metalworking Tools
41716T3 Hand vise bio LPC TT
Steel, 5 5/8" long, 1 1/2" wide, 3" tall, signed "PS STUBS".
Domestic Utensils
42012T2 Horologist's screw plate bio DTM TT
Cast steel, 7 3/4" long, 1 5/8" wide, signed "P S STUBS" "19 ENGLAND".
This tool is a watch and clock-makers' screw threading plate.
102012T14 Crossing file bio DTM TT
Cast steel, 9 3/8" long, 11/16" wide, signed "PS STUBS".
12818T2 File bio DTM TT
steel, 10" long, 3/4" wide, 3/16" thick, SIGNED "STUBS".
102012T13 Single cut triangle file bio DTM TT
Cast steel, 7" long, 3/8" wide, signed "PS STUBS".

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