Hi, my name is Jay Sawyer and Stemwinder Sculpture Works & Gardens represents two passions in my life; creativity and independence. The "Sculpture Works" part actually started as Sawyer's Welding & Mobile Repair in 1994, after working several years as a Marine Engineer. Fabrication, repair and maintenance skills were fine tuned. Suddenly requests were coming from artists, gallery owners and architects for consultation and collaboration. Along with great input from a handful of mentors, this has allowed my shop to evolve into a well-rounded "studio". The "Gardens" part is a result of almost thirty years of effort to highlight the natural beauty of the property we are lucky to own. What you will experience when you visit the sculpture garden is a wonderful marriage of nature and art. You can stroll over three acres of lawn, pond and pine grove where dozens of sculptures are carefully sited, most for sale. Most of the sculpture is inspired by found objects or discarded materials. This inevitably leads to a body of work with a wide variety, however, most are rustic and very suitable for outdoor environments. My appreciation for form and balance is applied to these materials that represent time and a previous purpose for existing, giving each piece its own unique story. There are literally hundreds of you I want to thank for supporting my dreams. I invite you to take a ride with me and see where this thing goes! See you when you get here........

First Friday art walk. Portland, ME, December 2013. Jay's son, Jacob assisting. Congress Street closed to vehicles for Circus In The Streets. Circus Conservatory of America put on the event.
Jay Sawyer was recently featured in the Penobscot Bay Pilot

Stemwinder Sculpture 2012 open studio dates:
Every Sunday & Monday, June - October, 10am-5pm Open studios scheduled for the following Saturdays:
June 2, 2012
July 7, 2012
August 4, 2012
September 1, 2012
October 6, 2012
October 27, 2012
**Hours 10am-5pm**
It has been a while since updating many of you and I apologize. Suddenly, things are in full bloom here at Stemwinder. Lots of news to share and progress to report but it is hard to know where to start.
A couple of loose ends will be wrapped up soon. I will be installing a bronze plaque next to my first piece of public art here in Warren. It has been purchased by the park committee and Bob Williams has delivered it to my studio. Will be setting it in the rail hopefully next week. This will make the project of "Sunrise At Woolen Mill Park" complete. I am also close to completing the process of "Endless Trot"'s purchase by the Owls Head Transportation Museum. The sculpture is back at my studio for work on the attachment to its recently completed stone base. The site where it will be placed at the museum is almost ready for her. Only thing left will be determining the text on the signage! Two significant achievements I am happy to share with you.
There is a fair amount of new work in the gardens and very happy with all of it. Several spheres that I made with the shear rings that David McLaughlin left to me. "A Spirit Of It's Own" just wowed the crowd at the Maine Home + Design Home Show and "Samosphere IV" is slowly making its way to be on display at the Samoset Resort, a natural fit!
Recently, I had my first sale over the net. Ended up delivering "Feeling' Lucky V" to a couple in PA then drove to VA to pick a bunch of used horseshoes that allowed me to finish another special piece, "You're Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover". I am confident this piece will find a home soon and number two is well under way. The new season at Stemwinder has already brought sales and two commissions are already confirmed and completed!
On the marketing front, I have become a member of ArtCollectorMaine.com and this enables me to upload images, dimension and pricing even with my Internet Challenge! They work hard to promote Maine art with a national ad campaign and all of the followers of Maine magazine and Maine Home + Design magazine. This is their first year and things seem to be taking off very well.
There is now a large sign on my Rt 90 frontage with big and bold open hours. That fills a huge number of requests. People driving by still don't know who I am or what I do but they know when I'm open! Hey, there's only one of me. So, I am a bit tardy but wanted you all to know that I'm still kicking and this coming Saturday has been declared an Open Studio. I am also open every Sunday and Monday, 10-5, through October. Full schedule is at StemwinderSculpture.com Along with directions for the few that haven't been here yet for the "Stemwinder Experience". Look for that patriotic pickup!!!
One more time I would like to take the opportunity to thank every single one of you for your support and encouragement. Some have bought art, some have mentored and some just really want to see this thing fly and you are all great for morale!!
Country Roads Artists & Artisans Tour 2010 Friday, September 14, 2012 - Sunday, September 16, 2012
Kennebunkport Festival, Colony Hotel, June 8th, 5-7pm
The Maine Home + Design Show, Rockport, June 30 + July 1
An article in The Portland Herald on Jay Sawyer's tribute to David McLaughlin
Stemwinder Sculpture Gallery

9 3/8" diameter
Metal Wrenches
$900.00 |