Davistown Museum Inventory of Tools Abiel F. Walker

Status Location
92001T3 Skew panel plane bio DTM MH
Wood (beech), brass and cast steel, 15 7/8" long, 1 3/4" wide blade, signed "AFW", blade signed "MOULSON BROTHERS WARRANTED
Abiel F. Walker is the maker, the blade comes from England
101801T2 Tongue and groove planes (matched pair) bio DTM MH
Oak and brass, 11 7/16" long, signed "AFW".
These both have a brass lower plate instead of the characteristic iron plate of the factory-made tongue and groove planes.
Historic Maritime IV (1840-1865): The Early Industrial Revolution
Woodworking: Planes
101801T3 Complex molding plane bio DTM MH
Wood (beech), cast steel blade, 9 3/4" long, signed "J. T. Jones Philadelphia" with owner signature "AFW".
Pollak (2001) lists J. T. Jones as working in Philadelphia between 1831 and 1846.
101801T4 Molding plane bio DTM MH
Wood (beech), cast steel blade, boxwood spline, 9 3/8" long, signed "Union Factory H. Chapin".
Pollak lists the H. Chapin, Union Factory dates as 1828 - 1860. It was one of the more prolific early factory period manufacturers.
101801T5 Remaining planes in Abiel Walker's toolkit bio DTM MH
Wood (beech), cast steel blades, signed "AFW" on some.
Two more Union Factory planes, a quarter round molding plane signed with "AFW", a small sash plane signed with "AFW", and a number of
undistinguished later molding planes.

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