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(The listing is alphabetical: A-H, I-R, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia; the U.S.A. follows all the others)

The following section of our website has been translated into Italian by Humus - Progetto.
(The Humus Project: The effects of Chernobyl contamination on the soil.)

Also see the listings under United Kingdom.

(1998). The Scottish Environmental Statistics - 1998.  Economic Advice and Statistics, The Scottish Office, Edinburgh, UK.

Martin, C.J., Heaton, B. and Robb, J.D. (1988). Studies of 131I, 137Cs and 103Ru in milk, meat and vegetables in north east Scotland following the Chernobyl accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 6. pg. 247-259. Martin, C.J. et. al. (1989). Cesium-137, Cs-134 and Ag-110 in lambs grazing pasture in NE Scotland contaminated by Chernobyl fallout. Health Physics. 56(4). pg. 459-464.

Martin, C.J. and Heaton, B. (1989). The impact of Chernobyl on the marine environment in Northern Scotland. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 9. pg. 209-221.

Scottish Development Department. (1988). Chernobyl accident, monitoring for radioactivity in Scotland. Statistical Bulletin No 1(E). Scottish Office, Edinburgh.
May 6, 1986 Strathelyde Ground deposition Gross beta 88,425 Bq/m2
May 11, 1986 Galloway Evaporated milk 134,137Cs 689 Bq/kg
May 12, 1986 Highland Goats milk 131I 1,460 Bq/L
June 3, 1986 Strathelyde Free range hen 131I 23,330 Bq/kg
June 3, 1986 Strathelyde Free range hen 134,137Cs 6,600 Bq/kg
July 1986 Borders Mutton 134,137Cs 4,218 Bq/kg
Watson, W.S. (1986). Human 134Cs / 137Cs levels in Scotland after Chernobyl. Nature. 323. pg. 763-764.

Baeza, A., del Rio, M., Miro, C., Moreno, A., Navarro, E., Paniagua, J.M. and Peris, M.A. (1991). Radiocesium and radiostrontium levels in song-thrushes (Turdus philomelos) captured in two regions of Spain. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 13(1). pg. 13-24.


Online radiation fallout maps of Northern Europe: map 1 and map 2.  Maps of Sweden.

Ahman, B. and Ahman, G. (1994). Radiocesium in Swedish reindeer after the Chernobyl fallout: Seasonal variations and long-term decline. Health Physics. 66(5). pg. 506.
1986-1987 Vilhelmina Sodra Ground deposition 137Cs 80,000 Bq/m2
1986-1987 Vilhelmina Sodra Reindeer meat, average of 29 samples 137Cs 44,800 Bq/kg

Carbol, P., Ittner, T. and Skalberg, M. (1988). Radionuclide deposition and migration of the Chernobyl fallout in Sweden. Radiochimica Acta. 44/45. pg. 207-212. Carlson, L. and Holm, E. (1992). Radioactivity in Fucus vesiculosis L. from the Baltic Sea following the Chernobyl accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 15(3). pg. 231-248.
July 1986 Baltic Sea Fucus vesiculosis 239,240Pu 268 mBq/kg dry weight
July 1986 Baltic Sea Fucus vesiculosis 137Cs 600 Bq/kg dry weight
July 1986 Baltic Sea Fucus vesiculosis 99Tc 108 Bq/kg dry weight
Dahl, C. and Grimas, U. (1987). Report of radionuclides in Aedes communis pupae from central Sweden, 1986. Journal of American Mosquito Control Association. 3(2). pg. 328-331.
May 18, 1986 Central Sweden aquatic insect larvae 131I 5,000 Bq/kg dry weight
1986 Central Sweden aquatic insect larvae 103Ru 1,060 Bq/kg d.w.
May 4, 1986 Central Sweden diatoms 131I 31,000 Bq/kg d.w.
1986 Central Sweden diatoms 103Ru 6,400 Bq/kg d.w.

