Links to Environmental History Resources
Center for Biological Monitoring
Biodiversity Research Institute: 19 Flaggy Meadow Road, Gorham, ME 04038, (207) 839-7600.
Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Supports breast cancer research and awareness programs.
BioMedSearch: A search engine for biological and medical research similar to NIH PubMed.
College of the Atlantic: 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor, ME 04609, (207) 288-5015.
Marine Environmental Research Institute (MERI): PO Box 1652, Blue Hill, ME, 04614, (207) 374-2135.
Mesothelioma: 2317 North Wickham Road Melbourne, Florida 32935
Mesothelioma Group: 121 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 1410, Orlando, FL 32801, 888-708-5660.