Jody Harrington
e-mail: jh956@yahoo.com
Telephone: 207-213-3256 / 207-549-6051
In 1976 I spent my junior year abroad at the University of Mexico. That "year" became 25 years, pulled by a force that tells you "this is where you are supposed to be for now." I would not be the artist I am today without the influence fo the Mexican culture.
Until 1990, my art was figurative realism. I was restless, wanting to express the intangible energy, harmony and poetry we perceive in life but cannot physically grasp; flowing of seconds into minutes, into time and our individual and collective existence. I began to experiment with paths of simple black lines as a time line, the backbone of a narration; applying color as the human spirit that marks the experience.
"Jody Harrington's work is an art of abstraction, of a restricted palette and ample space. Her art establishes a strict relation between plane and form through linear balance and color zones, creating a poetic space within virtual time. There are references in her oil paintings and pastel drawings to the precepts of Kandinsky in the configuration fos pace with the elements of point and line on teh plane. The dynamics her work rotate around fixed axes, reminding us of Calder's mobiles transposed on canvas or paper."
Intuition plays an important role, functioning as what measures and then solidifies the poetic space, obtaining minimal discourse of the interpreted theme. Harrington's style is an extension of herself, resulting in an original artistic proposal, as much for the intuitive conceptual quality as well as technical." --Francisco Marmata (1949-2001) Architect and Visual Artist, Mexico City

April at Pemaquid
Oil on canvas
20" x 16"

Winter Seas
25" x 19"

Winter Thaw Series
Oleo on canvas
8" x 8" (each)
$150.00 (each) |
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