Danell, K., Nelin, P. and Wickman, G. (1989). 137Caesium in Northern Swedish moose: The first year after the Chernobyl accident. Ambio. 18(2). pg. 108-111.
April 1986 Sweden Ground deposition 137Cs 60,000 Bq/m2
April 1986 Sweden Moose meat 137Cs 665 Bq/kg (mean) 

Devell, L., Aarkrog, A., Blomquist, L, Magnusson, S. and Tveten, U. (1986). How the fallout from Chernobyl was detected and measured in the Nordic countries. Nuclear Europe. 11. pg. 16-17. Devell, L., Tovedal, H., Bergstrom, U., Appelgren, A., Chyssler, J. and Andersson, L. (1986). Initial observations of fallout from the reactor accident at Chernobyl. Nature. 321. pg. 192-193. Erlandsson, B. and Mattsson, S. (1988). Uptake of dry-deposited radionuclides in Fucus - a field study after the Chernobyl accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 6. pg. 271-281. Finck, Robert. (August 1996). Local reference measurements of gamma radiation in Sweden Experiences from seven years of measurements. Proceedings Nordic Society for Radiation Protection. Swedish Radiation Protection Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

Fox, B. (1988). Porous minerals soak up Chernobyl's fallout. New Scientist. 2. pg. 36.

Hakanson, L., Andersson, T. and Nilsson, A. Radioactive cesium in fish in Swedish lakes 1986-1988 - General pattern related to fallout and lake characteristics. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 15(3). pg. 207-230.
1986 Sweden Perch 134,137Cs 3,585 (mean) Bq/kg wet weight
1988 Sweden Perch 134,137Cs 6,042 (mean) Bq/kg wet weight
Hakansson, L. (1991). Radioactive cesium in fish in Swedish lakes after Chernobyl - geographical distributions, trends, models and remedial measures. In : The Chernobyl fallout in Sweden. Moberg, L., Ed. Stockholm. pg. 239-281.

Hardy, E., Krey, P., Klusek, C., Miller, K., Helfer, I., Sanderson, C. and Rivera, W. (1986). Observations and sampling by EML in Sweden, with preliminary gamma-ray spectrometric data. In: Environmental Measurements Laboratory: A compendium of the Environmental Measurements Laboratory's research projects related to the Chernobyl nuclear accident: October 1, 1986. Report No. EML-460. New York, U.S. Department of Energy, New York, NY. pg. 224-243.
May 5, 1986 Skutskar, Sweden Ground Deposition  95Zr 14,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 95Nb 14,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 103Ru 7,800 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 131I 890,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 132Te, 132I 260,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 134Cs 150,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 136Cs 44,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 137Cs 240,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 140Ba 180,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 140La 210,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar G. Deposition 141Ce 10,000 Bq/m2

Holmberg, M., Edvarson, K. and Finck, R. (1988). Radiation doses in Sweden resulting from the Chernobyl fallout: a review. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 54(2). pg. 151-166. Johanson, K.J., Bergstrom, R., Eriksson, O. and Erixon, A. (1994). Activity concentrations of 137Cs in moose and their forage plants in mid-Sweden. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 22(3). pg. 251-267.
May 5, 1986 Skutskar Deposition in wet soil 131I 2,139,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar Deposition in wet soil 132Te 2,094,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar Deposition in wet soil 137Cs 289,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar Deposition in wet soil 140Ba 362,000 Bq/m2
1989 Kramfors Heather 134,137Cs 15,129 Bq/kg dry weight
1989 Kramfors Waterlily 134,137Cs 14,745 Bq/kg dry weight
Kresten, P. and Chyssler, J. (1989). The Chernobyl fallout: Surface soil deposition in Sweden. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar. 111(2). pg. 181-185.
1 May 1986 Skatan, Sweden Surface soil 137Cs 200,000 Bq/kg
1 May 1986 Skatan, Sweden Surface soil 134Cs 117,000 Bq/kg
1 May 1986 Skatan, Sweden Surface soil 140La 80,000 Bq/kg
1 May 1986 Skatan, Sweden Surface soil 131I 669,000 Bq/kg
1 May 1986 Skatan, Sweden Surface soil 103Ru 51,200 Bq/kg
Krey, P.W., Klusek, C.S., Sanderson, C., Miller, K. and Helfer, I. (1986). Radiochemical characterization of Chernobyl fallout in Europe. In: Environmental Measurements Laboratory: A compendium of the Environmental Measurements Laboratory's research projects related to the Chernobyl nuclear accident: October 1, 1986. Report No. EML-460, U.S. Department of Energy, New York, NY. pg. 155-213.
May 5, 1986 Skutskar Deposition in wet soil 131I 2,139,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar Deposition in wet soil 132Te 2,094,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar Deposition in wet soil 137Cs 289,000 Bq/m2
May 5, 1986 Skutskar Deposition in wet soil 140Ba 362,000 Bq/m2

Lindahl, Patric, Roos, Per, Eriksson, Mats and Holm, Elis. (2004). Distribution of Np and Pu in Swedish lichen samples (Cladonia stellaris). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 73(1). pg. 73-85.

