Contact Information:
Annaliese Jakimides
(private, withheld, or not yet submitted)
Annaliese Jakimides' essays, poetry, and short stories
have been published in Hip Mama, The MacGuffin, Puckerbrush Review,
Beloit Poetry Journal, The Southeast Review, Animus, Maine Times, Bangor
Metro, and GQ Italy, among others. Essays have been included in collections
such as The Essential Hip Mama and Room to Grow ("Choice" is currently
required reading for all incoming freshmen at the University of South Carolina).
Short fiction is forthcoming in Leaving Home, a collection edited by Molly
McQuade. She recently returned from an East Coast reading tour with other
contributors to the collection The Essential Hip Mama. Her poem "Dragon
of Light in the Water" was awarded the Friends of Acadia Prize for Poetry
in 2004. Her short stories have been cited in national competitions.
Annaliese is a freelance copy editor and the assistant
director of the Belfast Poetry Festival, 10/7-10/9, 2005. She was
educated at Girls' Latin School, Boston, Middlebury College, and Vermont
College. She has taught at the Young Writers' Symposium at Haystack,
Voices in the North Country Writers Conference, Schoodic Arts Festival,
the Maine Women's Studies conferences, and New England Reading Association
and Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance events, among others.
It is important to Annaliese that her collages tell a
story, as her written works do. Her mixed media works employ pressed
botanicals, metals, fiber, and other materials. Although her work
is/has been shown at North Country Textiles in Blue Hill and Leapin' Lizard
Gallery in Bar Harbor, it is normally sold privately.
A longtime resident of Mt. Chase, she now lives in Bangor.
She is at work on a collection of essays and short fiction.
Work in Other Galleries or Collections