The Davistown Museum |
Center for the Study of Early Tools |
Scattered throughout The Davistown Museum are tools by important manufacturers who are also the subject of |
information files compiled by the museum. This is a listing of our holdings for: |
Peter Stubs Tools |
| Status | Location |
Historic Maritime II (1720-1800): The Second Colonial Dominion & the Early Republic |
Measuring Tools |
913108T17 | Wire gauge | bio | photo | DTM | MH |
Steel (possibly sheaf steel), 5" long, 1 1/8" wide, signed "STUBS". |
Historic Maritime III (1800-1840): Boomtown Years & the Dawn of the Industrial |
Revolution |
Blacksmith, Farrier, and Metalworking Tools |
TCR1301 | Hand vise | bio | DTM | MH |
Forged iron and steel, 4" long, signed "STUBS" also signed "K. MAIER". |
This is another example of the fine quality imported tools of the Stubs Company in Lancashire, England. The signature K. Maier is probably |
an owner's signature. |
TCR1011 | Hand vise | bio | DTM | MH |
Forged iron and steel, 4 1/2" long, 1 5/16" wide jaw, signed "P. S. STUBBS". |
102800M10 | Hand vise | bio | bio | DTM | MH |
Forged iron and steel, 4 5/" long, 1 1/2" wide jaw, signed "P S Stubs" and by owner "W.F. Blake". |
This was found in the machinists' tool box on display with the W. F. Blake tools. Peter Stubs was the prolific Lancashire file and toolmaker |
(Dane 1973; Brack 2008). |
62406T7 | Hand vise | bio | DTM | MH |
Iron and forged steel, 6 1/2" long, 2 13/16" wide jaws, 3 3/8" long nut, signed with the characteristic P Stubs mark. |
This is a highly unusual variation of a common hand vise due to an ornate forge-welded ram's horn nut. |
22411T19 | Shears | bio | DTM | TT |
Forged steel, 12" long with a 3" blade, signed "P S Stubs". |
111001T31 | Tin snips | bio | DTM | MH |
Cast steel, 5" long, 1 3/8" cutting blade, signed "P. S. Stubs". |
This is another example of an imported English tool. |
102100T14 | Whitesmiths' shears | bio | DTM | MH |
Forged iron and steel, 14 1/2" long, 3" cutter, 3" stake extension, signed "P S STUBS". |
This is an unusual adaptation of common shears to use in a whitesmiths' staking plate. |
10700T4 | Whitesmiths' shears | bio | DTM | MH |
Forged iron and steel, 14 1/2" long with a 3" long cutter, signed "P S STUBS". |
These small whitesmith shears are fitted with a vertical 5/8" square leg for use in a stake plate. |
Files |
22411T29 | Triangular file | bio | DTM | TT |
Hand cut German or cast steel, 14 3/4" long, 12" x 13/16" cutting surface, signed "GENUINE" "P S STUBS" "ENGLAND". |
Measuring Tools |
81101T19 | Adjustable calipers | bio | DTM | MH |
Cast steel, 5" long, signed "P. S. Stubs". |
This finely cast caliper is another fine example of the Stubs empire of tool manufacturing. |
101701T12 | Calipers | bio | DTM | MH |
Cast steel, 6 5/8" long, signed "P. S. Stubbs". |
This is a clear example of an English pattern that was later copied by American companies such as T. Stevens, Chicopee Falls, MA, 1844 - |
1903. Also using the same pattern was the Boker Co., which DATM (Nelson 1999, 98) indicates was a German manufacturer exporting tools |
in the 19th century. This tool is also marked with numerous stars -- probably an owner's mark. Stevens as well as Boker copied the English |
style of adjustable calipers, which were originally European in origin. Did English toolmakers who emigrated from Sheffield bring this |
prototype with them? |
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