Malmgren, L. and Jansson, M. (February 1996). The fate of Chernobyl radiocesium in the River Ore catchment, northern Sweden. Oceanographic Literature Review. 43(2). pg. 196.

Mattson, S. and Vesanen, R. (1988). Patterns of Chernobyl fallout in relation to local weather conditions. Environmental International. 14. pg. 177-180.

Mellander, H. (1987). Early measurements of the Chernobyl fallout in Sweden. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. NS-34(1). pg. 590-594. Nelin, P. (1995). Radiocesium uptake in moose in relation to home range and habitat composition. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 26. pg. 189-203. Persson, C., Henning, R. and De Geer, L.E. (1987). The Chernobyl accident - A meteorological analysis of how radionuclides reached and were deposited in Sweden. Ambio. 16(1). pg. 20-31. Petersen, R.C., Landner, L. and Blanck, H. (1986). Assessment of the impact of the Chernobyl reactor accident on the biota of Swedish streams and lakes. Ambio. 15. pg. 327. Reizenstein, P. (1987). Carcinogenicity of radiation doses caused by the Chernobyl fall-out in Sweden, and prevention of possible tumors. Med. Oncol. and Tumor Pharmacother. 4(1). pg. 1-5. Rosen, K., Andersson, I. and Lonsjo, H. (1995). Transfer of radiocesium from soil to vegetation and to grazing lambs in a mountain area in northern Sweden. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 26. pg. 237-257. Snoeijs, P. and Notter, M. (1992). Benthic diatoms as monitoring organisms for radionuclides in a brackish-water coastal environment. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 18(1). pg. 23-52.
May 6, 1986 N. Baltic Sea Diatoms 140Ba 439,000 Bq/kg dry weight
May 6, 1986 Brackish lagoon Diatoms 103Ru 540,000 Bq/kg dry weight
May 6, 1986 Brackish lagoon Diatoms 144Ce 612,000 Bq/kg dry weight
May 6, 1986 Brackish lagoon Diatoms 141Ce 825,000 Bq/kg dry weight
May 6, 1986 Brackish lagoon Diatoms 95Zr 864,000 Bq/kg dry weight
May 6, 1986 Brackish lagoon Diatoms 95Nb 1,022,000 Bq/kg dry weight

Baltensperger, U., Gaggeler, H.W. and Jost, D.T. (1987). Chernobyl radioactivity in size-fractionated aerosol. J. Aerosol. Sci. 18. pg. 685-688.

Haeberli, W. and Schotterer, U. (1988). The signal from the Chernobyl accident in high-altitude firn areas of the Swiss Alps. Annals of Glaciology. 10. pg. 48-51. Jost, D.T., Gaggeler, H.W., Baltensperger, U., Zinder, B. and Haller, P. (1986). Chernobyl fallout in size-fractioned aerosol. Nature. 324. pg. 22-23. Rybach, Ladislaus, Schwarz, Georg F. and Medici, Fausto. (date unknown). Construction of radioelement and dose-rate baseline maps by combining ground and airborne radiometric data. Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. Swiss Nuclear Safety Inspectorate. (1987). Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident: Radiological situation in Switzerland and corresponding response. Report No. CH-5303. Federal Office of Public Health, Berne, Switzerland.
May 1986 Switzerland Milk 131I 2,000 Bq/kg
May 1986 Switzerland Goat's milk 131I 10,000 Bq/kg
May 1986 Switzerland Milk 137Cs 650 Bq/kg
May 1986 Switzerland Mutton 137Cs 4,000 Bq/kg
May 1986 Switzerland Ground deposition 137Cs 26,000 Bq/m2
Tobler, L., Bajo, S. and Wyttenback, A. (1988). Deposition of 134,137Cs from Chernobyl fallout on Norway spruce and forest soil and its incorporation into spruce twigs. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 6. pg. 225-245.
May 1986 Switzerland Ground deposition from Chernobyl 134,137Cs 6,200 Bq/m2
1950-1985 Switzerland Nuclear weapons fallout 134,137Cs 2,600 Bq/m2

Gedikoglu, A. and Sipahi, B.L. (1989). Chernobyl radioactivity in Turkish tea. Health Physics. 56(1). pg. 97-101.

