Davistown Museum Inventory of Tools Stanley Rule & Level Co.

Status Location
040103T2 Coopers' shave photo photo DTM MH
Cast grey iron with steel blade, 23" long, 2 1/8" blade, signed "Stanley" and "57".
This coopers' shave is a Stanley no. 57, type one, manufactured c. 1870. It signifies the appearance of mass-produced factory made tools.
Coopers had been producing their wooden barrels and kegs from time immemorial. This handy coopers' tool appeared just at the twilight of
the era of the cooper, whose handiwork was soon superseded by factory-made tin and steel containers.
92112T10 Ball peen hammer bio DTM TT
Malleable cast iron, wood (hickory), 16" long, 4 1/2" long head, 1 1/2" diameter face, signed "HERCULES FORGED STEEL HAMMER
121412T2 Claw hammer bio DTM TT
Cast steel, wood (hickory), 13" long, 5" long head, 1 1/16" diameter face, signed "STANLEY 5 1/2 16-OZ".
3312T7 Claw hammer head bio DTM TT
Cast steel, 5 1/2" long, 2" tall, 1" wide, 1" diameter face, signed "STANLEY 101 ½ 16 OZ".
Courtesy of Liberty Tool Co.
041505T4 Cross peen hammer bio photo DTM MH
Drop-forged steel and wood, 16" long including wooden handle, 1 3/4" beveled face, 4 1/2" long head, signed "DEFIANCE" on head and
"DEFIANCE SOLID STEEL HAMMER" on a paper label on the handle, c. 1930.
The torn label also reads "Atha Department Stanley Rule & Level, Plant ______, New Britain, Conn. USA". The plant name is obscured. This
is a nice example of a modern drop-forged steel hammer. It is the bottom right hammer in the photograph. This hammer is part of the hammer
study group.
Logging Tools
22211T14 Folding caliper rule bio DTM TT
Boxwood and brass, 24" long (extended), 12" long (folded), 3/4" wide, 1/8" thick, signed "STANLEY RULE" "& LEVEL CO." "No 6".
This is a Stanley No. 6 rule. It has a twofold scale, each leg is 12". There is a brass caliper on one leg and a board foot scale on the other
leg. Part of the Robert Sullivan Collection donation.
22211T15 Folding rule (board scale) bio DTM TT
Boxwood and brass, 24" long (extended), 6" long (folded), 5/8" wide, 1/8" thick, signed "No 82".
This is a Stanley No. 82 rule. The scale on one side is in inches and on the other it is in board feet for measuring logs. Part of the Robert
Sullivan Collection donation.
22211T13 Folding rule (board scale) bio DTM TT
Boxwood and brass, 24" long (extended), 6" long (folded), 5/8" wide, 1/8" thick, signed "STANLEY RULE" "& LEVEL CO." "NEW BRITAIN,
CONN." and on opposite side "No 81".
This is a Stanley No. 81 rule. The scale on one side is in inches and on the other it is in board feet for measuring logs. Part of the Robert
Sullivan Collection donation.
Measuring Tools
52408T6 Level bio DTM MH-O
Wood, brass, and glass, 5 1/2" long, 1 1/4" wide, 1 1/2" high, signed "STANLEY" "RULE & LEVEL CO." "New Britain Ct.".
31808SLP14 Square bio photo DTM TT
Steel, 7 3/8" long rule, 4 3/4" long handle, signed "STANLEY" on the handle and "HMC0" on the rule.
Miscellaneous Tools
42801T18 Pry bar bio DTM MH
Drop-forged steel, signed with the distinctive Atha and horseshoe trademark enclosing the letter A..
101701T18 Screwdriver bio DTM MH
Drop-forged steel, wood, 7" long, signed "Stanley No 45 Made in USA".
This is a classic example of Stanley's fine 20th century screwdrivers.
111900T11 Screwdriver bio DTM MH
Drop-forged steel, wood, 4 1/8" long, signed "Stanley Hurwood Pat April 01 Made in USA".
"Shortly after George Wood was granted the above patent (no. 671,039) on 2 April 1901, he went into business with John Hurley to
manufacture screwdrivers. They set up a shop in Plantsville, Connecticut, and named the new company using their last names. The founding
of the Hurwood Manufacturing Company marked the beginning of the 11 solid bar screwdriver." The company was sold to the Stanley Rule &
Level Co. in 1904 (Jacob, June 2002, The Chronicle).

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