Unlu, M.Y., Topcuoglu, S., Kucukcezzar, R., Varinlioglu, A., Gungor, N., Bulut, A.M. and Gungor, E. (1995). Health Physics. 68(1). pg. 94-99.
May 1986 Turkey Tea leaves 137Cs 25,000 Bq/kg

Also see the listings under Scotland.

Online fallout maps of the United Kingdom map 1 and map 2.

Cambray, R.S., Cawse, P.A., Garland, J.A., Gibson, J.A.B., Johnson, P., Lewis, G.N.J., Newton, D., Salmon, L. and Wade, B.O. (1987). Observations on radioactivity from the Chernobyl accident. Nucl. Energy. 26(2). pg. 77-101.
1-6 May 1986 Lerwick, Shetland Ground deposition 131I 26,000 Bq/m2
1-6 May 1986 Holmrook, Cumbria Ground deposition  131I 41,000 Bq/m2

Camplin, W.C., Leonard, D.R.P., Tipple, J.R. and Duckett, L. (1989). Radioactivity in freshwater systems in Cumbria (UK) following the Chernobyl accident. Fish. Res. Data Rep., MAFF Direct. Fish Res. Lowestoft. 18. pg. 1-90.

Camplin, W.C., Mitchell, N.T., Leonard, D.R.P. and Jefferies, D.F. (1986). Radioactivity in surface and coastal waters of the British Isles. Monitoring of fallout from the Chernobyl reactor accident. Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report No. 15. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Lowestoft.

Clark, M.J. (1986). Fallout from Chernobyl. J. Soc. Radiol. Prot. 6(4). pg. 157-166.
1986 UK Milk 131I 500 Bq/l
1986 UK Milk 137Cs 500 Bq/l
1986 UK Grass 131I 15,000 Bq/m2
1986 UK Grass 137Cs 10,000 Bq/m2

Clark, M.J. and Smith, F.B. (1988). Wet and dry deposition of Chernobyl releases. Nature. 332. pg. 245-249.

Copplestone, D., Jackson, D., Hartnoll, R.G., Johnson, M.S., McDonald, P. and Wood, N. (2004). Seasonal variations in activity concentrations of 99Tc and 137Cs in the edible meat fraction of crabs and lobsters from the central Irish Sea. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 73(1). pg. 29-48.

Fry, F.A., Clarke, R.H. and O'Riordan, M.C. (1986). Early estimates of UK radiation doses from the Chernobyl reactor. Nature. 321. pg. 193-195.

Fulker, M.J. (1987). Aspects of environmental monitoring by British Nuclear Fuels plc following the Chernobyl reactor accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 5. pg. 235-244. Hamilton, E.I., Zou, B. and Clifton, R.J. (1986). The Chernobyl accident - radionuclide fallout in S.W. England. The Science of the Total Environment. 57. pg. 231-251.
8th May SW England Lichen 131I 1,260 Bq/kg
7th June SW England Lichen 137Cs 260 Bq/kg
Her Majesty's Stationery Office. (1986). Levels of radioactivity in the UK from the accident at Chernobyl USSR, on 26 April 1986: A compilation of the results of environmental measurements in the U.K. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London. Hill, C.R., Adam, I., Anderson, W., Ott, R.J. and Sowby, F.D. (1986). Iodine-131 in human thyroids in Britain following Chernobyl. Nature. 321. pg. 655. Howard, B.J., Beresford, N.A., Mayes, R.W. and Lamb, C.S. (1993). Transfer of 131I to sheep milk from vegetation contaminated by Chernobyl fallout. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 19(2). pg. 155-162. Hunt, G.J. (1988). Radioactivity in surface and coastal waters of the British Isles, 1987. In: Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report No. 19. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), Lowestoft. Jackson, D., Jones, S.R., Fulkner, M.J. and Coverdale, N.G.M. (1987). Environmental monitoring in the vicinity of Sellafield following deposition of radioactivity from the Chernobyl accident. J. Soc. Radiol. Prot. 7(2). pg. 75-87. Johnston, K. (1987). UK upland grazing still contaminated. Nature. 326. pg. 821. Johnston, K. (1987). British sheep still contaminated by Chernobyl fallout. Nature. 328. pg. 661. Jones, G.D., Forsyth, P.D. and Appleby, P.G. (1986). Observation of 110mAg in Chernobyl fallout. Nature. 322. pg. 313. Leonard, D.R.P., Camplin, W.C. and Tipple, J.R. (1990). The variability of radiocaesium concentrations in freshwater fish caught in the UK following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident:  An assessment of potential doses to critical group consumers.  In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Environmental Contamination Following a Major Nuclear Accident. IAEA-SM-306/15. IAEA, Vienna.

Livens, F.R., Fowler, D. and Horrill, A.D. (1992). Wet and dry deposition of 131I, 134Cs and 137Cs at an upland site in northern England. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 16(3). pg. 243-254.

Mason, C.F. and MacDonald, S.M. (1988). Radioactivity in otter scats in Britain following the Chernobyl reactor accident. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 37. pg. 131-137.
July 1986 Galloway, Scotland  Otter scats total activity 79,500 Bq/kg dry weight
McAuley, I.R. and Moran, D. (1989). Radiocesium fallout in Ireland from the Chernobyl accident. J. Radiol. Prot. 9(1). pg. 29-32. Mitchell, N.T. and Steele, A.K. (1988). The marine impact of Cesium-134 and -137 from the Chernobyl reactor accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 6. pg. 163-175. Mondon, K.J. and Walters, C.B. (1990).  Measurements of radiocaesium, radiostrontium and plutonium in whole diets following deposition of radioactivity in the UK originating from the Chernobyl power plant accident.  Food Additives and Contaminants. 7(6). pg. 837-848.

Nair, S. and Darley, P.J. (1986). A preliminary assessment of individual doses in the environs of Berkeley, Gloucestershire, following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident. J. Soc. Radiol. Prot. 6(3). pg. 101-108.

National Radiological Protection Board. (1986). Levels of radioactivity in Wales from the accident at Chernobyl, USSR on 26 April 1986: A compilation of the results of environmental measurements in Wales. Welsh Office, National Radiological Protection Board, London.
to May 23, 1986 Wales Milk 131I 190 Bq/l
to May 23, 1986 Wales Milk 137Cs 443 Bq/l

Nicholson, K.W. and Hedgecock, J.B. (1991). Behavior of radioactivity from Chernobyl - weathering from buildings. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 14(3). pg. 225-232.

Rafferty, B., McGee, E.J., Colgan, P.A. and Synnott, H.J. (1993). Dietary intake of radiocesium by free ranging mountain sheep. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 21(1). pg. 33-46.
1986 Ireland Ground deposition 137Cs 15,000 Bq/m2
Sandalls, F.J. and Gaudern, S.L. (1988). Radiocesium on urban surfaces in West Cumbria five months after Chernobyl. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 7. pg. 87-91. Sanderson, D.C.W. and Scott, E.M. (1989). Aerial radiometric survey in West Cumbria 1988: Project N611. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and Foods (MAFF), London. Sherlock, J., Andrews, D., Dunderdale, J., Lally, A. and Shaw, P. (1988). The in vivo measurement of radiocesium activity in lambs. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 7. pg. 215-220.
June 1986 Cumbria Lamb 134,137Cs 3,898 Bq/kg

Walling, D.E. and Bradley, S.B. (1988). Transport and redistribution of Chernobyl fallout radionuclides by fluvial processes: some preliminary evidence. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 10(2). pg. 35-39.

Walters, B. (1988). Chernobyl derived activity in sheep: variation within a single flock and with time. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 7. pg. 99-106. Watson, W.S. (1987). Total body potassium measurement - the effect of fallout from Chernobyl. Clin. Phys. Physiol. Meas. 8(4). pg. 337-341. Welsh Office. (1998). More areas freed from Chernobyl sheep restrictions. W98018-Ag. Welsh Office Press Release, Cardiff.

Wynne, B. (1989). Sheep farming after Chernobyl. Environment. 31(2). pg. 10-39.


Byrne, A.R. (1988). Radioactivity in fungi in Slovenia, Yugoslavia, following the Chernobyl accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 6. pg. 177-183.

Juznic, K. and Fedina, S. (1987). Short Communication: Distribution of 89Sr and 90Sr in Slovenia, Yugoslavia, after the Chernobyl accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity. 5. pg. 159-163.
May 1986 Slovenia Ground deposition Total radiostrontium 5,700 Bq/m2
May 1986 Slovenia Ground deposition 90Sr 420 Bq/m2
May 1986 Slovenia Ground deposition 131I 140,000 Bq/m2
May 1986 Slovenia Ground deposition 134Cs 12,000 Bq/m2
May 1986 Slovenia Ground deposition 137Cs 26,000 Bq/m2

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